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首先权限掩码umask是chmod配套的,总共为4位(gid/uid,属主,组权,其它用户的权限),不过通常我们都只用到后面3个,第一个是特殊的权限位,暂时没有很了解。比如chmod 0777 file 就代表给file设置属主、组内用户、其他用户分别是rwx、rwx、rwx的权限。
掩码,顾名思义,是用来掩盖了一些bit,这些bit在这里就表示权限,比如从上面的图我们可以看到0002就是掩盖了其他用户的w权限(o=rx),因为2在二进制是010,我们创建文件时候规定的文件权限***是要和掩码的反码按位相与的,这样才可以屏蔽掉某个位。比如创建文件的时候指定了0666,那么0666 & ~0002 = 0664,最终建立的文件权限为 rw-rw-r--。
另外,linux下(不包含权限掩码umask)规定了文件的默认权限是0666(去除了执行权限x可以减少非常多的攻击,因为很多病毒文件如果创建出来没有执行权限的话,就失去了意义),目录的默认权限是0777。所以,我们如果新建一个文件,文件权限还要和权限掩码umask按位相与,即0666 & ~0002 = 0664(我的电脑上),最后得到的0664(rw-rw-r--)才是文件的真正权限,同理,创建一个目录(0777 & ~0002 = 0775,即rwxrwxr-x)也一样:
If the file exists, this flag has no effect except as noted under O_EXCL below. Otherwise, the file is created; the user ID of the file is set to the effective user ID of the process; the group ID of the file is set to the group ID of the file‘s parent directory or to the effective group ID of the process; and the access permission bits (see <sys/stat.h>) of the file mode are set to the value of the third argument taken as type mode_t modified as follows: a bitwise-AND is performed on the file-mode bits and the corresponding bits in the complement of the process‘ file mode creation mask. Thus, all bits in the file mode whose corresponding bit in the file mode creation mask is set are cleared. When bits other than the file permission bits are set, the effect is unspecified. The third argument does not affect whether the file is open for reading, writing or for both.