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ShopEx访问提示Incompatible file format: The encoded file has format major ID 2, whereas the Loader expects 4

Fatal error: Incompatible file format: The encoded file has format major ID 2, whereas the Loader expects 4 in /home/cpusername/public_html/test/core/include_v5/defined.php on line 0
检测了服务器的环境,发现php是5.3.10版本的,论坛上看了下这个问题主要是php 5.3和Zend Optimizer之间的兼容导致的,换回5.2版本如5.2.17版本就OK了。方法为WHM中重新编译Apache。点击Main>>Software>>EasyApache(Apache Update)然后一步一步往下点,在PHP Minor Version中选择5.2.17即可(已经不推荐使用这个版本了,cPanel支持最新的php版本是5.3.10,但是为了解决Zend Optimizer兼容问题,只能继续用5.2.17版本。)

之后点击Next Step,在接下来的页面点击Save and Build按钮编译Apache即可,编译完成可以看到:


ShopEx访问提示Incompatible file format: The encoded file has format major ID 2, whereas the Loader expects 4