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金蝶 更新价格分录表触发器

 1 create trigger [dbo].[xzz_t] on [dbo].[ICSale] for 
 2 update as begin
 3 if update(FStatus)  
 4 begin   
 5 if isnull((select FStatus from inserted ),0)=1 
 6 and isnull((select FStatus from deleted ),0)=0  
 8 declare @fin int  set @fin=(select finterid from inserted)
 9 update c set FEndDate=dateadd(dd,-1,GETDATE())
10 from ICSale a inner join ICSaleEntry b on a.FInterID=b.finterid 
11 inner join ICPrcPlyEntry c on 
12 a.FCustID=c.FRelatedID and b.FItemID=c.FItemID and b.FtaxPrice<>c.FPrice
13 where a.finterid=@fin
15 update c set FEndDate=2100-10-1
16 from ICSale a inner join ICSaleEntry b on a.FInterID=b.finterid 
17 inner join ICPrcPlyEntry c on 
18 a.FCustID=c.FRelatedID and b.FItemID=c.FItemID and b.FtaxPrice=c.FPrice
19 where a.finterid=@fin
21 INSERT INTO [dbo].[ICPrcPlyEntry]
22            ([FInterID],[FItemID],[FRelatedID],[FModel]
23            ,[FAuxPropID],[FUnitID],[FBegQty]
24            ,[FEndQty],[FCuryID],[FPriceType],[FPrice],[FBegDate]
25            ,[FEndDate],[FLeadTime],[FNote],[FChecked]
26            ,[FIndex],[FTime],[FID],[FBase],[FBase1]
27            ,[FBegQty_Base],[FEndQty_Base],[FInteger],[FClassTypeID],[FBCust]
28            ,[FB2CustCls],[FB2Emp],[FB2EmpCls],[FB2VipGrp]
29            ,[FB2Cust],[FB2ItemID],[FB2Item],[FFlagSave]
30            ,[FCreator],[FOperator])
31 select distinct 2,b.fitemid,a.FCustID,0,0,b.FUnitID,0,0,1,0,b.FTaxPrice,a.FDate,2100-01-01,0,‘‘,
32 1,0,null,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,‘‘,0,0
33 from ICSale a inner join ICSaleEntry b on a.FInterID=b.finterid 
34 left join ICPrcPlyEntry c on a.FCustID=c.FRelatedID and b.FItemID=c.FItemID 
35 and c.FPrice=b.FtaxPrice 
36 where a.FROB=1 and c.FItemID is null and a.finterid=@fin 
38 update b set FConsignPrice=c.ftaxprice,FConsignAmount=c.FTaxPrice*fqty
39 from icstockbill a inner join icstockbillentry b on a.FInterID=b.finterid 
40 inner join (select distinct a.fdate,a.FCustID,b.FItemID,b.ftaxprice 
41 from ICSale a inner join ICSaleEntry b on a.FInterID=b.finterid 
42 where a.FROB=1  and a.finterid=@fin ) c on c.FCustID=a.FSupplyID and c.FItemID=b.FItemID
43 and YEAR(c.fdate)=YEAR(a.fdate) and MONTH(c.fdate)=MONTH(a.fdate)
45 end end


金蝶 更新价格分录表触发器