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B. Vasya and Wrestling





AC Code:

 1 #include <iostream> 2 #include <stdio.h> 3 #include <algorithm> 4 #include <cstring> 5 #include <string.h> 6 #include <math.h> 7 #include <queue> 8 #include <stack> 9 #include <stdlib.h>10 #include <map>11 using namespace std;12 #define LL long long 13 #define sf(a) scanf("%d",&(a));14 #define N 50005015 char name1[N],name2[N];16 int f1[N],f2[N];17 int t1,t2;18 int flag=0;19 int deal(){20     //判断f1 与 f2的字典序那个大。21     int a,b;a=b=0;22     while(a<t1 && b<t2){23 24         if(f1[a] == f2[b]){25             a++;b++;26             continue;27         }28         else if(f1[a]>f2[b]) return 1;29         else return 0;30 31     }32     if(t1==a && t2==b) {33         if(flag==1) return 1;34         else return 0;35     }36     if(t2==b) return 1;  //t2先完了   t1长,其字典序比较大;37     return 0;38 }39 int main()40 {41     int n;//t1=t2=0;42     LL num1,num2;num1=num2=0;43     scanf("%d",&n);44     while(n--){45         int t;46         scanf("%d",&t);47         if(t>0) {48             num1 += t;49             flag=1;50             f1[t1++] = t;51         }52         else{53             num2 += (-t);54             flag=2;55             f2[t2++] = (-t);56         }57     }58     if(num1>num2) printf("first\n");59     else if(num1<num2) printf("second\n");60     else{61         if(deal()) printf("first\n");62         else printf("second\n");63     }64     return 0;65 }


B. Vasya and Wrestling