首页 > 代码库 > Mysql中使用存储过程返回查询多个表的数据信息


-- 测试手机号call P_Base_CheckLogin(15584463676);-- 测试登录名call P_Base_CheckLogin(sch000001)-- 测试身份证号call P_Base_CheckLogin(080428402304032042)-- 测试学生手机号call P_Base_CheckLogin(13019212198)drop PROCEDURE IF EXISTS P_Base_CheckLogin;create procedure  P_Base_CheckLogin(v_loginName      VARCHAR(255))  label:BEGIN                    -- 手机号匹配        SELECT v_loginName REGEXP "^[1][35678][0-9]{9}$" into @checkResult;                    if @checkResult=1 then                                     select p.person_id,p.identity_id,p.person_name  into @person_id,@identity_id,@person_name from  t_base_person p  where p.tel=v_loginName limit 1;                if @person_id is not null THEN                    select l.login_name,l.login_password  into @login_name,@login_password from t_sys_loginperson l where l.person_id=@person_id and l.IDENTITY_ID=@identity_id;                    select @login_name as USER_NAME,@person_id as PERSON_ID,@identity_id as IDENTITY_ID ,@person_name as REAL_NAME,@login_password as PASSWORD;                    LEAVE label;                end if;                                -- 学生的手机号匹配                 select p.student_id,6 as identity_id into @person_id,@identity_id  from t_base_student as p where p.STU_TEL=v_loginName limit 1;                if @person_id is not null THEN                    select l.login_name,l.login_password  into @login_name,@login_password from t_sys_loginperson l where l.person_id=@person_id and l.IDENTITY_ID=@identity_id;                    select @login_name as USER_NAME,@person_id as PERSON_ID,@identity_id as IDENTITY_ID ,@person_name as REAL_NAME,@login_password as PASSWORD;                    LEAVE label;                end if;        end if;            -- 身份证号匹配         select f_base_check_id_number(v_loginName) into @checkResult;        if @checkResult=1 then                 select person_id,identity_id,person_name into @person_id,@identity_id,@person_name from  t_base_person p where p.IDENTITY_NUM=v_loginName limit 1;                if @person_id is not null THEN                    select l.login_name,l.login_password  into @login_name,@login_password from t_sys_loginperson l where l.person_id=@person_id and l.IDENTITY_ID=@identity_id;                    select @login_name as USER_NAME,@person_id as PERSON_ID,@identity_id as IDENTITY_ID ,@person_name as REAL_NAME,@login_password as PASSWORD;                    LEAVE label;                end if;        end if;    -- 正常登录名查询        select l.login_name,person_id,identity_id,l.person_name,l.login_password into @login_name,@person_id,@identity_id,@person_name,@login_password from t_sys_loginperson l where l.login_name=v_loginName limit 1;        if @person_id is not null THEN            select @login_name as USER_NAME,@person_id as PERSON_ID,@identity_id as IDENTITY_ID ,@person_name as REAL_NAME,@login_password as PASSWORD;            LEAVE label;        end if;                END;
drop function if EXISTS f_base_check_id_number;CREATE  FUNCTION `f_base_check_id_number`(`idnumber` CHAR(18))    RETURNS enum(1,0)    LANGUAGE SQL    NOT DETERMINISTIC    NO SQL    SQL SECURITY DEFINER    COMMENT ‘‘BEGINDECLARE status ENUM(1,0) default 0;DECLARE verify CHAR(1);DECLARE sigma INT;DECLARE remainder INT;IF length(idnumber) = 18 THEN    set sigma = cast(substring(idnumber,1,1) as UNSIGNED) * 7        +cast(substring(idnumber,2,1) as UNSIGNED) * 9        +cast(substring(idnumber,3,1) as UNSIGNED) * 10        +cast(substring(idnumber,4,1) as UNSIGNED) * 5        +cast(substring(idnumber,5,1) as UNSIGNED) * 8        +cast(substring(idnumber,6,1) as UNSIGNED) * 4        +cast(substring(idnumber,7,1) as UNSIGNED) * 2        +cast(substring(idnumber,8,1) as UNSIGNED) * 1        +cast(substring(idnumber,9,1) as UNSIGNED) * 6        +cast(substring(idnumber,10,1) as UNSIGNED) * 3        +cast(substring(idnumber,11,1) as UNSIGNED) * 7        +cast(substring(idnumber,12,1) as UNSIGNED) * 9        +cast(substring(idnumber,13,1) as UNSIGNED) * 10        +cast(substring(idnumber,14,1) as UNSIGNED) * 5        +cast(substring(idnumber,15,1) as UNSIGNED) * 8        +cast(substring(idnumber,16,1) as UNSIGNED) * 4        +cast(substring(idnumber,17,1) as UNSIGNED) * 2;    set remainder = MOD(sigma,11);    set verify = (case remainder        when 0 then 1 when 1 then 0 when 2 then X when 3 then 9        when 4 then 8 when 5 then 7 when 6 then 6 when 7 then 5        when 8 then 4 when 9 then 3 when 10 then 2 else / end    );END IF;IF right(idnumber,1) = verify THEN    set status = 1;END IF;RETURN status;END    

