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[500lines]500行代码写web server

项目地址:https://github.com/aosabook/500lines/tree/master/web-server.作者是来自Mozilla的Greg Wilson.项目是用py2写成.下面文章中贴出的是已经转换后的能在python3.4下运行的代码,所以可能会与原先的有少许不同.





 1 import http.server 2  3 class RequestHandler(http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler): 4     ‘‘‘Handle HTTP requests by returning a fixed ‘page‘.‘‘‘ 5  6     # Page to send back. 7     Page = ‘‘‘ 8 <html> 9 <body>10 <p>Hello, web!</p>11 </body>12 </html>13 ‘‘‘14 15     # Handle a GET request.                       16 17     def do_GET(self):18         self.send_response(200)19         self.send_header("Content-type", "text/html")20         self.send_header("Content-Length", str(len(self.Page)))21         self.end_headers()22         self.wfile.write(bytearray(page,"gbk"))23 24 #----------------------------------------------------------------------25 26 if __name__ == ‘__main__‘:27     serverAddress = (‘‘, 8080)28     server = http.server.HTTPServer(serverAddress, RequestHandler)29     server.serve_forever()




 1 import http.server 2  3 class RequestHandler(http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler): 4     ‘‘‘Respond to HTTP requests with info about the request.‘‘‘ 5  6     # Template for page to send back. 7     Page = ‘‘‘ 8 <html> 9 <body>10 <table>11 <tr>  <td>Header</td>         <td>Value</td>           </tr>12 <tr>  <td>Date and time</td>  <td>%(date_time)s</td>   </tr>13 <tr>  <td>Client host</td>    <td>%(client_host)s</td> </tr>14 <tr>  <td>Client port</td>    <td>%(client_port)s</td> </tr>15 <tr>  <td>Command</td>        <td>%(command)s</td>     </tr>16 <tr>  <td>Path</td>           <td>%(path)s</td>        </tr>17 </table>18 </body>19 </html>20 ‘‘‘21 22     # Handle a request by constructing an HTML page that echoes the23     # request back to the caller.24     def do_GET(self):25         page = self.create_page()26         self.send_page(page)27 28     # Create an information page to send.29     def create_page(self):30         values = {31             ‘date_time‘   : self.date_time_string(),32             ‘client_host‘ : self.client_address[0],33             ‘client_port‘ : self.client_address[1],34             ‘command‘     : self.command,35             ‘path‘        : self.path36         }37         page = self.Page % values38         return page39 40     # Send the created page.41     def send_page(self, page):42         self.send_response(200)43         self.send_header("Content-type", "text/html")44         self.send_header("Content-Length", str(len(page)))45         self.end_headers()46         self.wfile.write(bytearray(page,"gbk"))47 48 #----------------------------------------------------------------------49 50 if __name__ == ‘__main__‘:51     serverAddress = (‘‘, 8080)52     server = http.server.HTTPServer(serverAddress, RequestHandler)53     server.serve_forever()





 1 import sys, os, http.server 2  3 class ServerException(Exception): 4     ‘‘‘For internal error reporting.‘‘‘ 5     pass 6  7 class RequestHandler(http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler): 8     ‘‘‘ 9     If the requested path maps to a file, that file is served.10     If anything goes wrong, an error page is constructed.11     ‘‘‘12 13     # How to display an error.14     Error_Page = """15         <html>16         <body>17         <h1>Error accessing %(path)s</h1>18         <p>%(msg)s</p>19         </body>20         </html>21         """22 23     # Classify and handle request.24     def do_GET(self):25         try:26 27             # Figure out what exactly is being requested.28             full_path = os.getcwd() + self.path29             print(self.path," ",full_path)30             # It doesn‘t exist...31             if not os.path.exists(full_path):32                 raise ServerException("‘%s‘ not found" % self.path)33 34             # ...it‘s a file...35             elif os.path.isfile(full_path):36                 self.handle_file(full_path)37 38             # ...it‘s something we don‘t handle.39             else:40                 raise ServerException("Unknown object ‘%s‘" % self.path)41 42         # Handle errors.43         except Exception as msg:44             self.handle_error(msg)45 46     def handle_file(self, full_path):47         try:48             with open(full_path, ‘r‘) as input:49                 content = input.read()50             self.send_content(content)51         except IOError as msg:52             msg = "‘%s‘ cannot be read: %s" % (self.path, msg)53             self.handle_error(msg)54 55     # Handle unknown objects.56     def handle_error(self, msg):57         content = self.Error_Page % {‘path‘ : self.path,58                                      ‘msg‘  : msg}59         self.send_content(content)60 61     # Send actual content.62     def send_content(self, content):63         self.send_response(200)64         self.send_header("Content-type", "text/html")65         self.send_header("Content-Length", str(len(content)))66         self.end_headers()67         self.wfile.write(bytearray(content,"gbk"))68 69 #----------------------------------------------------------------------70 71 if __name__ == ‘__main__‘:72     serverAddress = (‘‘, 8080)73     server = http.server.HTTPServer(serverAddress, RequestHandler)74     server.serve_forever()





 1 import sys, os, http.server 2  3 class ServerException(Exception): 4     ‘‘‘For internal error reporting.‘‘‘ 5     pass 6  7 class RequestHandler(http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler): 8     ‘‘‘ 9     If the requested path maps to a file, that file is served.10     If anything goes wrong, an error page is constructed.11     ‘‘‘12 13     # How to display a directory listing.14     Listing = ‘‘‘15 <html>16 <body>17 <ul>18 %s19 </ul>20 </body>21 </html>22 ‘‘‘23 24     # How to display an error.25     Error_Page = """26         <html>27         <body>28         <h1>Error accessing %(path)s</h1>29         <p>%(msg)s</p>30         </body>31         </html>32         """33 34     # Classify and handle request.35     def do_GET(self):36         try:37 38             # Figure out what exactly is being requested.39             full_path = os.getcwd() + self.path40 41             # It doesn‘t exist...42             if not os.path.exists(full_path):43                 raise ServerException("‘%s‘ not found" % self.path)44 45             # ...it‘s a file...46             elif os.path.isfile(full_path):47                 self.handle_file(full_path)48 49             # ...it‘s a directory...50             elif os.path.isdir(full_path):51                 self.list_dir(full_path)52 53             # ...it‘s something we don‘t handle.54             else:55                 raise ServerException("Unknown object ‘%s‘" % self.path)56 57         # Handle errors.58         except Exception as msg:59             self.handle_error(msg)60 61     def handle_file(self, full_path):62         try:63             with open(full_path, ‘r‘) as input:64                 content = input.read()65             self.send_content(content)66         except IOError as msg:67             msg = "‘%s‘ cannot be read: %s" % (self.path, msg)68             self.handle_error(msg)69 70     def list_dir(self, full_path):71         try:72             entries = os.listdir(full_path)73             bullets = [‘<li>%s</li>‘ % e for e in entries if not e.startswith(‘.‘)]74             page = self.Listing % ‘\n‘.join(bullets)75             self.send_content(page)76         except OSError as msg:77             msg = "‘%s‘ cannot be listed: %s" % (self.path, msg)78             self.handle_error(msg)79 80     # Handle unknown objects.81     def handle_error(self, msg):82         content = self.Error_Page % {‘path‘ : self.path,83                                      ‘msg‘  : msg}84         self.send_content(content)85 86     # Send actual content.87     def send_content(self, content):88         self.send_response(200)89         self.send_header("Content-type", "text/html")90         self.send_header("Content-Length", str(len(content)))91         self.end_headers()92         self.wfile.write(bytearray(content,"gbk"))93 94 #----------------------------------------------------------------------95 96 if __name__ == ‘__main__‘:97     serverAddress = (‘‘, 8080)98     server = http.server.HTTPServer(serverAddress, RequestHandler)99     server.serve_forever()





在例子4和例子3中,我们拼接全路径是通过full_path = os.getcwd() + self.path来拼接.也就是说比如你的server.py位于D盘,那么你的full_path就只能是D:\xxxxx这种形式.

那么在例子5里,我们通过在启动server.py时通过命令行的方式(比如:python server.py -v C:\)传参一个根目录,那么这时候就能处理C:\XXXX路径的文件了.


  1 import sys, os, http.server  2   3 class RequestHandler(http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):  4   5     # Root of files being served.  6     Root_Directory = None  7   8     # Is debugging output on?  9     Debug = False 10  11     # HTTP error codes. 12     ERR_NO_PERM   = 403 13     ERR_NOT_FOUND = 404 14     ERR_INTERNAL  = 500 15  16     # How to display a single item in a directory listing. 17     Listing_Item = "<li>%s</li>" 18  19     # How to display a whole page of listings. 20     Listing_Page = """ 21         <html> 22         <body> 23         <h1>Listing for %(path)s</h1> 24         <ul> 25         %(filler)s 26         </ul> 27         </body> 28         </html> 29         """ 30  31     # Classify and handle request. 32     def do_GET(self): 33  34         self.log("path is ‘%s‘" % self.path) 35  36         # Handle any errors that arise. 37         try: 38  39             # Class not yet initialized. 40             if self.Root_Directory is None: 41                 self.err_internal("Root directory not set") 42                 return 43  44             # Figure out what exactly is being requested. 45             abs_path = self.create_abs_path() 46             self.log("abs_path is ‘%s‘" % abs_path) 47  48             # It isn‘t below the root path. 49             if not self.is_parent_dir(self.Root_Directory, abs_path): 50                 self.log("abs_path not below root directory") 51                 msg = "Path ‘%s‘ not below root directory ‘%s‘" %  52                       (abs_path, self.Root_Directory) 53                 self.err_no_perm(msg) 54  55             # It doesn‘t exist. 56             elif not os.path.exists(abs_path): 57                 self.log("abs_path doesn‘t exist") 58                 self.err_not_found(abs_path) 59  60             # It‘s a file. 61             elif os.path.isfile(abs_path): 62                 self.log("abs_path is a file") 63                 self.handle_file(abs_path) 64  65             # It‘s a directory. 66             elif os.path.isdir(abs_path): 67                 self.log("abs_path is a directory") 68                 self.handle_dir(abs_path) 69  70             # ...we can‘t tell. 71             else: 72                 self.log("can‘t tell what abs_path is") 73                 self.err_not_found(abs_path) 74  75         # Handle general errors. 76         except Exception as msg: 77             self.err_internal("Unexpected exception: %s" % msg) 78  79     def create_abs_path(self): 80         head = os.path.abspath(self.Root_Directory) 81         result = os.path.normpath(head + self.path) 82         return result 83  84     def is_parent_dir(self, left, right): 85         return os.path.commonprefix([left, right]) == left 86  87     def handle_file(self, abs_path): 88         try: 89             input = open(abs_path, "r") 90             content = input.read() 91             input.close() 92             self.send_content(content) 93         except IOError as msg: 94             msg = "‘%s‘ cannot be read: %s" % (self.path, msg) 95             self.err_no_perm(msg) 96  97     def handle_dir(self, abs_path): 98         try: 99             listing = os.listdir(abs_path)100             filler = ‘\n‘.join([(self.Listing_Item % item) for item in listing])101             content = self.Listing_Page % {‘path‘   : self.path,102                                            ‘filler‘ : filler}103             self.send_content(content)104         except IOError as msg:105             msg = "‘%s‘ cannot be listed: %s" % (self.path, msg)106             self.send_error(ERR_NO_PERM, msg)107 108     # Send actual content.109     def send_content(self, content):110         self.send_response(200)111         self.send_header("Content-type", "text/html")112         self.send_header("Content-Length", str(len(content)))113         self.end_headers()114         self.wfile.write(bytearray(content,"gbk"))115 116     # Report internal errors.117     def err_internal(self, msg):118         self.send_error(self.ERR_INTERNAL, msg)119 120     # Handle missing object errors.121     def err_not_found(self, abs_path):122         self.send_error(self.ERR_NOT_FOUND, "‘%s‘ not found" % self.path)123 124     # Handle no permission errors.125     def err_no_perm(self, msg):126         self.send_error(self.ERR_NO_PERM, msg)127 128     # Write a log message if in debugging mode129     def log(self, msg):130         if self.Debug:131             print(msg)132 133 #----------------------------------------------------------------------134 135 if __name__ == ‘__main__‘:136 137     # Main libraries138     import getopt139 140     # How to use141     Usage = "server.py [-v] root_directory"142 143     # Handle command-line arguments144     options, rest = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "v")145     #print(sys.argv[1:])146     #print(options,rest)147     for (flag, arg) in options:148         if flag == "-v":149             RequestHandler.Debug = True150         else:151             print(Usage, file=sys.stderr)152             sys.exit(1)153 154     if not rest:155         print(Usage, file=sys.stderr)156         sys.exit(1)157     root = os.path.abspath(rest[0])158     if not os.path.isdir(root):159         print("No such directory ‘%s‘" % root, file=sys.stderr)160         sys.exit(1)161     RequestHandler.Root_Directory = root162 163     # Create and run server.164     server_address = (‘‘, 8080)165     server = http.server.HTTPServer(server_address, RequestHandler)166     server.serve_forever()



self.send_header("Content-type", "text/html")

例子6与例子5的区别只是加了一个文件类型(例如是个文本啊还是个图片啊)的判断,从而在回发content的时候告知浏览器content-type以使其知道应该如何处理这种文件.有关mime type的知识可以看这里


  1 import sys, os, http.server, mimetypes  2 class RequestHandler(http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):  3   4     # Root of files being served.  5     Root_Directory = None  6   7     # Is debugging output on?  8     Debug = False  9  10     # HTTP error codes. 11     ERR_NO_PERM   = 403 12     ERR_NOT_FOUND = 404 13     ERR_INTERNAL  = 500 14  15     # How to display a single item in a directory listing. 16     Listing_Item = "<li>%s</li>" 17  18     # How to display a whole page of listings. 19     Listing_Page = """ 20         <html> 21         <body> 22         <h1>Listing for %(path)s</h1> 23         <ul> 24         %(filler)s 25         </ul> 26         </body> 27         </html> 28         """ 29  30     # MIME types of files. 31     File_Types = mimetypes.types_map 32  33     # Classify and handle request. 34     def do_GET(self): 35  36         self.log("path is ‘%s‘" % self.path) 37  38         # Handle any errors that arise. 39         try: 40  41             # Class not yet initialized. 42             if self.Root_Directory is None: 43                 self.err_internal("Root directory not set") 44                 return 45  46             # Figure out what exactly is being requested. 47             abs_path = self.create_abs_path() 48             self.log("abs_path is ‘%s‘" % abs_path) 49  50             # It isn‘t below the root path. 51             if not self.is_parent_dir(self.Root_Directory, abs_path): 52                 self.log("abs_path not below root directory") 53                 msg = "Path ‘%s‘ not below root directory ‘%s‘" %  54                       (abs_path, self.Root_Directory) 55                 self.err_no_perm(msg) 56  57             # It doesn‘t exist. 58             elif not os.path.exists(abs_path): 59                 self.log("abs_path doesn‘t exist") 60                 self.err_not_found(abs_path) 61  62             # It‘s a file. 63             elif os.path.isfile(abs_path): 64                 self.log("abs_path is a file") 65                 self.handle_file(abs_path) 66  67             # It‘s a directory. 68             elif os.path.isdir(abs_path): 69                 self.log("abs_path is a directory") 70                 self.handle_dir(abs_path) 71  72             # ...we can‘t tell. 73             else: 74                 self.log("can‘t tell what abs_path is") 75                 self.err_not_found(abs_path) 76  77         # Handle general errors. 78         except Exception as msg: 79             self.err_internal("Unexpected exception: %s" % msg) 80  81     def create_abs_path(self): 82         head = os.path.abspath(self.Root_Directory) 83         result = os.path.normpath(head + self.path) 84         return result 85  86     def is_parent_dir(self, left, right): 87         return os.path.commonprefix([left, right]) == left 88  89     # Guess the MIME type of a file from its name. 90     def guess_file_type(self, path): 91         base, ext = os.path.splitext(path) 92         if ext in self.File_Types: 93             return self.File_Types[ext] 94         ext = ext.lower() 95         if ext in self.File_Types: 96             return self.File_Types[ext] 97         return self.File_Types[‘‘] 98  99     # Handle files.  Must read in binary mode!100     def handle_file(self, abs_path):101         try:102             input = open(abs_path, "rb")103             content = input.read()104             input.close()105             fileType = self.guess_file_type(abs_path)106             print(fileType)107             self.send_content(content, fileType)108         except IOError as msg:109             msg = "‘%s‘ cannot be read: %s" % (self.path, msg)110             self.err_no_perm(msg)111 112     # Handle directories.113     def handle_dir(self, abs_path):114         try:115             listing = os.listdir(abs_path)116             filler = ‘\n‘.join([(self.Listing_Item % item) for item in listing])117             content = self.Listing_Page % {‘path‘   : self.path,118                                            ‘filler‘ : filler}119             print(type(content))                               120             self.send_content(content.encode())121         except IOError as msg:122             msg = "‘%s‘ cannot be listed: %s" % (self.path, msg)123             self.err_no_perm(msg)124 125     # Send actual content.126     def send_content(self, content, fileType="text/html"):127         length = str(len(content))128         self.log("sending content, fileType ‘%s‘, length %s" % (fileType, length))129         self.send_response(200)130         self.send_header("Content-type", fileType)131         self.send_header("Content-Length", length)132         self.end_headers()133         print(type(self.wfile),type(content))134         self.wfile.write(content)135 136     # Report internal errors.137     def err_internal(self, msg):138         self.send_error(self.ERR_INTERNAL, msg)139 140     # Handle missing object errors.141     def err_not_found(self, abs_path):142         self.send_error(self.ERR_NOT_FOUND, "‘%s‘ not found" % self.path)143 144     # Handle no permission errors.145     def err_no_perm(self, msg):146         self.send_error(self.ERR_NO_PERM, msg)147 148     # Write a log message if in debugging mode149     def log(self, msg):150         if self.Debug:151             print(msg)152 153 #----------------------------------------------------------------------154 155 if __name__ == ‘__main__‘:156 157     # Main libraries158     import getopt159 160     # How to use161     Usage = "server.py [-v] root_directory"162 163     # Handle command-line arguments164     options, rest = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "v")165 166     for (flag, arg) in options:167         if flag == "-v":168             RequestHandler.Debug = True169         else:170             print(Usage, file=sys.stderr)171             sys.exit(1)172 173     if not rest:174         print(Usage, file=sys.stderr)175         sys.exit(1)176     root = os.path.abspath(rest[0])177     if not os.path.isdir(root):178         print("No such directory ‘%s‘" % root, file=sys.stderr)179         sys.exit(1)180     RequestHandler.Root_Directory = root181 182     # Create and run server.183     server_address = (‘‘, 8080)184     server = http.server.HTTPServer(server_address, RequestHandler)185     server.serve_forever()




  1 import sys, os, http.server, mimetypes, gettext,subprocess  2   3 class RequestHandler(http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):  4   5     # Root of files being served.  6     Root_Directory = None  7   8     # Is debugging output on?  9     Debug = False 10  11     # HTTP error codes. 12     ERR_NO_PERM   = 403 13     ERR_NOT_FOUND = 404 14     ERR_INTERNAL  = 500 15  16     # MIME types of files. 17     File_Types = mimetypes.types_map 18  19     # Filename extensions that identify executables. 20     Exec_Extensions = { 21         ".py" : None 22     } 23  24     # Classify and handle request. 25     def do_GET(self): 26  27         # Handle any errors that arise. 28         try: 29  30             # Class not yet initialized. 31             if self.Root_Directory is None: 32                 self.err_internal("Root directory not set") 33                 return 34  35             # Figure out what exactly is being requested. 36             abs_path, query_params = self.parse_path() 37             self.log("abs_path is ‘%s‘" % abs_path) 38             self.log("query_params is ‘%s‘" % query_params) 39  40             # It isn‘t below the root path. 41             if not self.is_parent_dir(self.Root_Directory, abs_path): 42                 self.log("abs_path not below root directory") 43                 self.err_no_perm("Path ‘%s‘ not below root directory ‘%s‘" %  44                                  (abs_path, self.Root_Directory)) 45  46             # It doesn‘t exist. 47             elif not os.path.exists(abs_path): 48                 self.log("abs_path doesn‘t exist") 49                 self.err_not_found(abs_path) 50  51             # It‘s a file. (Ignore query parameters if the file is 52             # not being executed.) 53             elif os.path.isfile(abs_path): 54                 if self.is_executable(abs_path): 55                     self.log("abs_path is an executable") 56                     self.handle_executable(abs_path, query_params) 57                 else: 58                     self.log("abs_path is a file") 59                     self.handle_static_file(abs_path) 60  61             # It‘s a directory --- ignore query parameters. 62             elif os.path.isdir(abs_path): 63                 self.log("abs_path is a directory") 64                 self.handle_dir(abs_path) 65  66             # ...we can‘t tell. 67             else: 68                 self.log("can‘t tell what abs_path is") 69                 self.err_not_found(abs_path) 70  71         # Handle general errors. 72         except Exception as msg: 73             self.err_internal("Unexpected exception in main despatch: %s" % msg) 74  75     def parse_path(self): 76         ‘‘‘Create the absolute path for a request, and extract the query 77         parameter string (if any).‘‘‘ 78         parts = self.path.split("?") 79         if len(parts) == 1: 80             request_path, queryString = self.path, "" 81         elif len(parts) == 2: 82             request_path, queryString = parts 83         else: 84             pass 85         head = os.path.abspath(self.Root_Directory) 86         result = os.path.normpath(head + request_path) 87         return result, queryString 88  89     def is_parent_dir(self, left, right): 90         return os.path.commonprefix([left, right]) == left 91  92     def guess_file_type(self, path): 93         base, ext = os.path.splitext(path) 94         if ext in self.File_Types: 95             return self.File_Types[ext] 96         ext = ext.lower() 97         if ext in self.File_Types: 98             return self.File_Types[ext] 99         return self.File_Types[‘‘]100 101     def is_executable(self, abs_path):102         ‘‘‘Does this path map to an executable file?‘‘‘103         root, ext = os.path.splitext(abs_path)104         return ext in self.Exec_Extensions105 106     def handle_static_file(self, abs_path):107         ‘‘‘Handle static files.  Must read in binary mode!‘‘‘108         try:109             input = file(abs_path, "rb")110             content = input.read()111             input.close()112             file_type = self.guess_file_type(abs_path)113             self.send_content(content, file_type)114         except IOError as msg:115             self.err_no_perm("‘%s‘ cannot be read: %s" % (self.path, msg))116 117     # Handle directories.118     def handle_dir(self, abs_path):119 120         # How to display a single item in a directory listing.121         listing_item = "<li>%s</li>"122 123         # How to display a whole page of listings.124         listing_page = 125             "<html>" + 126             "<body>" + 127             "<h1>Listing for " + "%(path)s" + "</h1>" + 128             "<ul>" + 129             "%(filler)s" + 130             "</ul>" + 131             "</body>" + 132             "</html>"133 134         try:135             listing = os.listdir(abs_path)136             filler = ‘\n‘.join([(listing_item % item) for item in listing])137             content = listing_page % {‘path‘   : self.path,138                                       ‘filler‘ : filler}139             self.send_content(content)140         except IOError as msg:141             self.err_no_perm("‘%s‘ cannot be listed: %s" % msg)142 143     # Handle executable file.144     def handle_executable(self, abs_path, query_params):145         # Passing query parameters?146         if query_params:147             os.environ["REQUEST_METHOD"] = "GET"148             os.environ["QUERY_STRING"] = query_params149         cmd = "python " + abs_path150         #p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, bufsize=bufsize,stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, close_fds=True)151         p = subprocess.Popen(cmd,stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)152         print(type(p),p)153         (childInput, childOutput) = (p.stdin,p.stdout)154         print(cmd,childInput,childOutput)155         #childInput, childOutput = subprocess.popen2(cmd)156         childInput.close()157         response = childOutput.read()158         childOutput.close()159         self.log("handle_executable: response length is %d" % len(response))160         self.send_response(200)161         self.wfile.write(response)162 163     # Send actual content.164     def send_content(self, content, fileType="text/html"):165         length = str(len(content))166         self.log("sending content, fileType ‘%s‘, length %s" % (fileType, length))167         self.send_response(200)168         self.send_header("Content-type", fileType)169         self.send_header("Content-Length", length)170         self.end_headers()171         self.wfile.write(content)172 173     # Report internal errors.174     def err_internal(self, msg):175         self.send_error(self.ERR_INTERNAL, msg)176 177     # Handle missing object errors.178     def err_not_found(self, abs_path):179         self.send_error(self.ERR_NOT_FOUND, "‘%s‘ not found" % self.path)180 181     # Handle no permission errors.182     def err_no_perm(self, msg):183         self.send_error(self.ERR_NO_PERM, msg)184 185     # Handle execution errors.186     def errExec(self, msg):187         self.send_error(self.ERR_NO_PERM, msg)188 189     # Write a log message if in debugging mode190     def log(self, msg):191         if self.Debug:192             print("nitinat:", msg)193 194 #----------------------------------------------------------------------195 196 if __name__ == ‘__main__‘:197 198     # Main libraries199     import getopt200 201     # How to handle fatal startup errors202     def fatal(msg):203         print("nitinat:", msg, file=sys.stderr)204         sys.exit(1)205 206     # Defaults207     host = ‘‘208     port = 8080209     root = None210 211     # How to use212     Usage = "server.py [-h host] [-p port] [-v] -r|Root_Directory"213 214     # Handle command-line arguments215     options, rest = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "h:p:rv")216 217     for (flag, arg) in options:218         if flag == "-h":219             host = arg220             if not arg:221                 msg = "No host given with -h"222                 fatal(msg)223         elif flag == "-p":224             try:225                 port = int(arg)226             except ValueError as msg:227                 fatal("Unable to convert ‘%s‘ to integer: %s" % (arg, msg))228         elif flag == "-r":229             root = os.getcwd()230         elif flag == "-v":231             RequestHandler.Debug = True232         else:233             fatal(Usage)234 235     # Make sure root directory is set, and is a directory.236     if (root and rest) or (not root and not rest):237         fatal(Usage)238     if not root:239         root = os.path.abspath(rest[0])240     if not os.path.isdir(root):241         fatal("No such directory ‘%s‘" % root)242     RequestHandler.Root_Directory = root243 244     # Create and run server.245     server_address = (host, port)246     server = http.server.HTTPServer(server_address, RequestHandler)247     server.serve_forever()




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