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Javascript - ExtJs - 基本组件
Ext.onReady(function () { });
基本组件(Basic components)
Ext.onReady(function () { Ext.MessageBox.alert("好吧,成功", "yahoo!ExtJs");});
Ext.onReady(function () { Ext.MessageBox.confirm("测试", "怎么样?", function (e) { if (e == "yes") { Ext.MessageBox.alert("好吧,成功", "yahoo!ExtJs"); } else { } });});
Ext.onReady(function () { Ext.MessageBox.prompt("input", "input your name",function (e,text) { if (e == "ok") { var value =http://www.mamicode.com/ text; Ext.MessageBox.alert("output","你输入的文字是:"+text); } }, null, 400);});
Ext.onReady(function () { Ext.MessageBox.show({ title: "自定义", msg: "yahoo‘sExtJs!", buttons: Ext.MessageBox.OKCANCEL, multiline:100 });});
Ext.onReady(function () { Ext.MessageBox.show({ title: "自定义", msg: "yahoo‘sExtJs!", buttons: Ext.MessageBox.OKCANCEL, multiline: 100, icon:Ext.MessageBox.ERROR });});
Ext.onReady(function () { Ext.MessageBox.show({ msg: "wait 5 seconds!", progress: true, progressText: "正在加载……", wait: true, width:300, waitConfig: { interval: 555,//间隔555毫秒进度条前进一次,总时长÷9 duration: 5000,//经过5000毫秒后停止 fn: function () { Ext.MessageBox.hide(); } } });});
<body style="background:black;"> <div id="TestBox"></div></body><script type="text/javascript"> Ext.onReady(function () { new Ext.Panel({ renderTo: "TestBox",//呈现面板的html父元素的ID width: 400, height: 300, title: "Panel", html:"hello" }); });</script>
<div id="TestBox"></div><script type="text/javascript">Ext.onReady(function () { new Ext.Panel({ renderTo: "TestBox",//呈现面板的html父元素的ID width: 100, height: 100, title: "Panel", html: "hello", frame:true//渲染内容背景为面板底色 });});</script>
<div id="TestBox" style="width:300px;height:300px;margin:200px auto;"></div><script type="text/javascript"> Ext.onReady(function () { var text = "If your Azure subscription is canceled or"+ "becomes disabled, for example, because"+ "the credit card used for payment expires, "+ "then any purchases with this Azure subscription will be deactivated"+ "on the 1st day of the next month. To continue using your Visual Studio"+ "Marketplace purchases, please keep your Azure subscription active and"+ "updated.For example, if you bought a Visual Studio Professional subscription, "+ "and you used an Azure subscription that becomes disabled, your Visual Studio"+ "Professional IDE will stop working on the 1st of the following month. This also applies"+ "to annual Visual Studio subscriptions that are paid in full for the year."; new Ext.Panel({ renderTo: "TestBox", width: 150, height: 150, title: "Panel", html: text, autoScroll: true//html包含的文本超出区域时显示滚动条 }); });</script>
<script type="text/javascript"> Ext.onReady(function () { new Ext.Panel({ renderTo: "TestBox", width: 150, height: 150, title: "Panel", html: "", collapsible: true,//显示可收拢、展开的按钮 titleCollapse:true//双击面板顶部可收拢、展开 }); });</script>
<script type="text/javascript"> Ext.onReady(function () { new Ext.Panel({ renderTo: "TestBox", width: 150, height: 150, title: "Panel", html: "dragble!", draggable: {//配置拖动参数 insertProxy: false,//拖动时不显示虚线 onDrag: function (e) {//拖动时获取x和y坐标 var pel = this.proxy.getEl(); this.x = pel.getLeft(true); this.y = pel.getTop(true); var shadow = this.panel.getEl().shadow; if (shadow != null) { shadow.hide(); }//隐藏拖动的阴影 }, endDrag: function (e) {//停止拖动时设置面板的x和y坐标 this.panel.setPosition(this.x,this.y) } }, floating: true,//允许面板的绝对定位 x: 100,//初始x坐标 y:100 }); });</script>
<script type="text/javascript"> Ext.onReady(function () { new Ext.Panel({ renderTo: "TestBox", width: 150, height: 150, title: "Panel", html: "menu!", tbar: [{ text: "编辑", handler: function () { Ext.MessageBox.alert("","编辑按钮被点击") } }, { text: "工具" }],//顶部菜单栏按钮 text指定按钮显示的文本 handler回调函数 bbar: [{ text: "扩展" }, { text: "输出" }]//底部菜单栏按钮 }); });</script>
<script type="text/javascript"> Ext.onReady(function () { var panel=new Ext.Panel({ renderTo: "TestBox", width: 150, height: 150, title: "Panel", html: "menu!", tools: [{ id: "save" }, { id: "help" }, { id: "close", handler: function () { panel.hide(); } }]//显示保存、帮助、关闭面板按钮 handler是按钮被点击时的回调函数 }); });</script>
<script type="text/javascript"> Ext.onReady(function () { Ext.QuickTips.init();//初始化提示 var panel=new Ext.Panel({ renderTo: "TestBox",//面板显示在哪个html元素里,提供该元素的ID width: 150, height: 150, title: "Panel", tools: [{id:"help",qtip:"帮助"}, {id:"save",qtip:"保存"}]//qtip:菜单提示 }); });</script>
<div id="TestBox" style="width:70px;height:20px;background:#D9D9D9;margin:200px auto;text-align:center;font-size:10px;"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> Ext.onReady(function () { Ext.QuickTips.init();//初始提示 var tool = new Ext.Toolbar({ height: 25 }); var config = { renderTo:"TestBox", width: 200, height: 300, title: "yahoo!", tbar: tool }; //获取面板 var Panel = new Ext.Panel(config); //获取面板的顶部工具栏 var toolBar = Panel.getTopToolbar(); //创建一个只有图标的按钮 var icoBtn = new Ext.Toolbar.Button({ icon: "/image/timg.png", cls: "x-btn-icon", tooltip: "喝水" }); //放进工具栏 toolBar.add(icoBtn); });</script>
<script type="text/javascript"> Ext.onReady(function () { var panel=new Ext.Panel({ renderTo: "TestBox",//面板显示在哪个html元素里,提供该元素的ID width: 150, height: 150, title: "Panel", tbar: new Ext.Toolbar({//新建自定义工具栏 width: 400, height:30 }) }); });</script>
<script type="text/javascript"> Ext.onReady(function () { var panel=new Ext.Panel({ renderTo: "TestBox",//面板显示在哪个html元素里,提供该元素的ID width: 150, height: 150, title: "Panel", tbar: new Ext.Toolbar({//新建工具栏 width: 400, height:30 }) }); var toolBar = panel.getTopToolbar();//获取面板的顶部工具栏(就是自定义的那个工具栏) toolBar.add(new Ext.Toolbar.Button({ text: "编辑" }));//在顶部工具栏添加按钮 toolBar.add(new Ext.Toolbar.Separator());//在顶部工具栏添加按钮之间的分割线 toolBar.add(new Ext.Toolbar.Spacer());//在顶部工具栏添加菜单按钮之间的空格 toolBar.add(new Ext.Toolbar.Spacer()); toolBar.add(new Ext.Toolbar.Spacer()); toolBar.add(new Ext.Toolbar.Button({ text: "工具" })); toolBar.add(new Ext.Toolbar.TextItem({ text: "非按钮" })); });</script>
<script type="text/javascript"> Ext.onReady(function () { var panel=new Ext.Panel({ renderTo: "TestBox",//面板显示在哪个html元素里,提供该元素的ID width: 150, height: 150, title: "Panel", tbar: new Ext.Toolbar({//新建工具栏 width: 400, height:30 }) }); var menu = new Ext.menu.Menu({//新建一组菜单容器并为菜单容器添加菜单 items: [{text:"保存"}, {text:"退出"}] }); var toolBar = panel.getTopToolbar();//获取面板的顶部工具栏 toolBar.add(new Ext.Toolbar.Button({ text: "编辑", menu: menu }));//在顶部工具栏添加按钮、在按钮里添加菜单容器。除了Button还可以定义splitButton,样式如下图2 });</script>
<div id="TestBox" style="width:70px;height:20px;background:black;color:white;margin:200px auto;text-align:center;">文件(F)</div> <script type="text/javascript">Ext.onReady(function () { var div = Ext.get("TestBox"); var menu = new Ext.menu.Menu();//新建菜单容器 menu.add({ text: "保存" });//添加菜单 menu.add({ text: "另存为" }); div.on("click", function () { menu.show(div);//菜单显示在div里 });});</script>
<script type="text/javascript">Ext.onReady(function () { var div = Ext.get("TestBox"); var menu = new Ext.menu.Menu({ items: [{ text: "保存" }, { text: "另存为" }] });//新建菜单容器并添加菜单 div.on("click", function () { menu.show(div); });});</script>
<div id="TestBox" style="width:70px;height:20px;background:#D9D9D9;margin:200px auto;text-align:center;font-size:10px;">文件(F)</div> <script type="text/javascript">Ext.onReady(function () { var div = Ext.get("TestBox"); var menu = new Ext.menu.Menu(); menu.add({ text: "文件", menu: [{ text: "复制" }, { text: "粘贴" }] }, { text: "编辑", menu: [{ text: "复制" }, { text: "粘贴" }] }); div.on("click", function () { menu.show(div); });});</script>
<div id="TestBox" style="width:70px;height:20px;background:#D9D9D9;margin:200px auto;text-align:center;font-size:10px;">文件(F)</div> <script type="text/javascript">Ext.onReady(function () { var div = Ext.get("TestBox"); var menu = new Ext.menu.Menu(); menu.add({ text: "文件", menu: [{ text: "复制", menu: [{ text: "浅度复制" }, {text:"深度复制"}] }, { text: "粘贴" }] }); div.on("click", function () { menu.show(div); });});</script>
var menu = new Ext.menu.Menu();menu.add({ text: "文件", menu: [{ text: "复制", menu: [{ text: "浅度复制" }, {text:"深度复制"}] }, { text: "粘贴" }] });menu.add("非功能菜单的纯文字");
<div id="TestBox" style="width:70px;height:20px;background:#D9D9D9;margin:200px auto;text-align:center;font-size:10px;">文件(F)</div> <script type="text/javascript">Ext.onReady(function () { var div = Ext.get("TestBox"); var menu = new Ext.menu.Menu(); var checkBox1 = new Ext.menu.CheckItem({ text: "一号"/*,group:"随便设置几个字符"*/ });//单选就设置group 不设置group就是复选 var checkBox2 = new Ext.menu.CheckItem({ text: "二号" }); menu.add({ text: "字体设置", menu: [checkBox1, checkBox2] }); div.on("click", function () { menu.show(div); });});</script>
<div id="TestBox" style="width:70px;height:20px;background:#D9D9D9;margin:200px auto;text-align:center;font-size:10px;">文件(F)</div> <script type="text/javascript"> Ext.onReady(function () { //ExtJs2.2的日历控件在chorme中会出现变形,这里重写该方法 Ext.override(Ext.menu.DateMenu, { render : function() { Ext.menu.DateMenu.superclass.render.call(this); if (Ext.isGecko || Ext.isSafari || Ext.isChrome) { this.picker.el.dom.childNodes[0].style.width = ‘178px‘; this.picker.el.dom.style.width = ‘178px‘; } } }); var div = Ext.get("TestBox"); var menu = new Ext.menu.Menu(); var dateMenu = new Ext.menu.DateMenu();//新建日历控件 var colorMenu = new Ext.menu.ColorMenu();//新建颜色控件 var menuObj1 = { text: "日期选择", menu: dateMenu }; var menuObj2 = { text: "颜色选择", menu: colorMenu }; menu.add(menuObj1); menu.add(menuObj2); div.on("click", function () { menu.show(div); });});</script>
<script type="text/javascript"> Ext.onReady(function () { var tool = new Ext.Toolbar({ height: 25 }); var config = { renderTo:"TestBox", width: 200, height: 300, title: "yahoo!", tbar: tool }; //创建菜单容器 var icoMenu = new Ext.menu.Menu(); //在容器里添加菜单 icoMenu.add({ icon: "/image/timg.png", cls: "x-btn-icon", text : "巴马水" }); //获取面板 var Panel = new Ext.Panel(config); //获取面板的顶部工具栏 var toolBar = Panel.getTopToolbar(); //在工具栏创建按钮,把菜单容器放进按钮里 var icoBtn = new Ext.Toolbar.Button({ text:"水",menu: icoMenu }); //把按钮放进工具栏里 toolBar.add(icoBtn); });</script>
<body style="background:white;"> <div id="TestBox" style="width:300px;height:300px;margin:400px auto;"></div> <font id="fontBox">ohpus!</font></body><script type="text/javascript"> Ext.onReady(function () { var panel=new Ext.Panel({ renderTo: "TestBox",//呈现面板的html父元素的ID width: 150, height: 150, title: "Panel", contentEl: "fontBox"//面板内容显示当前页面某个html元素,提供该元素的ID //autoLoad: "/Admin/AdminFriend.aspx",//面板内容显示其他页面的内容。 }); });</script>
<script type="text/javascript"> Ext.onReady(function () { var childConfig = createConfig(200, 50, "子面板", "Yahoo!"); var childPanel = new Ext.Panel(childConfig); var fatherConfig = createConfig(500, 100, "父面板", ""); fatherConfig["items"] = [childPanel]; //将子面板放进父面板 var fatherPanel = new Ext.Panel(fatherConfig); fatherPanel.show(); }); function createConfig(width, height,title,html) { return { renderTo: "box", title: title, html: html, width: width, height: height } }</script>
<script type="text/javascript"> Ext.onReady(function () { var childConfig = createConfig(200, 50, "子面板", "Yahoo!"); var childPanel = new Ext.Panel(childConfig); var fatherConfig = createConfig(500, 100, "父面板", ""); fatherConfig["items"] = [childPanel]; fatherConfig["layout"] = "fit";//设为fit后,当前面板的子面板会填充整个主面板的内容区域,无视字面板设定的宽高。 var fatherPanel = new Ext.Panel(fatherConfig); fatherPanel.show(); }); function createConfig(width, height,title,html) { return { renderTo: "box", title: title, html: html, width: width, height: height } }</script>
<script type="text/javascript"> Ext.onReady(function () { var fatherConfig = { renderTo: "box", width: 250, height: 300, title: "我的QQ" }; fatherConfig["items"] = [{ title: "同事", collapsed: true }];//子面板可收拢、展开且默认首次显示为收拢状态 fatherConfig["items"].push({ title: "朋友", collapsed: true }); fatherConfig.layout = "accordion"; var fatherPanel = new Ext.Panel(fatherConfig); fatherPanel.show(); });</script>
<script type="text/javascript"> Ext.onReady(function () { var fatherConfig = { renderTo: "box", width: 250, height: 300, title: "我的QQ" }; fatherConfig["layout"] = "card";//卡片模式,每次只显示一个子面板 需要指定activeItem fatherConfig["activeItem"] = 0;//默认显示第一个子面板 fatherConfig["items"] = [new Ext.Panel({ title: "同事" }), new Ext.Panel({ title: "朋友" })]; fatherConfig["buttons"] = [{ text: "pre", handler: changePage }, { text: "next", handler: changePage }]; var fatherPanel = new Ext.Panel(fatherConfig); fatherPanel.show(); //点击pre或next按钮时的侦听器 function changePage(btn) { //fatherPanel.layout.activeItem.id:获取当前显示的子面板的编号 格式为:ext-comp-100x //x是数字,从1开始,多个子面板的编号是以x为基准,每添加一个子面板,x就+1 所以索引为0的子面板编号是 ext-comp-1001 var index = Number(fatherPanel.layout.activeItem.id.substring(12));//从100后开始截取编号。(注意:如果不转成Number类型,加法运算会变成字符相连) //默认显示的子面板我设置为0,也即显示第一个子面板,所以当点击pre按钮后,就不应该显示它前面的子面板,因为它的索引就是0没有比它更靠前的子面板 //它的编号是1,所以以此做判断。 if (btn.text == "pre") { index =index<=1?1:--index; } else { index = index>=2?2:++index;//最多只有两个子面板 } fatherPanel.layout.setActiveItem(‘ext-comp-100‘ + index);//切换要显示的子面板 } });</script>
<script type="text/javascript"> Ext.onReady(function () { var config = { renderTo:"box", title: "Tab", width:200, height: 100, activeTab:0,//默认激活第一个tab页 enableTabScroll: true//如果宽度不够panel显示则显示前后滚动按钮 } config["items"] = [{ title: "康德", html:"Immanuel Kant" }, { title: "维特根斯坦",html:"Ludwig Josef Johann Wittgenstein" }, { title: "尼采", html:"Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche" }, { title: "罗素", html: "Bertrand Russell" }];//子面板 //html可替换为contentEl:html元素ID var tabPanel = new Ext.TabPanel(config); tabPanel.show(); });</script>
<div id="box" style="width:300px;height:300px;margin:200px auto;font:12px Arial;"></div><font class="x-hide-display" id="c1">Immanuel Kant</font><font class="x-hide-display" id="c2">Ludwig Josef Johann Wittgenstein</font><font class="x-hide-display" id="c3">Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche</font><font class="x-hide-display" id="c4">Bertrand Russell</font><script type="text/javascript"> Ext.onReady(function () { var config = { renderTo:"box", title: "Tab", width:200, height: 100, activeTab:0,//默认激活第一个tab页 enableTabScroll: true//如果宽度不够panel显示则显示前后滚动按钮 } config["items"] = [{ title: "康德", contentEl: "c1" }, { title: "维特根斯坦", contentEl: "c2" }, { title: "尼采", contentEl: "c3" }, { title: "罗素", contentEl: "c4" }];//子面板 //如果设置contentEl就必须将contentEl指定的html元素的class设为x-hide-display 否则该contentEl除了在选项卡里显示,它也会在选项卡外部显示 var tabPanel = new Ext.TabPanel(config); tabPanel.show(); });</script>
<div id="box" style="margin:200px auto;font:12px Arial;"> <div class=‘x-tab‘ title=‘康德‘>Immanuel Kant</div> <div class=‘x-tab‘ title=‘维特根斯坦‘>Ludwig Josef Johann Wittgenstein</div> <div class=‘x-tab‘ title=‘尼采‘>Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche</div> <div class=‘x-tab‘ title=‘罗素‘>Bertrand Russell</div></div><script type="text/javascript"> Ext.onReady( function () { var config = { width:240, height:40, applyTo: "box",//必须设applyTo而非renderTo autoTabs: true,//自动扫描页面中class为x-tab的div并将其转换为选项卡 deferredRender: false,//选项卡不要进行延时渲染 activeTab: 0//默认激活第一个tab页 } var tabPanel = new Ext.TabPanel(config); tabPanel.show(); } );</script>
<div id="box" style="width:300px;height:300px;margin:200px auto;font:12px Arial;"></div><script type="text/javascript"> Ext.onReady(function () { var config = { renderTo:"box", title: "Tab", width:500, height: 100, activeTab:0, enableTabScroll: true } config["items"] = [{ title: "选项1", html: "内容1" }, { title: "选项2", html: "内容3" }, { title: "选项3", html: "内容3" }, { title: "选项4", html: "内容4" }];//添加子面板 config["buttons"] = [{text:"add",handler:addTab}];//添加按钮和事件 var tabPanel = new Ext.TabPanel(config); tabPanel.show(); function addTab() { var index = tabPanel.items.length + 1;//新添加的tab选项卡的编号 var config = { title: "选项" + index, html: "内容" + index, closable: true//默认可关闭这个选项卡 } var newTab=tabPanel.add(config);//新增选项卡 tabPanel.setActiveTab(newTab);//设置新增选项卡为选中状态 } });</script>
<script type="text/javascript"> Ext.onReady(function () { var config = { renderTo:"box", title: "Tab", width:300, height: 100, activeTab:0, enableTabScroll: true } config["items"] = [{ title: "哲学", html: "philosophy is a brand that approaches personal care from a skin care point of view" }];//添加子面板 config["listeners"] = { contextmenu: contextmenuFn };//侦听右键,右键被点击时触发contextmenuFn函数 var tabPanel = new Ext.TabPanel(config); tabPanel.show(); function contextmenuFn(fatherPanel, TabItem, e) { //fatherPanel:包含所有选项卡的父容器 //TabItem:被右键点击的选项卡 //e:MouseEvent对象 var menuConfig = [{ text: "康德" }, { text: "尼采" }, {text:"维特根斯坦"}]; var menu = new Ext.menu.Menu(menuConfig); menu.showAt(e.getPoint());//右键菜单显示在鼠标点击的位置 } });</script>
<div id="box" style="width:300px;height:300px;margin:200px auto;font:12px Arial;"></div><script type="text/javascript"> Ext.onReady(function () { var config = { renderTo:"box", title: "Tab", width:300, height: 100, activeTab:0, enableTabScroll: true } config["items"] = [{ title: "哲学", html: "philosophy is a brand that approaches personal care from a skin care point of view" }];//添加子面板 config["items"].push({ title: "数学", html: "Practice math online with IXL. Our site offers thousands of online math practice……" });//添加子面板 config["listeners"] = { contextmenu: contextmenuFn };//侦听右键,右键被点击时触发contextmenuFn函数 var tabPanel = new Ext.TabPanel(config); tabPanel.show(); //右键菜单的功能实现 function contextmenuFn(fatherPanel, tabItem, e) { //fatherPanel:包含所有选项卡的父容器 //tabItem:被右键点击的选项卡 //e:MouseEvent对象 //配置右键菜单时可提供handler事件侦听器,该侦听器可自动获得以上三个对象你可以在事件处理函数中访问它们用于实现具体的功能 var menuConfig = [{ text: "关闭当前选项卡", handler: function () { removeWith("single");} }]; menuConfig.push({ text: "除此之外全部关闭", handler: function () { removeWith("without"); } }); menuConfig.push({ text: "全部关闭", handler: function () { removeWith("all"); } }); var menu = new Ext.menu.Menu(menuConfig); menu.showAt(e.getPoint());//右键菜单显示在鼠标点击的位置 //关闭功能的实现 function removeWith(removeType) { function eachDelete() { //迭代所有选项卡 fatherPanel.items.each(function (eachItem) { if (removeType == "without") { if (eachItem != tabItem) { fatherPanel.remove(eachItem); } } else { fatherPanel.remove(eachItem); } }); } switch (removeType) { case "single": fatherPanel.remove(tabItem); return; case "without":eachDelete(); return; default: eachDelete(); return; } } } });</script>
<div id="box" style="width:300px;height:300px;margin:200px auto;font:12px Arial;"></div><script type="text/javascript"> Ext.onReady(function () { //初始化提示信息 new Ext.QuickTips.init(); //配置表单 var config = { renderTo:"box", title: "register", width:500, height: 300, labelSeparator: ":",//格式化分隔符 labelAlign: "left",//对齐方式 labelWidth:200, frame: true//内容区域背景色使用面板色 } //配置表单字段 var nameFieldConfig = { id:"user", fieldLabel: "账户", valiedateOnBlur: true,//失焦后开启验证 validationDelay: 500,//提示信息延迟毫秒数 allowBlank: false,//是否允许空值 blankText: "此项不能为空",//空值时提示信息 minLength: 6, minLengthText: "字符数至少6个",//最小长度和提示信息 maxLength: 10, maxLengthText: "字符数最大10个", regex: /^[0-9]*$/, regexText: "不能有数字",//正则表达式 msgTarget: "title"//提示信息样式为title样式(浏览器原始的浮动提示信息) } //创建表单字段 var nameField = new Ext.form.TextField(nameFieldConfig); config["items"] = [nameField]; var formPanel = new Ext.FormPanel(config); formPanel.show(); });</script>
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