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Oracle executeBatch异常:ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -32413 at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.setupBindBuffers(OraclePreparedStatement.java:2672) atoracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeBatch(OraclePreparedStatement.java:10688) atcom.keyi.xxx.dal.xx.importFile(PublicCustomerImportDao.java:107)
The 10g driver apparently keeps a global serialnumber for all parameters in the entire batch, with a "short"variable. So you can have at most 32768 parameters in the batch. I was havingthe same exception because I have a INSERT statement with 42 parameters and mybatches can be as big as 1000 records, so 42000 > 32768 and this overflowsto a negative index. I reduced the batch factor to 100 to be safe, and all iswell. I guess your update DML should have a larger number of parameters perrecord, right? (My diagnostic of the bug is just deduction from the symptoms)
大体的意思是,oracle的preparedStatement批量执行sql时,对参数个数是有上限的(针对不同版本的oracle驱动,这个上限对不同的可能是不同的),这个参数个数的含义指addBatch的次数*每条sql中的参数个数。对于Oracle 10g的驱动来说,这个值可能是32768,所以编程时,addBatch的次数*每条sql中的参数个数应该小于这个值,否则报错。
Oracle executeBatch异常:ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException