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HashMap是我们用得非常频繁的一个集合,但是由于它是非线程安全的,在多线程环境下,put操作是有可能产生死循环的,导致CPU利用率接近100%。为了解决该问题,提供了Hashtable和Collections.synchronizedMap(hashMap)两种解决方案,但是这两种方案都是对读写加锁,独占式,一个线程在读时其他线程必须等待,吞吐量较低,性能较为低下。故而Doug Lea大神给我们提供了高性能的线程安全HashMap:ConcurrentHashMap。






  1. 重要概念
  2. 重要内部类
  3. ConcurrentHashMap的初始化
  4. put操作
  5. get操作
  6. size操作
  7. 扩容
  8. 红黑树转换



// 最大容量:2^30=1073741824
private static final int MAXIMUM_CAPACITY = 1 << 30;

// 默认初始值,必须是2的幕数
private static final int DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 16;

static final int MAX_ARRAY_SIZE = Integer.MAX_VALUE - 8;

private static final int DEFAULT_CONCURRENCY_LEVEL = 16;

private static final float LOAD_FACTOR = 0.75f;

// 链表转红黑树阀值,> 8 链表转换为红黑树
static final int TREEIFY_THRESHOLD = 8;

//树转链表阀值,小于等于6(tranfer时,lc、hc=0两个计数器分别++记录原bin、新binTreeNode数量,<=UNTREEIFY_THRESHOLD 则untreeify(lo))
static final int UNTREEIFY_THRESHOLD = 6;

static final int MIN_TREEIFY_CAPACITY = 64;

private static final int MIN_TRANSFER_STRIDE = 16;

private static int RESIZE_STAMP_BITS = 16;

// 2^15-1,help resize的最大线程数
private static final int MAX_RESIZERS = (1 << (32 - RESIZE_STAMP_BITS)) - 1;

// 32-16=16,sizeCtl中记录size大小的偏移量
private static final int RESIZE_STAMP_SHIFT = 32 - RESIZE_STAMP_BITS;

// forwarding nodes的hash值
static final int MOVED     = -1; 

// 树根节点的hash值
static final int TREEBIN   = -2; 

// ReservationNode的hash值
static final int RESERVED  = -3; 

// 可用处理器数量
static final int NCPU = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
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  1. table:用来存放Node节点数据的,默认为null,默认大小为16的数组,每次扩容时大小总是2的幂次方;
  2. nextTable:扩容时新生成的数据,数组为table的两倍;
  3. Node:节点,保存key-value的数据结构;
  4. ForwardingNode:一个特殊的Node节点,hash值为-1,其中存储nextTable的引用。只有table发生扩容的时候,ForwardingNode才会发挥作用,作为一个占位符放在table中表示当前节点为null或则已经被移动
  5. sizeCtl:控制标识符,用来控制table初始化和扩容操作的,在不同的地方有不同的用途,其值也不同,所代表的含义也不同
    • 负数代表正在进行初始化或扩容操作
    • -1代表正在初始化
    • -N 表示有N-1个线程正在进行扩容操作
    • 正数或0代表hash表还没有被初始化,这个数值表示初始化或下一次进行扩容的大小


为了实现ConcurrentHashMap,Doug Lea提供了许多内部类来进行辅助实现,如Node,TreeNode,TreeBin等等。下面我们就一起来看看ConcurrentHashMap几个重要的内部类。



    static class Node<K,V> implements Map.Entry<K,V> {
        final int hash;
        final K key;
        volatile V val;             //带有volatile,保证可见性
        volatile Node<K,V> next;    //下一个节点的指针

        Node(int hash, K key, V val, Node<K,V> next) {
            this.hash = hash;
            this.key = key;
            this.val = val;
            this.next = next;

        public final K getKey()       { return key; }
        public final V getValue()     { return val; }
        public final int hashCode()   { return key.hashCode() ^ val.hashCode(); }
        public final String toString(){ return key + "=" + val; }
        /** 不允许修改value的值 */
        public final V setValue(V value) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

        public final boolean equals(Object o) {
            Object k, v, u; Map.Entry<?,?> e;
            return ((o instanceof Map.Entry) &&
                    (k = (e = (Map.Entry<?,?>)o).getKey()) != null &&
                    (v = e.getValue()) != null &&
                    (k == key || k.equals(key)) &&
                    (v == (u = val) || v.equals(u)));

        /**  赋值get()方法 */
        Node<K,V> find(int h, Object k) {
            Node<K,V> e = this;
            if (k != null) {
                do {
                    K ek;
                    if (e.hash == h &&
                            ((ek = e.key) == k || (ek != null && k.equals(ek))))
                        return e;
                } while ((e = e.next) != null);
            return null;
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    static final class TreeNode<K,V> extends Node<K,V> {
        TreeNode<K,V> parent;  // red-black tree links
        TreeNode<K,V> left;
        TreeNode<K,V> right;
        TreeNode<K,V> prev;    // needed to unlink next upon deletion
        boolean red;

        TreeNode(int hash, K key, V val, Node<K,V> next,
                 TreeNode<K,V> parent) {
            super(hash, key, val, next);
            this.parent = parent;

        Node<K,V> find(int h, Object k) {
            return findTreeNode(h, k, null);

        final TreeNode<K,V> findTreeNode(int h, Object k, Class<?> kc) {
            if (k != null) {
                TreeNode<K,V> p = this;
                do  {
                    int ph, dir; K pk; TreeNode<K,V> q;
                    TreeNode<K,V> pl = p.left, pr = p.right;
                    if ((ph = p.hash) > h)
                        p = pl;
                    else if (ph < h)
                        p = pr;
                    else if ((pk = p.key) == k || (pk != null && k.equals(pk)))
                        return p;
                    else if (pl == null)
                        p = pr;
                    else if (pr == null)
                        p = pl;
                    else if ((kc != null ||
                            (kc = comparableClassFor(k)) != null) &&
                            (dir = compareComparables(kc, k, pk)) != 0)
                        p = (dir < 0) ? pl : pr;
                    else if ((q = pr.findTreeNode(h, k, kc)) != null)
                        return q;
                        p = pl;
                } while (p != null);
            return null;
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    static final class TreeBin<K,V> extends Node<K,V> {
        TreeNode<K, V> root;
        volatile TreeNode<K, V> first;
        volatile Thread waiter;
        volatile int lockState;
        static final int WRITER = 1; // set while holding write lock
        static final int WAITER = 2; // set when waiting for write lock
        static final int READER = 4; // increment value for setting read lock

        TreeBin(TreeNode<K, V> b) {
            super(TREEBIN, null, null, null);
            this.first = b;
            TreeNode<K, V> r = null;
            for (TreeNode<K, V> x = b, next; x != null; x = next) {
                next = (TreeNode<K, V>) x.next;
                x.left = x.right = null;
                if (r == null) {
                    x.parent = null;
                    x.red = false;
                    r = x;
                } else {
                    K k = x.key;
                    int h = x.hash;
                    Class<?> kc = null;
                    for (TreeNode<K, V> p = r; ; ) {
                        int dir, ph;
                        K pk = p.key;
                        if ((ph = p.hash) > h)
                            dir = -1;
                        else if (ph < h)
                            dir = 1;
                        else if ((kc == null &&
                                (kc = comparableClassFor(k)) == null) ||
                                (dir = compareComparables(kc, k, pk)) == 0)
                            dir = tieBreakOrder(k, pk);
                        TreeNode<K, V> xp = p;
                        if ((p = (dir <= 0) ? p.left : p.right) == null) {
                            x.parent = xp;
                            if (dir <= 0)
                                xp.left = x;
                                xp.right = x;
                            r = balanceInsertion(r, x);
            this.root = r;
            assert checkInvariants(root);

        /** 省略很多代码 */
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    static final class ForwardingNode<K,V> extends Node<K,V> {
        final Node<K,V>[] nextTable;
        ForwardingNode(Node<K,V>[] tab) {
            super(MOVED, null, null, null);
            this.nextTable = tab;

        Node<K,V> find(int h, Object k) {
            // loop to avoid arbitrarily deep recursion on forwarding nodes
            outer: for (Node<K,V>[] tab = nextTable;;) {
                Node<K,V> e; int n;
                if (k == null || tab == null || (n = tab.length) == 0 ||
                        (e = tabAt(tab, (n - 1) & h)) == null)
                    return null;
                for (;;) {
                    int eh; K ek;
                    if ((eh = e.hash) == h &&
                            ((ek = e.key) == k || (ek != null && k.equals(ek))))
                        return e;
                    if (eh < 0) {
                        if (e instanceof ForwardingNode) {
                            tab = ((ForwardingNode<K,V>)e).nextTable;
                            continue outer;
                            return e.find(h, k);
                    if ((e = e.next) == null)
                        return null;
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    public ConcurrentHashMap() {

    public ConcurrentHashMap(int initialCapacity) {
        if (initialCapacity < 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
        int cap = ((initialCapacity >= (MAXIMUM_CAPACITY >>> 1)) ?
                   MAXIMUM_CAPACITY :
                   tableSizeFor(initialCapacity + (initialCapacity >>> 1) + 1));
        this.sizeCtl = cap;

    public ConcurrentHashMap(Map<? extends K, ? extends V> m) {
        this.sizeCtl = DEFAULT_CAPACITY;

    public ConcurrentHashMap(int initialCapacity, float loadFactor) {
        this(initialCapacity, loadFactor, 1);

    public ConcurrentHashMap(int initialCapacity,
                             float loadFactor, int concurrencyLevel) {
        if (!(loadFactor > 0.0f) || initialCapacity < 0 || concurrencyLevel <= 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
        if (initialCapacity < concurrencyLevel)   // Use at least as many bins
            initialCapacity = concurrencyLevel;   // as estimated threads
        long size = (long)(1.0 + (long)initialCapacity / loadFactor);
        int cap = (size >= (long)MAXIMUM_CAPACITY) ?
            MAXIMUM_CAPACITY : tableSizeFor((int)size);
        this.sizeCtl = cap;
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初始化: initTable()


    private final Node<K,V>[] initTable() {
        Node<K,V>[] tab; int sc;
        while ((tab = table) == null || tab.length == 0) {
            //sizeCtl < 0 表示有其他线程在初始化,该线程必须挂起
            if ((sc = sizeCtl) < 0)
            // 如果该线程获取了初始化的权利,则用CAS将sizeCtl设置为-1,表示本线程正在初始化
            else if (U.compareAndSwapInt(this, SIZECTL, sc, -1)) {
                    // 进行初始化
                try {
                    if ((tab = table) == null || tab.length == 0) {
                        int n = (sc > 0) ? sc : DEFAULT_CAPACITY;
                        Node<K,V>[] nt = (Node<K,V>[])new Node<?,?>[n];
                        table = tab = nt;
                        // 下次扩容的大小
                        sc = n - (n >>> 2); ///相当于0.75*n 设置一个扩容的阈值  
                } finally {
                    sizeCtl = sc;
        return tab;
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初始化方法initTable()的关键就在于sizeCtl,该值默认为0,如果在构造函数时有参数传入该值则为2的幂次方。该值如果 < 0,表示有其他线程正在初始化,则必须暂停该线程。如果线程获得了初始化的权限则先将sizeCtl设置为-1,防止有其他线程进入,最后将sizeCtl设置0.75 * n,表示扩容的阈值。



    public V put(K key, V value) {
        return putVal(key, value, false);

    final V putVal(K key, V value, boolean onlyIfAbsent) {
        if (key == null || value =http://www.mamicode.com/= null) throw new NullPointerException();
        int hash = spread(key.hashCode());
        int binCount = 0;
        for (Node<K,V>[] tab = table;;) {
            Node<K,V> f; int n, i, fh;
            // table为null,进行初始化工作
            if (tab == null || (n = tab.length) == 0)
                tab = initTable();
            else if ((f = tabAt(tab, i = (n - 1) & hash)) == null) {
                if (casTabAt(tab, i, null,
                        new Node<K,V>(hash, key, value, null)))
                    break;                   // no lock when adding to empty bin
            // 有线程正在进行扩容操作,则先帮助扩容
            else if ((fh = f.hash) == MOVED)
                tab = helpTransfer(tab, f);
            else {
                V oldVal = null;
                synchronized (f) {
                    if (tabAt(tab, i) == f) {
                        //fh > 0 表示为链表,将该节点插入到链表尾部
                        if (fh >= 0) {
                            binCount = 1;
                            for (Node<K,V> e = f;; ++binCount) {
                                K ek;
                                //hash 和 key 都一样,替换value
                                if (e.hash == hash &&
                                        ((ek = e.key) == key ||
                                                (ek != null && key.equals(ek)))) {
                                    oldVal = e.val;
                                    if (!onlyIfAbsent)
                                        e.val = value;
                                Node<K,V> pred = e;
                                //链表尾部  直接插入
                                if ((e = e.next) == null) {
                                    pred.next = new Node<K,V>(hash, key,
                                            value, null);
                        else if (f instanceof TreeBin) {
                            Node<K,V> p;
                            binCount = 2;
                            if ((p = ((TreeBin<K,V>)f).putTreeVal(hash, key,
                                    value)) != null) {
                                oldVal = p.val;
                                if (!onlyIfAbsent)
                                    p.val = value;
                if (binCount != 0) {
                    // 如果链表长度已经达到临界值8 就需要把链表转换为树结构
                    if (binCount >= TREEIFY_THRESHOLD)
                        treeifyBin(tab, i);
                    if (oldVal != null)
                        return oldVal;

        //size + 1  
        addCount(1L, binCount);
        return null;
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  • 判空;ConcurrentHashMap的key、value都不允许为null
  • 计算hash。利用方法计算hash值。
    static final int spread(int h) {
        return (h ^ (h >>> 16)) & HASH_BITS;
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 遍历table,进行节点插入操作,过程如下:
    • 如果table为空,则表示ConcurrentHashMap还没有初始化,则进行初始化操作:initTable()
    • 根据hash值获取节点的位置i,若该位置为空,则直接插入,这个过程是不需要加锁的。计算f位置:i=(n - 1) & hash
    • 如果检测到fh = f.hash == -1,则f是ForwardingNode节点,表示有其他线程正在进行扩容操作,则帮助线程一起进行扩容操作
    • 如果f.hash >= 0 表示是链表结构,则遍历链表,如果存在当前key节点则替换value,否则插入到链表尾部。如果f是TreeBin类型节点,则按照红黑树的方法更新或者增加节点
    • 若链表长度 > TREEIFY_THRESHOLD(默认是8),则将链表转换为红黑树结构
  • 调用addCount方法,ConcurrentHashMap的size + 1




    public V get(Object key) {
        Node<K,V>[] tab; Node<K,V> e, p; int n, eh; K ek;
        // 计算hash
        int h = spread(key.hashCode());
        if ((tab = table) != null && (n = tab.length) > 0 &&
                (e = tabAt(tab, (n - 1) & h)) != null) {
            // 搜索到的节点key与传入的key相同且不为null,直接返回这个节点
            if ((eh = e.hash) == h) {
                if ((ek = e.key) == key || (ek != null && key.equals(ek)))
                    return e.val;
            // 树
            else if (eh < 0)
                return (p = e.find(h, key)) != null ? p.val : null;
            // 链表,遍历
            while ((e = e.next) != null) {
                if (e.hash == h &&
                        ((ek = e.key) == key || (ek != null && key.equals(ek))))
                    return e.val;
        return null;
