首页 > 代码库 > 改购物车


 1 __author__ = ZZG
 3 product_list =[
 4     ["iphone",5300],
 5     ["book",55],
 6     ["watch",2200],
 7     ["bike",950],
 8     ["pc",11000],
 9     ["VR glass", 1000]
10 ]
11 #将产品列表写入文件中
12 with open(product_list.txt,w)as pro:
13     for i in product_list:
14         pro.write(str(i))
15         pro.write("\n")
16     pro.close()
17 entrance = input("选择用户入口还是商家入口:")
18 exit_flag = True
19 shopping_list = []
21     #判断入口
22 if entrance == "用户入口":
23     salary = input("请输入你的工资:")
25     while exit_flag:
26         with open("salary.txt",w+)as sa:
27             sa.write(str(salary))
28             sa.close()
29         #判断工资是否为数字
30         if str(salary).isdigit():
31             salary = int(salary)
32             if salary > 0:
33                 #读取并答应文件中的商品列表
34                 with open(product_list.txt)as p:
35                     for index ,products in enumerate(p):
36                          print(index,products)
37                 #用户输入购买商品的序号
38                 number_of_product = input("\n请输入商品的序号")
39                 #判断输入的类型
40                 if number_of_product.isdigit():
41                     number_of_product = int(number_of_product)
42                     #判断输入的商品序号是否存在
44                     if number_of_product < index+1 and number_of_product >= 0:
45                         products = product_list[number_of_product]
47                         if salary > products[1]:
48                             salary = salary - products[1]
49                             shopping_list.append(products)
50                             print(已购买商品列表.center(50,-))
51                             for i1 in shopping_list:
52                                 print(i1)
53                             print("余额为\033[032;1m%s\033[0m"%( salary))
54                             with open(shoping_list.txt,a+)as sl:
55                                 sl.write(str(shopping_list))
56                                 sl.close()
57                             continue
58                         else:
59                             print("你的余额为\033[031;1m%s\033[0m,买不了该商品\n"%(salary))
60                             continue
61                     else:
62                         print("\033[031;1m你输入的商品不存在\033[0m")
63                         for i in shopping_list:
64                             pass
65                         print("你已经购买了\n\033[021;1m%s\n\033[0m余额为\033[032;1m%s\033[0m"%(i, salary))
67                         continue
68                 elif number_of_product == "退出":
69                     print(已购买商品列表.center(50,-))
70                     for i in shopping_list:
71                         print(i)
72                     print("余额为\033[032;1m%s\033[0m"%( salary))
73                     exit()
74                 else:
75                     print("\033[031;1m不合法输入,按提示重新输入\033[0m")
76                     break
78             else:
79                 print("\033[031;1m不合法输入,按提示重新输入\033[0m")
80         else:
81             print("\033[031;1m不合法输入,按提示重新输入\033[0m")
82             exit_flag = False
84 elif entrance =="商家入口":
85     pass
86 else:
87     print("\033[031;1m不合法输入,按提示重新输入\033[0m")

