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Autolayout 约束类方法的理解(学习笔记二)
随apple大屏手机的问世,屏幕适配问题被堆到风口浪尖,对于代码画UI的同学无疑是个噩梦。在上班闲暇之余,学习了autolayout;autolayout从iOS6开始使用,因为各种坑,只有一些advanced coder们所用,但现在autolayout今非昔比了。学习的必要性也越发强烈。
autolayout也可以用代码实现,apple可爱的工程师开发了一个可视化语言VFL(Visual Format Language),这里不解释VFL的语法,但是要解释一个约束的类方法,个人觉得这对理解autolayout的约束有重要意义。方法如下
/* Create constraints explicitly. Constraints are of the form "view1.attr1 = view2.attr2 * multiplier + constant"
If your equation does not have a second view and attribute, use nil and NSLayoutAttributeNotAnAttribute.
+(instancetype)constraintWithItem:(id)view1 attribute:(NSLayoutAttribute)attr1 relatedBy:(NSLayoutRelation)relation toItem:(id)view2 attribute:(NSLayoutAttribute)attr2 multiplier:(CGFloat)multiplier constant:(CGFloat)c;
参数一、view1:The view for the left-hand side of the constraint.(view1)
参数二、attr1:The attribute of the view for the left-hand side of the constraint.(view1约束属性NSLayoutAttribute)
参数三、relation:The relationship between the left-hand side of the constraint and the right-hand side of the constraint.(两个view约束关系,==,<=,>=,三种)
参数四、view2:The view for the right-hand side of the constraint.(view2,可以为nil)
参数五、attr2:The attribute of the view for the right-hand side of the constraint.(view2约束属性,view2为nil时此参数要传NSLayoutAttributeNotAnAttribute)
参数六、multiplier:The constant multiplied with the attribute on the right-hand side of the constraint as part of getting the modified attribute.(相当于数学中的斜率,相当于attr1=m*attr2+c,中的斜率k,c则为偏移)
参数七、c:The constant added to the multiplied attribute value on the right-hand side of the constraint to yield the final modified attribute.
Autolayout 约束类方法的理解(学习笔记二)