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Android使用SQLITE3 WAL模式
sqlite是支持write ahead logging(WAL)模式的,开启WAL模式可以提高写入数据库的速度,读和写之间不会阻塞,但是写与写之间依然是阻塞的,但是如果使用默认的TRUNCATE模式,当写入数据时会阻塞android中其他线程或者进程的读操作,并发降低。 相反,使用WAL可以提高并发。 由于使用WAL比ROLLBACK JOURNAL的模式减少了写的I/O,所以写入时速度较快,但是由于在读取数据时也需要读取WAL日志验证数据的正确性,所以读取数据相对要慢。 所以大家也要根据自己应用的场景去使用这种模式。
public boolean enableWriteAheadLogging() { // make sure the database is not READONLY. WAL doesn‘t make sense for readonly-databases. if (isReadOnly()) { return false; } // acquire lock - no that no other thread is enabling WAL at the same time lock(); try { if (mConnectionPool != null) { // already enabled return true; } if (mPath.equalsIgnoreCase(MEMORY_DB_PATH)) { Log.i(TAG, "can‘t enable WAL for memory databases."); return false; } // make sure this database has NO attached databases because sqlite‘s write-ahead-logging // doesn‘t work for databases with attached databases if (mHasAttachedDbs) { if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.DEBUG)) { Log.d(TAG, "this database: " + mPath + " has attached databases. can‘t enable WAL."); } return false; } mConnectionPool = new DatabaseConnectionPool(this); setJournalMode(mPath, "WAL"); return true; } finally { unlock(); } }
在源码的注释中是这样写到:“This method enables parallel execution of queries from multiple threads on the same database.” 通过此方法可以支持多个线程并发查询一个数据库。 并在注释中给出了实例代码如下:
SQLiteDatabase db = SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase("db_filename", cursorFactory,CREATE_IF_NECESSARY, myDatabaseErrorHandler); db.enableWriteAheadLogging();
通过调用db.enableWriteAheadLogging即可开启WAL模式。 在enableWriteAheadLogging方法中关注的核心点:
mConnectionPool = new DatabaseConnectionPool(this); setJournalMode(mPath, "WAL");
Writers should use {@link #beginTransactionNonExclusive()} or * {@link #beginTransactionWithListenerNonExclusive(SQLiteTransactionListener)}
调用者需要使用beginTransactionNonExclusive或者beginTransactionWithListenerNonExclusive来开始事务,也就是执行:BEGIN IMMEDIATE; 支持多并发。
注:关于EXCLUSIVE与IMMEDIATE模式请参考我的另一篇博客 http://blog.csdn.net/degwei/article/details/9672795
当开启了WAL模式更新数据时,会先将数据写入到*.db-wal文件中,而不是直接修改数据库文件,当执行checkpoint时或某个时间点才会将数据更新到数据库文件。当出现rollback也只是清除wal日志文件,而ROLLBACK JOURNAL模式,当数据有更新时,先将需要修改的数据备份到journal文件中,然后修改数据库文件,当发生rollback,从journal日志中取出数据,并修改数据库文件,然后清除journal日志。 从以上流程来看 WAL在数据更新上I/0量要小,所以写操作要快。
当开启了WAL模式磁盘中是这样的文件格式,当数据文件名为:test时 如下图:
/** * End a transaction. See beginTransaction for notes about how to use this and when transactions * are committed and rolled back. */ public void endTransaction() { verifyLockOwner(); try { ... if (mTransactionIsSuccessful) { execSQL(COMMIT_SQL); // if write-ahead logging is used, we have to take care of checkpoint. // TODO: should applications be given the flexibility of choosing when to // trigger checkpoint? // for now, do checkpoint after every COMMIT because that is the fastest // way to guarantee that readers will see latest data. // but this is the slowest way to run sqlite with in write-ahead logging mode. if (this.mConnectionPool != null) { execSQL("PRAGMA wal_checkpoint;"); if (SQLiteDebug.DEBUG_SQL_STATEMENTS) { Log.i(TAG, "PRAGMA wal_Checkpoint done"); } } // log the transaction time to the Eventlog. if (ENABLE_DB_SAMPLE) { logTimeStat(getLastSqlStatement(), mTransStartTime, COMMIT_SQL); } } else { ... } } finally { mTransactionListener = null; unlockForced(); if (false) { Log.v(TAG, "unlocked " + Thread.currentThread() + ", holdCount is " + mLock.getHoldCount()); } } }
在源码注释是这样写到:“if write-ahead logging is used, we have to take care of checkpoint.” 如果使用了WAL模式,那么就会执行checkpoint,当mConnectionPool != null时表示使用了WAL模式,也只有当WAL模式下才会有数据库连接池。 执行PRAGMA wal_checkpoint;即:将wal日志同步到数据库文件。 也就是当我们执行endTransaction时才会提交checkpoint。
在android中默认为TRUNCATE模式 , 请看如下源码:
public static SQLiteDatabase openDatabase(String path, CursorFactory factory, int flags, DatabaseErrorHandler errorHandler) { SQLiteDatabase sqliteDatabase = openDatabase(path, factory, flags, errorHandler, (short) 0 /* the main connection handle */); // set sqlite pagesize to mBlockSize if (sBlockSize == 0) { // TODO: "/data" should be a static final String constant somewhere. it is hardcoded // in several places right now. sBlockSize = new StatFs("/data").getBlockSize(); } sqliteDatabase.setPageSize(sBlockSize); sqliteDatabase.setJournalMode(path, "TRUNCATE"); // add this database to the list of databases opened in this process synchronized(mActiveDatabases) { mActiveDatabases.add(new WeakReference<SQLiteDatabase>(sqliteDatabase)); } return sqliteDatabase; }
通过sqliteDatabase.setJournalMode(path, "TRUNCATE");设置为TRUNCATE模式。
本文出自 “ITLIFE” 博客,请务必保留此出处http://xwteacher.blog.51cto.com/9653444/1584558
Android使用SQLITE3 WAL模式