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Leetcode:Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters



需要先计算出字符串s的每个元素对应的首个重复字符的下标,字符串中下标为i的元素的首个重复字符的下标j应该满足j > i && s[i] == s[j],且是满足这些条件中的最小值。比如asaa中下标为0的元素对应的首个重复字符的下标为2,尽管3也满足条件,但不是最小值。



registries = int[256]

nextOccurance = int[s.length]

initialize elements in registries with -1 //将所有registries 中的元素都初始化为-1

initialize elements in nextOccurance with s.length //将所有registries 中的元素都初始化为s.length

for(i = 0; i < s.length; i++)

  c = s[i]

  if registries[c] != -1 then

    nextOccurance [registries[c]] = i

  registries[c] = i


这里用注册表registries的注册项registries[c]记录当前对字符c的查找请求,而nextOccurance的元素nextOccurance[i]表示s[i]的首个重复字符子s中的下标。每次循环时,都会检测注册表项registries[c]是否以及被注册,如果注册则为nextOccurance [registries[c]]记录当前下标i。最后则将之前的注册项清除,而用当前下标作为新的请求项。


之后使用动态规划解决问题。利用数组longestLengthes,longestLengthes[i]表示所有以下标i作为起始的无重复子字符串的最长长度。显然longestLengthes[s.length - 1]应该为1。而对于任意i < s.length - 1,应该有longestLengthes[i] = min(longestLengthes[i + 1] + 1, nextOccurance [i] - i)。其中longestLengthes[i + 1] + 1表示理想状态下(不考虑出现多个longestLengthes[i]对应的字符)的最优长度,而nextOccurance [i] - i表示可能的以下标i作为起始的无重复子字符串的最长长度,因为s[i] == s[nextOccurance [i]],这里已经发生了重复。之所以敢保证longestLengthes[i] <= longestLengthes[i + 1] + 1是因为假如longestLengthes[i]>longestLengthes[i + 1] + 1,那么显然longestLengthes[i + 1] >= longestLengthes[i] - 1 >longestLengthes[i + 1](整体不重复自然局部不会重复),这是不可能发生的。(如果对这部分不理解,可以枚举可能的情况,总共只有三种)转换成代码:


longestLengthes = int[s.length]

longestLengthes[s.length - 1] = 1

for(i = s.length - 2; i >= 0; i--)

  longestLengthes[i] = min(longestLengthes[i + 1] + 1, nextOccurance [i] - i)






package cn.dalt.leetcode;

 * Created by Administrator on 2017/6/4.
public class LongestSubstringWithoutRepeatingCharacters {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String s = "yiwgczzovxdrrgeebkqliobitcjgqxeqhbxkcyaxvdqplxtmhmarcbzwekewkknrnmdpmfohlfyweujlgjf";
        System.out.println(new LongestSubstringWithoutRepeatingCharacters().lengthOfLongestSubstring(s));
        for(char c = 0; c < 256; c++)
            System.out.println((int)c + ":" + c);

    int[] nextOccurIndexes = null;
    int[] registries = new int[1 << 8];

    public int lengthOfLongestSubstring(String s) {
        //Calculate all next occur indexes
        //nextOccurIndexes[i] is the minimun index of s which has properties that index > i && s[i] = s[index]
        int slength = s.length();
        if (slength == 0) {
            return 0;
        nextOccurIndexes = new int[s.length()];
        for (int i = 0, bound = registries.length; i < bound; i++) {
            registries[i] = -1;
        for (int i = 0, bound = s.length(); i < bound; i++) {
            int c = s.charAt(i);
            int registry = registries[c];
            if (registry != -1) {
                nextOccurIndexes[registry] = i;
            registries[c] = i;
        for (int registry : registries) {
            if (registry != -1) {
                nextOccurIndexes[registry] = slength;

        int[] longestNoneRepetitionSubstringLengthes = new int[s.length()];
        longestNoneRepetitionSubstringLengthes[s.length() - 1] = 1;
        int longestNoneRepetitionSubstringIndex = s.length() - 1;
        for (int i = s.length() - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
            int probablyMaxLength1 = longestNoneRepetitionSubstringLengthes[i + 1] + 1;
            int probablyMaxLength2 = nextOccurIndexes[i] - i;
            longestNoneRepetitionSubstringLengthes[i] = Math.min(probablyMaxLength1, probablyMaxLength2);
            longestNoneRepetitionSubstringIndex =
                    longestNoneRepetitionSubstringLengthes[i] > longestNoneRepetitionSubstringLengthes[longestNoneRepetitionSubstringIndex] ?
                            i : longestNoneRepetitionSubstringIndex;
        return longestNoneRepetitionSubstringLengthes[longestNoneRepetitionSubstringIndex];


Leetcode:Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters