首页 > 代码库 > Mysql的批量导入类 MySqlBulkLoader

Mysql的批量导入类 MySqlBulkLoader

在mssqlserver 中 对应的SqlBuckCopy类,进行批量数据插入。

在mysql 中,官方提供了MySqlBulkLoader 平行的工具;

不过里面有坑,具体坑是插入空值列 NULL的。


For input, if the FIELDS ESCAPED BY character is not empty, occurrences of that character are stripped and the following character is taken literally as part of a field value. Some two-character sequences that are exceptions, where the first character is the escape character. These sequences are shown in the following table (using \ for the escape character). The rules for NULLhandling are described later in this section.

CharacterEscape Sequence
\0An ASCII NUL (X‘00‘) character
\bA backspace character
\nA newline (linefeed) character
\rA carriage return character
\tA tab character.
\ZASCII 26 (Control+Z)


在 MySql.Data.dll 提供的驱动中,使用 \N  字符并未将NULL列插入。应该使用关键词 NULL  进行空值的代表。


 //tran = conn.BeginTransaction();                      MySqlBulkLoader bulk = new MySqlBulkLoader(conn)                      {                          FieldTerminator = ",",                          FieldQuotationCharacter = ‘"‘,                          EscapeCharacter = ‘"‘,                          LineTerminator = "\r\n",                          FileName = tmpPath,                          NumberOfLinesToSkip = 0,                          TableName = table.TableName,                      };                      //bulk.Columns.AddRange(table.Columns.Cast<DataColumn>().Select(colum => colum.ColumnName).ToArray());                      insertCount = bulk.Load();  








Mysql的批量导入类 MySqlBulkLoader