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第一章 StringUtil.cpp和StringUtil.hh分析

 1 /* 2  * StringUtil.hh 3  * 4  * Copyright 2002, Log4cpp Project. All rights reserved. 5  * 6  * See the COPYING file for the terms of usage and distribution. 7  */ 8 头文件的说明,以及与版权相关的说明一般都会放置在文件的开始位置

9 #ifndef _LOG4CPP_STRINGUTIL_HH //为了防止代码被多重包含10 #define _LOG4CPP_STRINGUTIL_HH11 12 #include "PortabilityImpl.hh"13 #include <string>14 #include <vector>15 #include <climits>16 #include <stdarg.h>17 18 namespace log4cpp {19 20 class StringUtil {21 public:22 23 /**24 Returns a string contructed from the a format specifier25 and a va_list of arguments, analogously to vprintf(3).26 @param format the format specifier.27 @param args the va_list of arguments.28 **/29 static std::string vform(const char* format, va_list args);30 31 /**32 Returns a string identical to the given string but without leading33 or trailing HTABs or spaces.34 **/35 static std::string trim(const std::string& s);36 37 /**38 splits a string into a vector of string segments based on the39 given delimiter.40 @param v The vector in which the segments will be stored. The vector41 will be emptied before storing the segments42 @param s The string to split into segments.43 @param delimiter The delimiter character44 @param maxSegments the maximum number of segments. Upon return45 v.size() <= maxSegments. The string is scanned from left to right46 so v[maxSegments - 1] may contain a string containing the delimiter47 character.48 @return The actual number of segments (limited by maxSegments).49 **/50 static unsigned int split(std::vector<std::string>& v, 51 const std::string& s, char delimiter,52 unsigned int maxSegments = INT_MAX);53 /**54 splits a string into string segments based on the given delimiter55 and assigns the segments through an output_iterator.56 @param output The output_iterator through which to assign the string57 segments. Typically this will be a back_insertion_iterator.58 @param s The string to split into segments.59 @param delimiter The delimiter character60 @param maxSegments The maximum number of segments.61 @return The actual number of segments (limited by maxSegments).62 **/63 template<typename T> static unsigned int split(T& output,64 const std::string& s, char delimiter,65 unsigned int maxSegments = INT_MAX) {66 std::string::size_type left = 0;67 unsigned int i;68 for(i = 1; i < maxSegments; i++) {69 std::string::size_type right = s.find(delimiter, left);70 if (right == std::string::npos) {71 break;72 }73 *output++ = s.substr(left, right - left);74 left = right + 1;75 }76 77 *output++ = s.substr(left);78 return i;79 }80 };81 }82 83 #endif // _LOG4CPP_STRINGUTIL_HH

#include <iostream>
#include <iostream.h>
 1 #include <iostream.h> 2  3 using namespace std; 4  5 int main(int argc,char**argv) 6 { 7    cout<<"hi guys"<<endl; 8          9   return 0;   10 }


stdarg.h是C语言中C标准函数库的头文件,stdarg是由standard(标准) arguments(参数)简化而来,主要目的为让函数能够接收可变参数。

So,用了#include <stdargs.h>的写法。至于。。。至于哪个头文件属于C++标准函数库,哪个属于C标准函数库呢,Windows平台的IDE开发环境发挥了积极的优势。
See See吧,


好了,不要在这个话题上纠结了。Go on .......睡觉鸟。。。。。


第一章 StringUtil.cpp和StringUtil.hh分析