首页 > 代码库 > 16进制颜色与UIColor互转




- (void)viewDidLoad{    [super viewDidLoad];    // Do any additional setup after loading the view.        UIView *view=[[UIView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(50, 100, 200, 200)];    view.backgroundColor=[self colorWithHexString:@"e26562"];    [self.view addSubview:view];    }//16进制颜色#e26562与UIColor互转,设置View背景颜色- (UIColor *) colorWithHexString: (NSString *)color{    NSString *cString = [[color stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]] uppercaseString];        // String should be 6 or 8 characters    if ([cString length] < 6) {        return [UIColor clearColor];    }        // strip 0X if it appears    if ([cString hasPrefix:@"0X"])        cString = [cString substringFromIndex:2];    if ([cString hasPrefix:@"#"])        cString = [cString substringFromIndex:1];    if ([cString length] != 6)        return [UIColor clearColor];        // Separate into r, g, b substrings    NSRange range;    range.location = 0;    range.length = 2;        //r    NSString *rString = [cString substringWithRange:range];        //g    range.location = 2;    NSString *gString = [cString substringWithRange:range];        //b    range.location = 4;    NSString *bString = [cString substringWithRange:range];        // Scan values    unsigned int r, g, b;    [[NSScanner scannerWithString:rString] scanHexInt:&r];    [[NSScanner scannerWithString:gString] scanHexInt:&g];    [[NSScanner scannerWithString:bString] scanHexInt:&b];        return [UIColor colorWithRed:((float) r / 255.0f) green:((float) g / 255.0f) blue:((float) b / 255.0f) alpha:1.0f];}

