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使用PowerDesigner 15进行逆向工程生成数据库图表时,列的注释问题
1、打开PowerDesigner 15,选择菜单:File→Reverse Engineer→Database 对数据库进行逆向工程生成PDM图表,选择一张表生成:
2、选择菜单:Database→Edit Current DBMS,弹出DBMS Properties对话框,选择Script\Objects\Column\SqlListQuery
{OWNER, TABLE, S, COLUMN, DTTPCODE, LENGTH, SIZE, PREC, COMPUTE, NOTNULL, IDENTITY, DOMAIN, DEFAULT, ExtIdentitySeedInc, COMMENT, ExtCollation, ExtIdtNotForReplication, ExtDeftConstName, Sparse, FileStream, ExtRowGuidCol}select u.name, o.name, c.column_id, c.name, case when c.system_type_id in (165, 167, 231) and c.max_length = -1 then t.name + ‘(Max)‘ else t.name end, c.precision, case (c.max_length) when -1 then 0 else case when c.system_type_id in (99, 231, 239) then (c.max_length/2) else (c.max_length) end end as colnA, c.scale, case(c.is_computed) when 1 then convert(varchar(8000), (select z.definition from [%CATALOG%.]sys.computed_columns z where z.object_id = c.object_id and z.column_id = c.column_id)) else ‘‘ end as colnB, case(c.is_nullable) when 1 then ‘NULL‘ else ‘NOTNULL‘ end, case(c.is_identity) when 1 then ‘identity‘ else ‘‘ end, case when(c.user_type_id <> c.system_type_id) then (select d.name from [%CATALOG%.]sys.types d where d.user_type_id = c.user_type_id) else ‘‘ end as colnC, convert(varchar(8000), d.definition), case (c.is_identity) when 1 then convert(varchar, i.seed_value) + ‘, ‘ + convert(varchar, i.increment_value) else ‘‘ end as colnD, (select convert(varchar(8000), value) from ::fn_listextendedproperty(NULL, ‘user‘, u.name, ‘table‘, o.name, ‘column‘, c.name) where name = ‘MS_Description‘) as colnE, c.collation_name, case (i.is_not_for_replication) when 1 then ‘true‘ else ‘false‘ end, d.name, case(c.is_sparse) when 1 then ‘true‘ else ‘false‘ end, case(c.is_filestream) when 1 then ‘true‘ else ‘false‘ end, case(c.is_rowguidcol) when 1 then ‘true‘ else ‘false‘ endfrom [%CATALOG%.]sys.columns c join [%CATALOG%.]sys.objects o on (o.object_id = c.object_id) join [%CATALOG%.]sys.schemas u on (u.schema_id = o.schema_id) join [%CATALOG%.]sys.types t on (t.user_type_id = c.system_type_id) left outer join [%CATALOG%.]sys.identity_columns i on (i.object_id = c.object_id and i.column_id = c.column_id) left outer join [%CATALOG%.]sys.default_constraints d on (d.object_id = c.default_object_id)where o.type in (‘U‘, ‘S‘, ‘V‘)[ and u.name = %.q:OWNER%][ and o.name=%.q:TABLE%]order by 1, 2, 3
{OWNER, TABLE, S, COLUMN, DTTPCODE, LENGTH, SIZE, PREC, COMPUTE, NOTNULL, IDENTITY, DOMAIN, DEFAULT, ExtIdentitySeedInc,COMMENT, ExtCollation, ExtIdtNotForReplication, ExtDeftConstName, Sparse, FileStream, ExtRowGuidCol}select u.name, o.name, c.column_id, c.name, case when c.system_type_id in (165, 167, 231) and c.max_length = -1 then t.name + ‘(Max)‘ else t.name end, c.precision, case (c.max_length) when -1 then 0 else case when c.system_type_id in (99, 231, 239) then (c.max_length/2) else (c.max_length) end end as colnA, c.scale, case(c.is_computed) when 1 then convert(varchar(8000), (select z.definition from [%CATALOG%.]sys.computed_columns z where z.object_id = c.object_id and z.column_id = c.column_id)) else ‘‘ end as colnB, case(c.is_nullable) when 1 then ‘NULL‘ else ‘NOTNULL‘ end, case(c.is_identity) when 1 then ‘identity‘ else ‘‘ end, case when(c.user_type_id <> c.system_type_id) then (select d.name from [%CATALOG%.]sys.types d where d.user_type_id = c.user_type_id) else ‘‘ end as colnC, convert(varchar(8000), d.definition), case (c.is_identity) when 1 then convert(varchar, i.seed_value) + ‘, ‘ + convert(varchar, i.increment_value) else ‘‘ end as colnD, convert(varchar(8000), e.value) as colnE, c.collation_name, case (i.is_not_for_replication) when 1 then ‘true‘ else ‘false‘ end, d.name, case(c.is_sparse) when 1 then ‘true‘ else ‘false‘ end, case(c.is_filestream) when 1 then ‘true‘ else ‘false‘ end, case(c.is_rowguidcol) when 1 then ‘true‘ else ‘false‘ endfrom [%CATALOG%.]sys.columns c join [%CATALOG%.]sys.objects o on (o.object_id = c.object_id) join [%CATALOG%.]sys.schemas u on (u.schema_id = o.schema_id) join [%CATALOG%.]sys.types t on (t.user_type_id = c.system_type_id) left outer join [%CATALOG%.]sys.identity_columns i on (i.object_id = c.object_id and i.column_id = c.column_id) left outer join [%CATALOG%.]sys.default_constraints d on (d.object_id = c.default_object_id) left outer join [%CATALOG%.]sys.extended_properties e on (e.class=u.schema_id and e.major_id=o.object_id and e.minor_id = c.column_id and e.name=N‘MS_Description‘)where o.type in (‘U‘, ‘S‘, ‘V‘)[ and u.name = %.q:OWNER%][ and o.name=%.q:TABLE%]order by 1, 2, 3
4、这里我为了以后还可以使用原先的脚本DBMS(也就是自带的Microsoft SQL Server 2008),我新建一个自定义的“My Microsoft SQL Server 2008”:选择菜单,Tools→Resources→DBMS,弹出List Of DBMS对话框,选择新建,弹出新建对话框,填写名称为“My Microsoft SQL Server 2008”,选择“Microsoft SQL Server 2008”从此复制,Ok,保存。
5、保存后,弹出DBMS Properties对话框,选择Script\Objects\Column\SqlListQuery,修改其Value就可以了,Value的值就是上面的“新脚本”的值。
6、选择File→Reverse Engineer→Database 对数据库进行逆向工程,DBMS选择刚才新建的“My Microsoft SQL Server 2008”,这样生成的表就有注释了。
1、在刚才新建的“My Microsoft SQL Server 2008”的Script\Objects\Column中可以看到这么一段:
The following system variables are available:(parent table items are also available for columns) "COLUMN" // generated code of the column "COLNNO" // position of the column in the list of columns of the table "COLNNAME" // name of the column "COLNCODE" // code of the column "PRIMARY" // keyword "primary" if the column is primary "ISPKEY" // TRUE if the column is part of the primary key "FOREIGN" // TRUE if the column is part of one foreign key
2、将COLNNAME添加到Script\Objects\Column\SqlListQuery的Value中,{OWNER, TABLE, S, COLUMN, DTTPCODE, LENGTH, SIZE, PREC, COMPUTE, NOTNULL, IDENTITY, DOMAIN, DEFAULT, ExtIdentitySeedInc,COMMENT,COLNNAME, ExtCollation, ExtIdtNotForReplication, ExtDeftConstName, Sparse, FileStream, ExtRowGuidCol},再把Comment的值给它
‘******************************************************************************‘* File: comment2name.vbs‘* Purpose: 在PowerDesigner的PDM图形窗口中显示数据列的中文注释‘* Title: 将字段的comment赋值到字段的name中‘* Category: 打开物理模型,运行本脚本(Ctrl+Shift+X)‘* Copyright:foxzz@163.com,2006/07/25 .‘* Author: foxzz‘* Created: ‘* Modified: ‘* Version: 1.0‘* Comment: 遍历物理模型中的所有表,将字段的comment赋值到字段的name中。‘ 在将name置换为comment过程中,需要考虑的问题‘ 1、name必须唯一,而comment有可能不唯一。‘ 处理办法是如果字段的comment重复,则字段的name=comment+1、2、3...‘ 2、comment值有可能为空,这种情况下对字段的name不处理。‘ 针对oracle数据库,将comment on column 字段名称 is ‘‘;添加到C:/pdcomment.txt文件中。‘ 在补充comment完毕后,便于在数据库中执行 ‘****************************************************************************** Option Explicit ValidationMode = TrueInteractiveMode = im_Batch Dim system, fileSet system = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")Dim ForReading, ForWriting, ForAppending ‘打开文件选项ForReading = 1 ‘ 只读 ForWriting = 2 ‘ 可写 ForAppending = 8 ‘ 可写并追加‘打开文本文件Set file = system.OpenTextFile("C:/pdcomment.txt", ForWriting, true) ‘判断当前model是否物理数据模型Dim mdlSet mdl = ActiveModel If (mdl Is Nothing) Then MsgBox "处理对象无模型"ElseIf Not mdl.IsKindOf(PdPDM.cls_Model) Then MsgBox "当前模型不是物理数据模型"Else ProcessFolder mdl,file End Iffile.Close ‘******************************************************************************Private sub ProcessFolder(folder,file) Dim i,j,ki=0:j=0:k=0 ‘列数组,记录字段里不重复的commentDim ColumnComment() Dim ColumnCommentNumber()ReDim Preserve ColumnComment(i)ReDim Preserve ColumnCommentNumber(i) Dim tbl ‘当前表Dim col ‘当前字段 dim curComment ‘当前字段comment ‘处理模型中的表for each tbl in folder.tables if not tbl.isShortcut then if len(trim(tbl.comment))<>0 then ‘可以在这里显示table的comment ‘tbl.name = tbl.name+"("+trim(tbl.comment)+")" end if ‘处理表中的列 for each col in tbl.columns k = 0 curComment = trim(col.comment) if len(curComment)<>0 then ‘遍历相异的comment数组 for j = 0 to i if ColumnComment(j) = curComment then ‘如果找到相同的comment,则相关计数器加1 ColumnCommentNumber(j) = ColumnCommentNumber(j) + 1 k = j end if Next ‘如果没有相同的comment,则k=0,此时ColumnCommentNumber(0)也为0 ‘否则ColumnCommentNumber(k)不为0 if ColumnCommentNumber(k) <> 0 then col.name = curComment & cstr(ColumnCommentNumber(k)) else col.name = curComment ‘ColumnComment(0)、ColumnCommentNumber(0)永远为空 ‘将相异的comment记录添加到数组中 i = i + 1 ReDim Preserve ColumnComment(i) ReDim Preserve ColumnCommentNumber(i) ColumnComment(i) = curComment ColumnCommentNumber(i) = 0 end if else ‘写入文件中 file.WriteLine "comment on column "+ tbl.name+"."+col.code+" is ‘‘;" end if next end if ‘由于不同表的name允许相同,因此此时重新初始化。 ‘因为ColumnComment(0)、ColumnCommentNumber(0)为空,可以保留 ReDim Preserve ColumnComment(0) ReDim Preserve ColumnCommentNumber(0) i=0:j=0:k=0 next Dim view ‘当前视图for each view in folder.Views if not view.isShortcut then ‘可以在这里显示view的comment ‘view.name = view.comment end if next ‘对子目录进行递归Dim subpackage ‘folderFor Each subpackage In folder.Packages if not subpackage.IsShortcut then ProcessFolder subpackage , file end if Next end sub
选择菜单:Tools→Execute Commands→Edit/Run Script,Run运行vbs脚本即可。
‘把pd中那么name想自动添加到comment里面‘如果comment为空,则填入name;如果不为空,则保留不变,这样可以避免已有的注释丢失. Option Explicit ValidationMode = TrueInteractiveMode = im_Batch Dim mdl ‘ the current model ‘ get the current active model Set mdl = ActiveModel If (mdl Is Nothing) Then MsgBox "There is no current Model "ElseIf Not mdl.IsKindOf(PdPDM.cls_Model) Then MsgBox "The current model is not an Physical Data model. "Else ProcessFolder mdl End If ‘ This routine copy name into comment for each table, each column and each view ‘ of the current folder Private sub ProcessFolder(folder) Dim Tab ‘running table for each Tab in folder.tables if not tab.isShortcut then if trim(tab.comment)="" then ‘如果有表的注释,则不改变它.如果没有表注释.则把name添加到注释里面. tab.comment = tab.name end if Dim col ‘ running column for each col in tab.columns if trim(col.comment)="" then ‘如果col的comment为空,则填入name,如果已有注释,则不添加;这样可以避免已有注释丢失. col.comment= col.name end if next end if next Dim view ‘running view for each view in folder.Views if not view.isShortcut and trim(view.comment)="" then view.comment = view.name end if next ‘ go into the sub-packages Dim f ‘ running folder For Each f In folder.Packages if not f.IsShortcut then ProcessFolder f end if Next end sub
使用PowerDesigner 15进行逆向工程生成数据库图表时,列的注释问题