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摘要:在NS3的学习中,PHY MAC中总有一些常数,需要理解才能修改。如帧间间隔等。那么,本文做个简单分析,帮助大家理解。针对802.11标准中MAC协议。


voidWifiMac::Configure80211b (void){  SetSifs (MicroSeconds (10));  SetSlot (MicroSeconds (20));  SetEifsNoDifs (MicroSeconds (10 + 304));  SetPifs (MicroSeconds (10 + 20));  SetCtsTimeout (MicroSeconds (10 + 304 + 20 + GetDefaultMaxPropagationDelay ().GetMicroSeconds () * 2));  SetAckTimeout (MicroSeconds (10 + 304 + 20 + GetDefaultMaxPropagationDelay ().GetMicroSeconds () * 2));}





采用DSSS,1Mbps模式下。在802.11-2012中,节中,有PPDU format规定了帧格式。如下图:


其中,大家比较关心的2个参数就是 PLCP Preamble 和 PLCP Header,分别为144bits和48bits。也就是192us,英文为192 MicroSeconds。

计算时间的相关代码,在NS3中 wifi-phy.cc中,代码如下:

uint32_tWifiPhy::GetPlcpHeaderDurationMicroSeconds (WifiMode payloadMode, WifiPreamble preamble){  switch (payloadMode.GetModulationClass ())    {    case WIFI_MOD_CLASS_OFDM:      {        switch (payloadMode.GetBandwidth ())          {          case 20000000:          default:            // (Section 18.3.3 "PLCP preamble (SYNC))" and Figure 18-4 "OFDM training structure"; IEEE Std 802.11-2012)            // also (Section "Timing related parameters" Table 18-5 "Timing-related parameters"; IEEE Std 802.11-2012)            // We return the duration of the SIGNAL field only, since the            // SERVICE field (which strictly speaking belongs to the PLCP            // header, see Section 18.3.2 and Figure 18-1) is sent using the            // payload mode.            return 4;          case 10000000:            // (Section "Timing related parameters" Table 18-5 "Timing-related parameters"; IEEE Std 802.11-2012)            return 8;          case 5000000:            // (Section "Timing related parameters" Table 18-5 "Timing-related parameters"; IEEE Std 802.11-2012)            return 16;          }      }     //Added by Ghada to support 11n    case WIFI_MOD_CLASS_HT:      { //IEEE 802.11n Figure 20.1         switch (preamble)            {             case WIFI_PREAMBLE_HT_MF:               // L-SIG               return 4;             case WIFI_PREAMBLE_HT_GF:               //L-SIG               return 0;             default:               // L-SIG               return 4;            }      }    case WIFI_MOD_CLASS_ERP_OFDM:      return 4;    case WIFI_MOD_CLASS_DSSS:      if (preamble == WIFI_PREAMBLE_SHORT)        {          // (Section "Short PPDU format" and Figure 17-2 "Short PPDU format"; IEEE Std 802.11-2012)          return 24;        }      else // WIFI_PREAMBLE_LONG        {          // (Section "Long PPDU format" and Figure 17-1 "Short PPDU format"; IEEE Std 802.11-2012)          return 48;        }    default:      NS_FATAL_ERROR ("unsupported modulation class");      return 0;    }}uint32_tWifiPhy::GetPlcpPreambleDurationMicroSeconds (WifiMode payloadMode, WifiPreamble preamble){  switch (payloadMode.GetModulationClass ())    {    case WIFI_MOD_CLASS_OFDM:      {        switch (payloadMode.GetBandwidth ())          {          case 20000000:          default:            // (Section 18.3.3 "PLCP preamble (SYNC))" Figure 18-4 "OFDM training structure"            // also Section "Modulation-dependent parameters" Table 18-4 "Modulation-dependent parameters"; IEEE Std 802.11-2012)            return 16;          case 10000000:            // (Section 18.3.3 "PLCP preamble (SYNC))" Figure 18-4 "OFDM training structure"            // also Section "Modulation-dependent parameters" Table 18-4 "Modulation-dependent parameters"; IEEE Std 802.11-2012)            return 32;          case 5000000:            // (Section 18.3.3 "PLCP preamble (SYNC))" Figure 18-4 "OFDM training structure"            // also Section "Modulation-dependent parameters" Table 18-4 "Modulation-dependent parameters"; IEEE Std 802.11-2012)            return 64;          }      }    case WIFI_MOD_CLASS_HT:      { //IEEE 802.11n Figure 20.1 the training symbols before L_SIG or HT_SIG           return 16;      }    case WIFI_MOD_CLASS_ERP_OFDM:      return 16;    case WIFI_MOD_CLASS_DSSS:      if (preamble == WIFI_PREAMBLE_SHORT)        {          // (Section "Short PPDU format)" Figure 17-2 "Short PPDU format"; IEEE Std 802.11-2012)          return 72;        }      else // WIFI_PREAMBLE_LONG        {          // (Section "Long PPDU format)" Figure 17-1 "Long PPDU format"; IEEE Std 802.11-2012)          return 144;        }    default:      NS_FATAL_ERROR ("unsupported modulation class");      return 0;    }}doubleWifiPhy::GetPayloadDurationMicroSeconds (uint32_t size, WifiTxVector txvector){  WifiMode payloadMode=txvector.GetMode();  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (size << payloadMode);   switch (payloadMode.GetModulationClass ())    {    case WIFI_MOD_CLASS_OFDM:    case WIFI_MOD_CLASS_ERP_OFDM:      {        // (Section "Timing related parameters" Table 18-5 "Timing-related parameters"; IEEE Std 802.11-2012        // corresponds to T_{SYM} in the table)        uint32_t symbolDurationUs;        switch (payloadMode.GetBandwidth ())          {          case 20000000:          default:            symbolDurationUs = 4;            break;          case 10000000:            symbolDurationUs = 8;            break;          case 5000000:            symbolDurationUs = 16;            break;          }        // (Section "Modulation-dependent parameters" Table 18-4 "Modulation-dependent parameters"; IEEE Std 802.11-2012)        // corresponds to N_{DBPS} in the table        double numDataBitsPerSymbol = payloadMode.GetDataRate () * symbolDurationUs / 1e6;        // (Section "Pad bits (PAD)" Equation 18-11; IEEE Std 802.11-2012)        uint32_t numSymbols = lrint (ceil ((16 + size * 8.0 + 6.0) / numDataBitsPerSymbol));        // Add signal extension for ERP PHY        if (payloadMode.GetModulationClass () == WIFI_MOD_CLASS_ERP_OFDM)          {            return numSymbols * symbolDurationUs + 6;          }        else          {            return numSymbols * symbolDurationUs;          }      }    case WIFI_MOD_CLASS_HT:      {         double symbolDurationUs;         double m_Stbc;        //if short GI data rate is used then symbol duration is 3.6us else symbol duration is 4us        //In the future has to create a stationmanager that only uses these data rates if sender and reciever support GI         if (payloadMode.GetUniqueName() == "OfdmRate135MbpsBW40MHzShGi" || payloadMode.GetUniqueName() == "OfdmRate65MbpsBW20MHzShGi" )           {             symbolDurationUs=3.6;           }         else           {             switch (payloadMode.GetDataRate ()/ (txvector.GetNss()))               { //shortGi                  case 7200000:                  case 14400000:                  case 21700000:                  case 28900000:                  case 43300000:                  case 57800000:                  case 72200000:                  case 15000000:                  case 30000000:                  case 45000000:                  case 60000000:                  case 90000000:                  case 120000000:                  case 150000000:                    symbolDurationUs=3.6;                    break;                                default:                    symbolDurationUs=4;              }           }         if  (txvector.IsStbc())            m_Stbc=2;         else           m_Stbc=1;         double numDataBitsPerSymbol = payloadMode.GetDataRate () *txvector.GetNss()  * symbolDurationUs / 1e6;         //check tables 20-35 and 20-36 in the standard to get cases when nes =2         double Nes=1;        // IEEE Std 802.11n, section 20.3.11, equation (20-32)        uint32_t numSymbols = lrint (m_Stbc*ceil ((16 + size * 8.0 + 6.0*Nes) / (m_Stbc* numDataBitsPerSymbol)));               return numSymbols * symbolDurationUs;               }    case WIFI_MOD_CLASS_DSSS:      // (Section "Long PLCP LENGTH field"; IEEE Std 802.11-2012)      NS_LOG_LOGIC (" size=" << size                             << " mode=" << payloadMode                             << " rate=" << payloadMode.GetDataRate () );      return lrint (ceil ((size * 8.0) / (payloadMode.GetDataRate () / 1.0e6)));    default:      NS_FATAL_ERROR ("unsupported modulation class");      return 0;    }}TimeWifiPhy::CalculateTxDuration (uint32_t size, WifiTxVector txvector, WifiPreamble preamble){  WifiMode payloadMode=txvector.GetMode();  double duration = GetPlcpPreambleDurationMicroSeconds (payloadMode, preamble)    + GetPlcpHeaderDurationMicroSeconds (payloadMode, preamble)    + GetPlcpHtSigHeaderDurationMicroSeconds (payloadMode, preamble)    + GetPlcpHtTrainingSymbolDurationMicroSeconds (payloadMode, preamble,txvector)    + GetPayloadDurationMicroSeconds (size, txvector);  return MicroSeconds (duration);}




如下图中17342 是怎么得到的呢?


你需要知道应用层的包是如何封装的,这涉及到计算机网络的知识。这里以上面的包大小举例说明,packet =2000bytes.


上图中可以看到:data—>udp(8)—>ip(20)—>llc(8)—>mac (28)包封装过程

ip和udp封装包头大小,一般计算机网络书中有介绍。llc 这个没搞懂为啥是8个。mac数据帧可以看下图:


一共40字节,但是地址4,qos,ht不用。ns3中使用的是non qos mac。


voidMacLow::SendRtsForPacket (void){  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this);  /* send an RTS for this packet. */  WifiMacHeader rts;  rts.SetType (WIFI_MAC_CTL_RTS);  rts.SetDsNotFrom ();  rts.SetDsNotTo ();  rts.SetNoRetry ();  rts.SetNoMoreFragments ();  rts.SetAddr1 (m_currentHdr.GetAddr1 ());  rts.SetAddr2 (m_self);  WifiTxVector rtsTxVector = GetRtsTxVector (m_currentPacket, &m_currentHdr);  Time duration = Seconds (0);  WifiPreamble preamble;  //standard says RTS packets can have GF format sec 9.6.0e.1 page 110 bullet b 2  if ( m_phy->GetGreenfield()&& m_stationManager->GetGreenfieldSupported (m_currentHdr.GetAddr1 ()))    preamble= WIFI_PREAMBLE_HT_GF;  else if (rtsTxVector.GetMode().GetModulationClass () == WIFI_MOD_CLASS_HT)    preamble= WIFI_PREAMBLE_HT_MF;  else    preamble=WIFI_PREAMBLE_LONG;  if (m_txParams.HasDurationId ())    {      duration += m_txParams.GetDurationId ();    }  else    {      WifiTxVector dataTxVector = GetDataTxVector (m_currentPacket, &m_currentHdr);      duration += GetSifs ();      duration += GetCtsDuration (m_currentHdr.GetAddr1 (), rtsTxVector);      duration += GetSifs ();      duration += m_phy->CalculateTxDuration (GetSize (m_currentPacket, &m_currentHdr),                                              dataTxVector, preamble);      duration += GetSifs ();      duration += GetAckDuration (m_currentHdr.GetAddr1 (), dataTxVector);    }  rts.SetDuration (duration);  Time txDuration = m_phy->CalculateTxDuration (GetRtsSize (), rtsTxVector, preamble);  Time timerDelay = txDuration + GetCtsTimeout ();  NS_ASSERT (m_ctsTimeoutEvent.IsExpired ());  NotifyCtsTimeoutStartNow (timerDelay);  m_ctsTimeoutEvent = Simulator::Schedule (timerDelay, &MacLow::CtsTimeout, this);  Ptr<Packet> packet = Create<Packet> ();  packet->AddHeader (rts);  WifiMacTrailer fcs;  packet->AddTrailer (fcs);  ForwardDown (packet, &rts, rtsTxVector,preamble);}




duration += GetSifs ();  10

duration += GetCtsDuration (m_currentHdr.GetAddr1 (), rtsTxVector);  cts:14*8+192=304

duration += GetSifs (); 10

duration += m_phy->CalculateTxDuration (GetSize (m_currentPacket, &m_currentHdr), dataTxVector, preamble); 2064*8+192=16704

duration += GetSifs ();10

duration += GetAckDuration (m_currentHdr.GetAddr1 (), dataTxVector); ack:14*8+192=304

duration = 10+304+10+16704+10+304=17342


