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记录下Sublime Text Mac版的快捷键

  • 推荐使用最新版本的Chrome/Safari或者Firefox浏览器浏览此页,否则Mac按键可能无法正常展示
  • The Latest Version of Chrome/Safari or Firefox is Recommeded.
? + XDelete line
? + ? + KDelete line
? + ?Insert line after
? + ? + ?Insert line before
? + ? + ↑Move line/selection up
? + ? + ↓Move line/selection down
? + LSelect line - Repeat to select next lines
? + DSelect word - Repeat select others occurrences
? + MJump to closing parentheses Repeat to jump to opening parentheses
? + K, ? + KDelete from cursor to end of line
? + KDelete from cursor to end of line
? + [K] + ?Delete from cursor to start of line
? + ]Indent current line(s)
? + [Un-indent current line(s)
? + ? + DDuplicate line(s)
? + JJoin line below to the end of the current line
? + /Comment/un-comment current line
? + ? + /Block comment current selection
? + YRedo, or repeat last keyboard shortcut command
? + ? + VPaste and indent correctly
? + SpaceSelect next auto-complete suggestion
? + ZUndo
? + YRedo insert snippet
? + USoft undo; jumps to your last change before undoing change when repeated
? + ? + USoft redo (movement redo)
? + TSwap two letters or, better yet, two words
? + PQuick-open files by name
? + RGoto symbol、go to methods
? + GGoto line in current file
? + TGo to file
? + ? + PGo to project
? + Left/RightGo to Beginning or End of Line
? + Left/RightMove between words
? + LScroll to selection
? + MJump to matching bracket
? + TabNext file in stack
? + ? + TabPrevious file in stack


? + ? + PCommand prompt, Command palette
? + K, ? + BToggle side bar
? + ? + PShow scope in status bar
? + `Python console
? + =Larger Text
? + -Smaller Text
? + ? + FEnter full screen
? + ? + ? + FEnter distraction free mode
? + MMinimize
? + ? + MMinimize all
? + QRecord macro
? + ? + QPlay back macro


? + FFind
? + ? + FReplace
? + ? + EReplace next
? + ? + FFind in files
? + ? + G, ? + GFind next occurrence of current word
? + ? + GFind previous occurrence of current word
? + ? + GSelect all occurrences of current word for multiple editing
? + IIncremental find
? + DQuick add next
? + EUse selection for find
? + ? + EUse selection for replace

File Operation

? + NNew file
? + OOpen file
? + ? + TReopen closed file
? + SSave file
? + ?+ SSave as…
? + ? + SSave all
? + ?+ NNew window
? + ?+ WClose window
? + WClose file


? + ? + ↑Add previous line
? + ? + ↓Add next line
? + ASelect all
? + LExpand selection to line
? + DExpand selection to word
? + ?+ MExpand selection to brackets
? + ?+ JExpand selection to indentation
? + ?+ AExpand selection to Tag
? + ?+ LSelect lines, and then split it into many selections, one per line
? + Left/RightAdd or remove word selection
EscGo from multiple selections to a single selection


? + ? + tOpen last closed tab
? + ? + ←Cycle up through tabs
? + ? + ?Cycle down through tabs

Split window

? + ? + 2Split view into two columns
? + ? + 1Revert view to single column
? + ? + 5Set view to grid (4 groups)
? + [NUM]Jump to group where num is 1-4
? + ? + [NUM]Move file to specified group where num is 1-4
? + [1,2,3…]Select tab


? + F2Toggle bookmark
F2 Nextbookmark
? + F2Previous bookmark
? + ? + F2Clear bookmarks

Text manipulation

? + K, ? + UTransform to Uppercase
? + K, ? + LTransform to Lowercase
F5Sort lines
? + F5Sort lines(case sensitive)
? + ? + TSpecial characters


? + ? + ASelect content into tag
? + ? + .Close tag
? + ? + WWrap the selected text in the HTML tag


? + K + spaceSet mark // ?K; for me
? + K + WDelete from cursor to mark
? + K + ASelect from cursor to mark
? + K + GClear mark


  1. http://www.sublimetext.com/docs/2/index.html
  2. http://docs.sublimetext.info/en/latest/index.html
  3. https://tutsplus.com/course/improve-workflow-in-sublime-text-2/

记录下Sublime Text Mac版的快捷键