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24 Questions That Awaken The Real You

24 Questions That Awaken The Real You

I never used to ask these hit-harder-than-Tyson questions of myself. Or perhaps more accurately I’d occasionally ask them or they’d pop, unwanted, into my head, but I’d always quickly remove them from consciousness. I didn’t want to “go there”. Because I was scared. Intuitively, I knew these were important questions. Questions that would take me forward and jolt me outside my current reality. But I was comfortable drifting along the peripheries of my potential, even if I wasn’t totally happy, so why would I want to risk that?
我从来没有问过自己这些超难的问题。或者更准确地说,我偶尔也会问问,或者说问题自己会蹦出来,冷不防地出现在我的脑海里,但我总是迅速地将它们从意识中删除,其实我并不想回答这些问题 。因为我害怕。直观地说,我知道这些都是重要的问题。它们会带我向前,帮助我摆脱现状。即使我并不是非常快乐,但我总是在沿着潜力的周边舒服地漂流。那么我为什么要问自己那些问题呢?

But… I had to risk it. I’d always wanted more than “normal”; better than “average”. I wanted to be successful. I really did. And these questions must’ve been popping into my head for a reason, with the most logical explanation being that I wanted an answer to them. When I really thought about it, I was desperate for an answer to these kinds of questions. I knew they’d set me free, because that’s what being honest does. You no longer hide from yourself. It can be a little painful at first, but what’s more painful: asking these questions of yourself now, or never asking them and risking never living the life you’ve always wanted to? Only you know if you’re being honest or not. The more you do it, the easier it becomes. They just become questions you ask of yourself all the time and give true answers to.

My life changed when I started asking these questions and being honest with myself. I realized (admitted) that I just wasn’t that close to where I wanted to be. I realized (admitted) I was using excuses. And I realized (admitted) that I’d never get to where I wanted to be if I kept this up. It was time to make a choice. One that I could be proud of. One that I could tell my kids to make one day. That choice? The choice to make progress, not excuses. To pursue my dream life. To be who I really was. Isn’t now the time to be the real you?
当我开始问这些问题,并如实作答时,我的生活改变了。我发现(承认),我只是没有那么靠近我想要的东西。我发现(承认),我在用借口。我发现(承认) ,如果我一直这样下去,我永远不会到达想要去的地方。现在是时候做出选择了。这个选择是我可以引以为豪的。二也是某天我可以告诉我的孩子们做的那个选择。是帮助我们进取的选择,而不是借口。为了追求我的梦想生活,成为真正的自己,难道不正是现在你可以成为真正的自己?

So, why 24 questions? Because that’s how old I am. The actual questions aren’t quite as arbitrary. Promise. Here we go:

1.What would happen if you just went for it?
Deep down, you want to go for it. But you’re scared. The good news: even if you’re scared, you still have a choice. Fear doesn’t run your life; you do.

2.Who are you?
Write down a list of what’s important to you about life.

3.Who are you really?
What was important to you before other people told you what was important to you?

4.What’s your deepest, most secret desire?
You know it’s there. Just be honest and admit it. You’ll feel amazing… and free.

5.If you knew you couldn’t fail, what’s the benefit of not beginning?
Bet you can’t think of a good answer for this.

6.If not now, when?
The past is gone forever and the future is anything but guaranteed. What are you waiting for?

7.Who’s permission do you need?
You know you only need your own permission, but do you seek someone else to tell you it’s ok?

8.What’s stopping you?
If you haven’t started working towards what you truly want, something is.Who or what is holding you back?
The only answer to this: you.

9.If you don’t know what you want, why on earth aren’t you trying to find out?
Unless you’re content to just drift through life, never knowing where you’re going, and never being truly fulfilled.

10.When you know what you truly want, will you actually do anything about it?
Most people ignore it or talk themselves out of doing it.

11.What’s important to you?
Make a list. Be honest with yourself.

12.What’s really important to you?
Seriously. Be honest. Otherwise this is pointless.

13.If you wrote a list of everything that’s important to you, would you even be on it?
If you’re not, is there a good reason for that?

14.If you don’t prioritize yourself, how will you ever be happy?
It’s not going to happen by accident.

15.What’s the excuse you use the most?
Would you tell your best friend to use that excuse?

16.When will you stop using your excuses?
Excuses stop you from getting what you truly want. If you’re happy with that, then keep using them.

17.Do you feel good when you know you’re using excuses?
I’m guessing you don’t. Just a hunch. And I bet you feel great when you make progress. Just saying.

18.Will you ever get what you want if you keep making excuses?
Make all the excuses you want. Just make sure you don’t wake up one day and finally admit that’s what you’ve been doing.

19.Why won’t you just be honest with yourself?
Lying to yourself is easy most of the time because we’re so practiced at it. But it’s not the right thing, and you know it. It might be painful to be honest right now in this moment, but it’s much more painful to lie to yourself forever.

20.How long can you go on doing what you’re doing?
6 months? 1 year? 5 years? If you don’t take action and do something different, nothing will change.

21.When you’re totally honest with yourself, what will happen?
Great things, right?

22.Do you choose comfort over happiness?
There’s a big difference. Find out what that difference means for you, and what you’re currently choosing.

23.And, last but not least:
If any of these have resonated, are you gonna make an excuse or actually do something about it?
The alternative is to sit there and do absolutely nothing different. Procrastinate. Get annoyed with yourself. Wish things were different. Even though things need to change. Even though you know you’re choosing comfort over happiness.

24. But, let me ask you – what would the real you do?


24 Questions That Awaken The Real You