首页 > 代码库 > 数据库中对重复数据行的查询删除操作



select userid,username from nmb where username in(
select username from nmb group by username having count(username)>1)

--2.删除表中username 重复的数据,只保留rowid最小的一条
delete from nmb where username in
(select username from nmb group by username having count(username)>1)
and rowid not in (select min(rowid) from nmb group by username having count(username)>1)

select * from nmb n
where(n.username,n.pwd) in
(select username,pwd from nmb group by username,pwd having count(*)>1)

delete from nmb n
where (n.username,n.pwd) in
(select username,pwd from nmb group by username,pwd having count(*)>1)
and rowid not in
(select min(rowid) from nmb group by username,pwd having count(*)>1)

select * from nmb n
where(n.username,n.pwd) in
(select username,pwd from nmb group by username,pwd having count(*)>1)
and rowid not in
(select min(rowid) from nmb group by username,pwd having count(*)>1)