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Quara 上一些有趣的问答


Clayton C是美国的退役宇航员。他曾经在太空中哭过好几次,而且感觉就跟地球上一样。出了眼泪不会掉到地上。

Clayton C. AndersonUS Astronaut, Retired

I cried in space several times... due to some very emotional circumstances. I speak of several of these situations in my upcoming book.  Look for it in the spring of 2015.  Crying is exactly the same as here on Earth, except the tears don‘t fall down as there is no gravity.  Not a big deal at all... the emotions I experienced however, were a big deal.  Some due to personal events and some due to circumstances inflicted upon my family by folks at NASA... should make interesting reading.

Quara 上一些有趣的问答