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leetcode----------Same Tree


Same Tree

通过率 42.0%
难度 Easy




Given two binary trees, write a function to check if they are equal or not.

Two binary trees are considered equal if they are structurally identical and the nodes have the same value.




        1. 树空的情况!

        2. 注意先判断节点值,再继续递归!


     1. 先判断空的情况,这里分为三种:p和q均为空,p为空q不为空,p不为空q为空。

     2. 对于不空的情况,先判断p和q的根节点的值,相等递归左右子树继续判断,否则返回false。

     3. 继续递归的情况,要注意p和q相等的条件是左右子树均都相等。



 1 /** 2  * Definition for binary tree 3  * public class TreeNode { 4  *     int val; 5  *     TreeNode left; 6  *     TreeNode right; 7  *     TreeNode(int x) { val = x; } 8  * } 9  */10 public class Solution {11     public boolean isSameTree(TreeNode p, TreeNode q) {12         if(p==null && q==null) return true;13         if(p!=null && q==null) return false;14         if(p==null && q!=null) return false;15         if(p.val==q.val)16         {17             return isSameTree(p.left,q.left) && isSameTree(p.right,q.right);18         }else19         {20             return false;21         }22     }23 }24   





leetcode----------Same Tree