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[ES6] 04. The let keyword -- 2 Fiald case

Fiald case 1: let can work in it‘s block

{    let a = 10;    var b = 1;}a // ReferenceError: a is not defined.b //1


Case 2: Let has no "Hosting" Problem

function do_something() {  console.log(foo); // ReferenceError  let foo = 2;}
function do_something() {  console.log(foo); //undefined  var foo = 2;}//hosting:function do_something() { var foo = undefined;     console.log(foo);   foo = 2;}


Case 3: let不允许在相同作用域内,重复声明同一个变量: In a block, you can only define one variable one time.

// 报错{    let a = 10;    var a = 1;}// 报错{    let a = 10;    let a = 1;}


But if you do something like:

function f1() {  let n = 5;  if (true) {      let n = 10;  }  console.log(n); // 5}

There is no problem! becuase 5 and 10 are in different block scope.


[ES6] 04. The let keyword -- 2 Fiald case