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maven 插件2

Maven is - at its heart - a plugin execution framework; all work is done by plugins.

Maven 本质上就是一个插件搭建起来的框架, 它所有的功能都是由插件提供的。



PluginType*VersionRelease DateDescriptionSource RepositoryIssue Tracking
Core plugins   Plugins corresponding to default core phases (ie. clean, compile). They may have multiple goals as well.  
cleanB3.0.02015-10-22Clean up after the build.SVNJIRA
compilerB3.6.12017-01-16Compiles Java sources.SVNJIRA
deployB2.8.22014-08-27Deploy the built artifact to the remote repository.SVNJIRA
failsafeB2.202017-04-13Run the JUnit integration tests in an isolated classloader.GITJIRA
installB2.5.22014-08-27Install the built artifact into the local repository.SVNJIRA
resourcesB3.0.22016-12-10Copy the resources to the output directory for including in the JAR.SVNJIRA
siteB3.62016-11-17Generate a site for the current project.SVNJIRA
surefireB2.202017-04-13Run the JUnit unit tests in an isolated classloader.GITJIRA
verifierB1.12015-04-14Useful for integration tests - verifies the existence of certain conditions.SVNJIRA
Packaging types/tools   These plugins relate to packaging respective artifact types.  
earB2.10.12015-06-27Generate an EAR from the current project.SVNJIRA
ejbB2.5.12015-06-20Build an EJB (and optional client) from the current project.SVNJIRA
jarB3.0.22016-06-18Build a JAR from the current project.SVNJIRA
rarB2.42014-09-08Build a RAR from the current project.SVNJIRA
warB3.1.02017-04-26Build a WAR from the current project.SVNJIRA
app-client/acrB3.0.02015-01-23Build a JavaEE application client from the current project.SVNJIRA
shadeB3.0.02017-01-27Build an Uber-JAR from the current project, including dependencies.SVNJIRA
sourceB3.0.12016-06-18Build a source-JAR from the current project.SVNJIRA
Reporting plugins   Plugins which generate reports, are configured as reports in the POM and run under the site generation lifecycle.  
changelogR2.32014-06-24Generate a list of recent changes from your SCM.SVNJIRA
changesB+R2.12.12016-11-01Generate a report from an issue tracker or a change document.SVNJIRA
checkstyleB+R2.172015-10-15Generate a Checkstyle report.SVNJIRA
doapB1.22015-03-17Generate a Description of a Project (DOAP) file from a POM.SVNJIRA
docckB1.12015-04-03Documentation checker plugin.SVNJIRA
javadocB+R2.10.42016-06-10Generate Javadoc for the project.SVNJIRA
jdepsB3.0.02015-10-29Run JDK‘s JDeps tool on the project.SVNJIRA
jxrR2.52014-11-02Generate a source cross reference.SVNJIRA
linkcheckR1.22014-10-08Generate a Linkcheck report of your project‘s documentation.SVNJIRA
pmdB+R3.82017-05-05Generate a PMD report.SVNJIRA
project-info-reportsR2.92016-03-01Generate standard project reports.SVNJIRA
surefire-reportR2.202017-04-13Generate a report based on the results of unit tests.GITJIRA
Tools   These are miscellaneous tools available through Maven by default.  
antB2.42014-12-15Generate an Ant build file for the project.SVNJIRA
antrunB1.82014-12-26Run a set of ant tasks from a phase of the build.SVNJIRA
archetypeB3.0.12017-04-11Generate a skeleton project structure from an archetype.GITJIRA
assemblyB3.0.02016-11-12Build an assembly (distribution) of sources and/or binaries.SVNJIRA
dependencyB+R3.0.12017-05-11Dependency manipulation (copy, unpack) and analysis.SVNJIRA
enforcerB1.4.12015-08-23Environmental constraint checking (Maven Version, JDK etc), User Custom Rule Execution.SVNJIRA
gpgB1.62015-01-19Create signatures for the artifacts and poms.SVNJIRA
helpB2.22013-02-23Get information about the working environment for the project.SVNJIRA
invokerB+R2.0.02015-06-27Run a set of Maven projects and verify the output.SVNJIRA
jarsignerB1.42015-01-21Signs or verifies project artifacts.SVNJIRA
patchB1.22015-03-09Use the gnu patch tool to apply patch files to source code.SVNJIRA
pdfB1.32015-02-16Generate a PDF version of your project‘s documentation.SVNJIRA
pluginB+R3.52016-08-30Create a Maven plugin descriptor for any mojos found in the source tree, to include in the JAR.SVNJIRA
releaseB2.5.32015-10-17Release the current project - updating the POM and tagging in the SCM.SVNJIRA
remote-resourcesB1.52013-08-14Copy remote resources to the output directory for inclusion in the artifact.SVNJIRA
repositoryB2.42015-02-22Plugin to help with repository-based tasks.SVNJIRA
scmB1.9.52016-07-01Execute SCM commands for the current project.GITJIRA
scm-publishB1.12014-05-18Publish your Maven website to a scm location.SVNJIRA
stageB1.02015-03-03Assists with release staging and promotion.SVNJIRA
toolchainsB1.12014-11-12Allows to share configuration across plugins.SVN




MojoHaus 的插件:

Plugin (see complete list with version)Description
animal-snifferBuild signatures of APIs (JDK for example) and checks your classes against them.
build-helperAttach extra artifacts and source folders to build.
castorGenerate sources from an XSD using Castor.
clirrCompare binaries or sources for compatibility using Clirr
javaccGenerate sources from a JavaCC grammar.
jdependGenerate a report on code metrics using JDepend.
nar-maven-pluginCompiles C, C++, Fortran for different architectures.
nativeCompiles C and C++ code with native compilers.
sqlExecutes SQL scripts from files or inline.
taglistGenerate a list of tasks based on tags in your code.

Manage versions of your project, its modules, dependencies and plugins.






cargoCargo ProjectStart/stop/configure J2EE containers and deploy to them.
cloverAtlassian CloverGenerate a Clover report.
jettyJetty ProjectJetty Run a Jetty container for rapid webapp development.
jalopyTriemaxUse Jalopy to format your source code.
ratApache Creadur ProjectRelease Audit Tool (RAT) to verify files.
Genesis PluginsApache Geronimo ProjectVerify legal files in artifacts.
Apache TomcatApache Tomcat ProjectRun an Apache Tomcat container for rapid webapp development.







maven 插件2