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Android Studio Key Shortcuts

自己常用的Android Studio 快捷键,持续添加中



  • ctrl + d
  • ctrl + y
  • ctrl + w expand selection, word -> line -> block
  • alt + ctrl + I 自动缩进
  • ctrl + shift + ?  移动代码
  • ctrl +shift + back   上一个修改的地方
  • shift + f6 rename
  • ctrl + +/- unfold/fold methods
  • ctrl+shift+j  join lines



  • Run: shift + F10
  • Debug: shift + F9
  • Breakpoint: ctrl + F8
  • ctrl + shift + F8 show all breakpoints
  • Resume F9
  • Stepover F8
  • Step into F7
  • Stop Ctrl + F2
  • Run to cursor  Alt + F9 



  • Back to editor:  Esc
  • Alt+ number
  • ctrl + shift + f12  max editor
  • alt + ← → between tabs
  • alt + shift ← →: design/text
  • alt + ↑ ↓ : next/last method
  • alt  + f7: find usage
  • ctrl + alt + f7 same as above, popup in a window
  • ctrl + G  go to line
  • ctrl + b  goto declaration



  • Single line: ctrl + /
  • Block of clode ctrl + shift + /
  • java doc  /** + enter, above methods

Smart Coding

  • ctrl + space
  • tab 
  • ctrl + p :  parameters   
  • alt + insert
  • ctrl + shift + enter
  • ctrl + alt + T
  • ctrl + q: quick documents check
  • ctrl + shift + I, check code
  • F2  next error
  • alt + enter
  • ctrl + o override
  • alt + insert   insert
  • ctrl + f12 file structure  (alt + 7 in a separate sidebar)

Android Studio Key Shortcuts