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create database fuxi --创建一个名为“fuxi”的数据库
go                   --连接语句
use fuxi   --使用名为“fuxi”的数据库
create table hua --创建名为“hua”的表
 gonghao int,
 mingzi varchar(10),
 gongzi int,
 bumen varchar(10),
 nianling int,
insert into hua values(1,‘张三‘,2600,‘销售部‘,26)
insert into hua values(2,‘石头‘,3600,‘售后部‘,21)
insert into hua values(3,‘刑宗‘,6000,‘管理部‘,33)
insert into hua values(4,‘雷霆‘,3800,‘维修部‘,26)
select *from hua
select gongzi,mingzi from hua
select bumen,gongzi from hua where mingzi=‘雷霆‘
select *from hua where gongzi between 3800 and 6000
update hua set gonghao=1
update hua set mingzi=‘雷霆‘ where gonghao=4
update hua set bumen=‘维修部‘ where gongzi between 2600 and 3600
alter table hua add en int
alter table hua drop column en
delete from hua where mingzi=‘雷霆‘
delete from hua
drop table hua
drop database fuxi

