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The request sent by the client was syntactically incorrect.(转载)

这个错误是SpringMVC报出来的,见到它意味着html/jsp页面的控件名称 和 controller里函数的参数不符。



    <form name="form1" action="uploadDocument.html" method="post" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data">
    <div class="form" >
                <span class="req"><input id="remarkTxt"  name="remarkTxt" class="field size4" title="Enter the date" /></span>
                <label>Remark: <span>(The brief introduction of the file)</span></label>
                <span class="req"><input type="file"  name="uploadFileCtrl" class="field size4" title="Choose the file" /></span>
                <label>Upload file: <span>(Click browse to choose)</span></label>
    <div class="buttons">
        <input id="queryBtn" type="button" class="button" value="http://www.mamicode.com/Submit" />


    public String uploadDocument( @RequestParam("remarkTxt") String remark, 
                                  @RequestParam("uploadFileCtrl") MultipartFile file,
HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response){


分类: Spring,Java Web应用开发

The request sent by the client was syntactically incorrect.(转载)