首页 > 代码库 > PHP多功能图片处理类


<!--?php    /**   *  基本图片处理,用于完成图片缩入,水印添加   *  当水印图超过目标图片尺寸时,水印图能自动适应目标图片而缩小   *  水印图可以设置跟背景的合并度   *   *  Copyright(c) 2005 by ustb99. All rights reserved   *   *  To contact the author write to {@link mailto:ustb80@163.com}   *   * @author 偶然   * @version $Id: thumb.class.php,v 1.9 2006/09/30 09:31:56 zengjian Exp $   * @package system   */         /**   * ThumbHandler   * @access public   */         /*   使用方法:       自动裁切:       程序会按照图片的尺寸从中部裁切最大的正方形,并按目标尺寸进行缩略           $t--->setSrcImg("img/test.jpg");       $t->setCutType(1);//这一句就OK了       $t->setDstImg("tmp/new_test.jpg");       $t->createImg(60,60);           手工裁切:       程序会按照指定的位置从源图上取图           $t->setSrcImg("img/test.jpg");       $t->setCutType(2);//指明为手工裁切       $t->setSrcCutPosition(100, 100);// 源图起点坐标       $t->setRectangleCut(300, 200);// 裁切尺寸       $t->setDstImg("tmp/new_test.jpg");       $t->createImg(300,200);   */    class ThumbHandler    {        var $dst_img;// 目标文件        var $h_src; // 图片资源句柄        var $h_dst;// 新图句柄        var $h_mask;// 水印句柄        var $img_create_quality = 100;// 图片生成质量        var $img_display_quality = 80;// 图片显示质量,默认为75        var $img_scale = 0;// 图片缩放比例        var $src_w = 0;// 原图宽度        var $src_h = 0;// 原图高度        var $dst_w = 0;// 新图总宽度        var $dst_h = 0;// 新图总高度        var $fill_w;// 填充图形宽        var $fill_h;// 填充图形高        var $copy_w;// 拷贝图形宽        var $copy_h;// 拷贝图形高        var $src_x = 0;// 原图绘制起始横坐标        var $src_y = 0;// 原图绘制起始纵坐标        var $start_x;// 新图绘制起始横坐标        var $start_y;// 新图绘制起始纵坐标        var $mask_word;// 水印文字        var $mask_img;// 水印图片        var $mask_pos_x = 0;// 水印横坐标        var $mask_pos_y = 0;// 水印纵坐标        var $mask_offset_x = 5;// 水印横向偏移        var $mask_offset_y = 5;// 水印纵向偏移        var $font_w;// 水印字体宽        var $font_h;// 水印字体高        var $mask_w;// 水印宽        var $mask_h;// 水印高        var $mask_font_color = "#ffffff";// 水印文字颜色        var $mask_font = 2;// 水印字体        var $font_size;// 尺寸        var $mask_position = 0;// 水印位置        var $mask_img_pct = 50;// 图片合并程度,值越大,合并程序越低        var $mask_txt_pct = 50;// 文字合并程度,值越小,合并程序越低        var $img_border_size = 0;// 图片边框尺寸        var $img_border_color;// 图片边框颜色        var $_flip_x=0;// 水平翻转次数        var $_flip_y=0;// 垂直翻转次数             var $cut_type=0;// 剪切类型                  var $img_type;// 文件类型             // 文件类型定义,并指出了输出图片的函数        var $all_type = array(            "jpg"  => array("output"=>"imagejpeg"),            "gif"  => array("output"=>"imagegif"),            "png"  => array("output"=>"imagepng"),            "wbmp" => array("output"=>"image2wbmp"),            "jpeg" => array("output"=>"imagejpeg"));             /**        * 构造函数        */        function ThumbHandler()        {            $this->mask_font_color = "#ffffff";            $this->font = 2;            $this->font_size = 12;        }             /**        * 取得图片的宽        */        function getImgWidth($src)        {            return imagesx($src);        }             /**        * 取得图片的高        */        function getImgHeight($src)        {            return imagesy($src);        }             /**        * 设置图片生成路径        *        * @param    string    $src_img   图片生成路径        */        function setSrcImg($src_img, $img_type=null)        {            if(!file_exists($src_img))            {                die("图片不存在");            }                        if(!empty($img_type))            {                $this->img_type = $img_type;            }            else            {                $this->img_type = $this->_getImgType($src_img);            }                        $this->_checkValid($this->img_type);                 // file_get_contents函数要求php版本>4.3.0            $src = ‘‘;            if(function_exists("file_get_contents"))            {                $src = file_get_contents($src_img);            }            else            {                $handle = fopen ($src_img, "r");                while (!feof ($handle))                {                    $src .= fgets($fd, 4096);                }                fclose ($handle);            }            if(empty($src))            {                die("图片源为空");            }            $this->h_src = http://www.mamicode.com/@ImageCreateFromString($src);            $this->src_w = $this->getImgWidth($this->h_src);            $this->src_h = $this->getImgHeight($this->h_src);        }             /**        * 设置图片生成路径        *        * @param    string    $dst_img   图片生成路径        */        function setDstImg($dst_img)        {            $arr  = explode(‘/‘,$dst_img);            $last = array_pop($arr);            $path = implode(‘/‘,$arr);            $this->_mkdirs($path);            $this->dst_img = $dst_img;        }             /**        * 设置图片的显示质量        *        * @param    string      $n    质量        */        function setImgDisplayQuality($n)        {            $this->img_display_quality = (int)$n;        }             /**        * 设置图片的生成质量        *        * @param    string      $n    质量        */        function setImgCreateQuality($n)        {            $this->img_create_quality = (int)$n;        }             /**        * 设置文字水印        *        * @param    string     $word    水印文字        * @param    integer    $font    水印字体        * @param    string     $color   水印字体颜色        */        function setMaskWord($word)        {            $this->mask_word .= $word;        }             /**        * 设置字体颜色        *        * @param    string     $color    字体颜色        */        function setMaskFontColor($color="#ffffff")        {            $this->mask_font_color = $color;        }             /**        * 设置水印字体        *        * @param    string|integer    $font    字体        */        function setMaskFont($font=2)        {            if(!is_numeric($font) && !file_exists($font))            {                die("字体文件不存在");            }            $this->font = $font;        }             /**        * 设置文字字体大小,仅对truetype字体有效        */        function setMaskFontSize($size = "12")        {            $this->font_size = $size;        }             /**        * 设置图片水印        *        * @param    string    $img     水印图片源        */        function setMaskImg($img)        {            $this->mask_img = $img;        }             /**        * 设置水印横向偏移        *        * @param    integer     $x    横向偏移量        */        function setMaskOffsetX($x)        {            $this->mask_offset_x = (int)$x;        }             /**        * 设置水印纵向偏移        *        * @param    integer     $y    纵向偏移量        */        function setMaskOffsetY($y)        {            $this->mask_offset_y = (int)$y;        }             /**        * 指定水印位置        *        * @param    integer     $position    位置,1:左上,2:左下,3:右上,0/4:右下        */        function setMaskPosition($position=0)        {            $this->mask_position = (int)$position;        }             /**        * 设置图片合并程度        *        * @param    integer     $n    合并程度        */        function setMaskImgPct($n)        {            $this->mask_img_pct = (int)$n;        }             /**        * 设置文字合并程度        *        * @param    integer     $n    合并程度        */        function setMaskTxtPct($n)        {            $this->mask_txt_pct = (int)$n;        }             /**        * 设置缩略图边框        *        * @param    (类型)     (参数名)    (描述)        */        function setDstImgBorder($size=1, $color="#000000")        {            $this->img_border_size  = (int)$size;            $this->img_border_color = $color;        }             /**        * 水平翻转        */        function flipH()        {            $this->_flip_x++;        }             /**        * 垂直翻转        */        function flipV()        {            $this->_flip_y++;        }             /**        * 设置剪切类型        *        * @param    (类型)     (参数名)    (描述)        */        function setCutType($type)        {            $this->cut_type = (int)$type;        }             /**        * 设置图片剪切        *        * @param    integer     $width    矩形剪切        */        function setRectangleCut($width, $height)        {            $this->fill_w = (int)$width;            $this->fill_h = (int)$height;        }             /**        * 设置源图剪切起始坐标点        *        * @param    (类型)     (参数名)    (描述)        */        function setSrcCutPosition($x, $y)        {            $this->src_x  = (int)$x;            $this->src_y  = (int)$y;        }             /**        * 创建图片,主函数        * @param    integer    $a     当缺少第二个参数时,此参数将用作百分比,        *                             否则作为宽度值        * @param    integer    $b     图片缩放后的高度        */        function createImg($a, $b=null)        {            $num = func_num_args();            if(1 == $num)            {                $r = (int)$a;                if($r < 1)                {                    die("图片缩放比例不得小于1");                }                $this->img_scale = $r;                $this->_setNewImgSize($r);            }                 if(2 == $num)            {                $w = (int)$a;                $h = (int)$b;                if(0 == $w)                {                    die("目标宽度不能为0");                }                if(0 == $h)                {                    die("目标高度不能为0");                }                $this->_setNewImgSize($w, $h);            }                 if($this->_flip_x%2!=0)            {                $this->_flipH($this->h_src);            }                 if($this->_flip_y%2!=0)            {                $this->_flipV($this->h_src);            }            $this->_createMask();            $this->_output();                 // 释放            if(imagedestroy($this->h_src) && imagedestroy($this->h_dst))            {                Return true;            }            else            {                Return false;            }        }             /**        * 生成水印,调用了生成水印文字和水印图片两个方法        */        function _createMask()        {            if($this->mask_word)            {                // 获取字体信息                $this->_setFontInfo();                     if($this->_isFull())                {                    die("水印文字过大");                }                else                {                    $this->h_dst = imagecreatetruecolor($this->dst_w, $this->dst_h);                    $white = ImageColorAllocate($this->h_dst,255,255,255);                    imagefilledrectangle($this->h_dst,0,0,$this->dst_w,$this->dst_h,$white);// 填充背景色                    $this->_drawBorder();                    imagecopyresampled( $this->h_dst, $this->h_src,                                        $this->start_x, $this->start_y,                                        $this->src_x, $this->src_y,                                        $this->fill_w, $this->fill_h,                                        $this->copy_w, $this->copy_h);                    $this->_createMaskWord($this->h_dst);                }            }                 if($this->mask_img)            {                $this->_loadMaskImg();//加载时,取得宽高                     if($this->_isFull())                {                    // 将水印生成在原图上再拷                    $this->_createMaskImg($this->h_src);                    $this->h_dst = imagecreatetruecolor($this->dst_w, $this->dst_h);                    $white = ImageColorAllocate($this->h_dst,255,255,255);                    imagefilledrectangle($this->h_dst,0,0,$this->dst_w,$this->dst_h,$white);// 填充背景色                    $this->_drawBorder();                    imagecopyresampled( $this->h_dst, $this->h_src,                                        $this->start_x, $this->start_y,                                        $this->src_x, $this->src_y,                                        $this->fill_w, $this->start_y,                                        $this->copy_w, $this->copy_h);                }                else                {                    // 创建新图并拷贝                    $this->h_dst = imagecreatetruecolor($this->dst_w, $this->dst_h);                    $white = ImageColorAllocate($this->h_dst,255,255,255);                    imagefilledrectangle($this->h_dst,0,0,$this->dst_w,$this->dst_h,$white);// 填充背景色                    $this->_drawBorder();                    imagecopyresampled( $this->h_dst, $this->h_src,                                        $this->start_x, $this->start_y,                                        $this->src_x, $this->src_y,                                        $this->fill_w, $this->fill_h,                                        $this->copy_w, $this->copy_h);                    $this->_createMaskImg($this->h_dst);                }            }                 if(empty($this->mask_word) && empty($this->mask_img))            {                $this->h_dst = imagecreatetruecolor($this->dst_w, $this->dst_h);                $white = ImageColorAllocate($this->h_dst,255,255,255);                imagefilledrectangle($this->h_dst,0,0,$this->dst_w,$this->dst_h,$white);// 填充背景色                $this->_drawBorder();                     imagecopyresampled( $this->h_dst, $this->h_src,                            $this->start_x, $this->start_y,                            $this->src_x, $this->src_y,                            $this->fill_w, $this->fill_h,                            $this->copy_w, $this->copy_h);            }        }             /**        * 画边框        */        function _drawBorder()        {            if(!empty($this->img_border_size))            {                $c = $this->_parseColor($this->img_border_color);                $color = ImageColorAllocate($this->h_src,$c[0], $c[1], $c[2]);                imagefilledrectangle($this->h_dst,0,0,$this->dst_w,$this->dst_h,$color);// 填充背景色            }        }             /**        * 生成水印文字        */        function _createMaskWord($src)        {            $this->_countMaskPos();            $this->_checkMaskValid();                 $c = $this->_parseColor($this->mask_font_color);            $color = imagecolorallocatealpha($src, $c[0], $c[1], $c[2], $this->mask_txt_pct);                 if(is_numeric($this->font))            {                imagestring($src,                            $this->font,                            $this->mask_pos_x, $this->mask_pos_y,                            $this->mask_word,                            $color);            }            else            {                imagettftext($src,                            $this->font_size, 0,                            $this->mask_pos_x, $this->mask_pos_y,                            $color,                            $this->font,                            $this->mask_word);            }        }             /**        * 生成水印图        */        function _createMaskImg($src)        {            $this->_countMaskPos();            $this->_checkMaskValid();            imagecopymerge($src,                            $this->h_mask,                            $this->mask_pos_x ,$this->mask_pos_y,                            0, 0,                            $this->mask_w, $this->mask_h,                            $this->mask_img_pct);                 imagedestroy($this->h_mask);        }             /**        * 加载水印图        */        function _loadMaskImg()        {            $mask_type = $this->_getImgType($this->mask_img);            $this->_checkValid($mask_type);                 // file_get_contents函数要求php版本>4.3.0            $src = ‘‘;            if(function_exists("file_get_contents"))            {                $src = file_get_contents($this->mask_img);            }            else            {                $handle = fopen ($this->mask_img, "r");                while (!feof ($handle))                {                    $src .= fgets($fd, 4096);                }                fclose ($handle);            }            if(empty($this->mask_img))            {                die("水印图片为空");            }            $this->h_mask = ImageCreateFromString($src);            $this->mask_w = $this->getImgWidth($this->h_mask);            $this->mask_h = $this->getImgHeight($this->h_mask);        }             /**        * 图片输出        */        function _output()        {            $img_type  = $this->img_type;            $func_name = $this->all_type[$img_type][‘output‘];            if(function_exists($func_name))            {                // 判断浏览器,若是IE就不发送头                if(isset($_SERVER[‘HTTP_USER_AGENT‘]))                {                    $ua = strtoupper($_SERVER[‘HTTP_USER_AGENT‘]);                    if(!preg_match(‘/^.*MSIE.*\)$/i‘,$ua))                    {                        header("Content-type:$img_type");                    }                }                $func_name($this->h_dst, $this->dst_img, $this->img_display_quality);            }            else            {                Return false;            }        }             /**        * 分析颜色        *        * @param    string     $color    十六进制颜色        */        function _parseColor($color)        {            $arr = array();            for($ii=1; $ii<strlen function="" return="" this-="">_isFull())            {                switch($this->mask_position)                {                    case 1:                        // 左上                        $this->mask_pos_x = $this->mask_offset_x + $this->img_border_size;                        $this->mask_pos_y = $this->mask_offset_y + $this->img_border_size;                        break;                         case 2:                        // 左下                        $this->mask_pos_x = $this->mask_offset_x + $this->img_border_size;                        $this->mask_pos_y = $this->src_h - $this->mask_h - $this->mask_offset_y;                        break;                         case 3:                        // 右上                        $this->mask_pos_x = $this->src_w - $this->mask_w - $this->mask_offset_x;                        $this->mask_pos_y = $this->mask_offset_y + $this->img_border_size;                        break;                         case 4:                        // 右下                        $this->mask_pos_x = $this->src_w - $this->mask_w - $this->mask_offset_x;                        $this->mask_pos_y = $this->src_h - $this->mask_h - $this->mask_offset_y;                        break;                         default:                        // 默认将水印放到右下,偏移指定像素                        $this->mask_pos_x = $this->src_w - $this->mask_w - $this->mask_offset_x;                        $this->mask_pos_y = $this->src_h - $this->mask_h - $this->mask_offset_y;                        break;                }            }            else            {                switch($this->mask_position)                {                    case 1:                        // 左上                        $this->mask_pos_x = $this->mask_offset_x + $this->img_border_size;                        $this->mask_pos_y = $this->mask_offset_y + $this->img_border_size;                        break;                         case 2:                        // 左下                        $this->mask_pos_x = $this->mask_offset_x + $this->img_border_size;                        $this->mask_pos_y = $this->dst_h - $this->mask_h - $this->mask_offset_y - $this->img_border_size;                        break;                         case 3:                        // 右上                        $this->mask_pos_x = $this->dst_w - $this->mask_w - $this->mask_offset_x - $this->img_border_size;                        $this->mask_pos_y = $this->mask_offset_y + $this->img_border_size;                        break;                         case 4:                        // 右下                        $this->mask_pos_x = $this->dst_w - $this->mask_w - $this->mask_offset_x - $this->img_border_size;                        $this->mask_pos_y = $this->dst_h - $this->mask_h - $this->mask_offset_y - $this->img_border_size;                        break;                         default:                        // 默认将水印放到右下,偏移指定像素                        $this->mask_pos_x = $this->dst_w - $this->mask_w - $this->mask_offset_x - $this->img_border_size;                        $this->mask_pos_y = $this->dst_h - $this->mask_h - $this->mask_offset_y - $this->img_border_size;                        break;                }            }        }             /**        * 设置字体信息        */        function _setFontInfo()        {            if(is_numeric($this->font))            {                $this->font_w  = imagefontwidth($this->font);                $this->font_h  = imagefontheight($this->font);                     // 计算水印字体所占宽高                $word_length   = strlen($this->mask_word);                $this->mask_w  = $this->font_w*$word_length;                $this->mask_h  = $this->font_h;            }            else            {                $arr = imagettfbbox ($this->font_size,0, $this->font,$this->mask_word);                $this->mask_w  = abs($arr[0] - $arr[2]);                $this->mask_h  = abs($arr[7] - $arr[1]);            }        }             /**        * 设置新图尺寸        *        * @param    integer     $img_w   目标宽度        * @param    integer     $img_h   目标高度        */        function _setNewImgSize($img_w, $img_h=null)        {            $num = func_num_args();            if(1 == $num)            {                $this->img_scale = $img_w;// 宽度作为比例                $this->fill_w = round($this->src_w * $this->img_scale / 100) - $this->img_border_size*2;                $this->fill_h = round($this->src_h * $this->img_scale / 100) - $this->img_border_size*2;                     // 源文件起始坐标                $this->src_x  = 0;                $this->src_y  = 0;                $this->copy_w = $this->src_w;                $this->copy_h = $this->src_h;                     // 目标尺寸                $this->dst_w   = $this->fill_w + $this->img_border_size*2;                $this->dst_h   = $this->fill_h + $this->img_border_size*2;            }                 if(2 == $num)            {                $fill_w   = (int)$img_w - $this->img_border_size*2;                $fill_h   = (int)$img_h - $this->img_border_size*2;                if($fill_w < 0 || $fill_h < 0)                {                    die("图片边框过大,已超过了图片的宽度");                }                $rate_w = $this->src_w/$fill_w;                $rate_h = $this->src_h/$fill_h;                     switch($this->cut_type)                {                    case 0:                        // 如果原图大于缩略图,产生缩小,否则不缩小                        if($rate_w < 1 && $rate_h < 1)                        {                            $this->fill_w = (int)$this->src_w;                            $this->fill_h = (int)$this->src_h;                        }                        else                        {                            if($rate_w >= $rate_h)                            {                                $this->fill_w = (int)$fill_w;                                $this->fill_h = round($this->src_h/$rate_w);                            }                            else                            {                                $this->fill_w = round($this->src_w/$rate_h);                                $this->fill_h = (int)$fill_h;                            }                        }                             $this->src_x  = 0;                        $this->src_y  = 0;                             $this->copy_w = $this->src_w;                        $this->copy_h = $this->src_h;                             // 目标尺寸                        $this->dst_w   = $this->fill_w + $this->img_border_size*2;                        $this->dst_h   = $this->fill_h + $this->img_border_size*2;                        break;                         // 自动裁切                    case 1:                        // 如果图片是缩小剪切才进行操作                        if($rate_w >= 1 && $rate_h >=1)                        {                            if($this->src_w > $this->src_h)                            {                                $src_x = round($this->src_w-$this->src_h)/2;                                $this->setSrcCutPosition($src_x, 0);                                $this->setRectangleCut($fill_h, $fill_h);                                     $this->copy_w = $this->src_h;                                $this->copy_h = $this->src_h;                                                            }                            elseif($this->src_w < $this->src_h)                            {                                $src_y = round($this->src_h-$this->src_w)/2;                                $this->setSrcCutPosition(0, $src_y);                                $this->setRectangleCut($fill_w, $fill_h);                                     $this->copy_w = $this->src_w;                                $this->copy_h = $this->src_w;                            }                            else                            {                                $this->setSrcCutPosition(0, 0);                                $this->copy_w = $this->src_w;                                $this->copy_h = $this->src_w;                                $this->setRectangleCut($fill_w, $fill_h);                            }                        }                        else                        {                            $this->setSrcCutPosition(0, 0);                            $this->setRectangleCut($this->src_w, $this->src_h);                                 $this->copy_w = $this->src_w;                            $this->copy_h = $this->src_h;                        }                             // 目标尺寸                        $this->dst_w   = $this->fill_w + $this->img_border_size*2;                        $this->dst_h   = $this->fill_h + $this->img_border_size*2;                                                break;                         // 手工裁切                    case 2:                        $this->copy_w = $this->fill_w;                        $this->copy_h = $this->fill_h;                             // 目标尺寸                        $this->dst_w   = $this->fill_w + $this->img_border_size*2;                        $this->dst_h   = $this->fill_h + $this->img_border_size*2;                                                               break;                    default:                        break;                     }            }                 // 目标文件起始坐标            $this->start_x = $this->img_border_size;            $this->start_y = $this->img_border_size;        }             /**        * 检查水印图是否大于生成后的图片宽高        */        function _isFull()        {            Return (   $this->mask_w + $this->mask_offset_x > $this->fill_w                    || $this->mask_h + $this->mask_offset_y > $this->fill_h)                       ?true:false;        }             /**        * 检查水印图是否超过原图        */        function _checkMaskValid()        {            if(    $this->mask_w + $this->mask_offset_x > $this->src_w                || $this->mask_h + $this->mask_offset_y > $this->src_h)            {                die("水印图片尺寸大于原图,请缩小水印图");            }        }             /**        * 取得图片类型        *        * @param    string     $file_path    文件路径        */        function _getImgType($file_path)        {            $type_list = array("1"=>"gif","2"=>"jpg","3"=>"png","4"=>"swf","5" => "psd","6"=>"bmp","15"=>"wbmp");            if(file_exists($file_path))            {                $img_info = @getimagesize ($file_path);                if(isset($type_list[$img_info[2]]))                {                    Return $type_list[$img_info[2]];                }            }            else            {                die("文件不存在,不能取得文件类型!");            }        }             /**        * 检查图片类型是否合法,调用了array_key_exists函数,此函数要求        * php版本大于4.1.0        *        * @param    string     $img_type    文件类型        */        function _checkValid($img_type)        {            if(!array_key_exists($img_type, $this->all_type))            {                Return false;            }        }             /**        * 按指定路径生成目录        *        * @param    string     $path    路径        */        function _mkdirs($path)        {            $adir = explode(‘/‘,$path);            $dirlist = ‘‘;            $rootdir = array_shift($adir);            if(($rootdir!=‘.‘||$rootdir!=‘..‘)&&!file_exists($rootdir))            {                @mkdir($rootdir);            }            foreach($adir as $key=>$val)            {                if($val!=‘.‘&&$val!=‘..‘)                {                    $dirlist .= "/".$val;                    $dirpath = $rootdir.$dirlist;                    if(!file_exists($dirpath))                    {                        @mkdir($dirpath);                        @chmod($dirpath,0777);                    }                }            }        }             /**        * 垂直翻转        *        * @param    string     $src    图片源        */        function _flipV($src)        {            $src_x = $this->getImgWidth($src);            $src_y = $this->getImgHeight($src);                 $new_im = imagecreatetruecolor($src_x, $src_y);            for ($y = 0; $y < $src_y; $y++)            {                imagecopy($new_im, $src, 0, $src_y - $y - 1, 0, $y, $src_x, 1);            }            $this->h_src = http://www.mamicode.com/$new_im;        }             /**        * 水平翻转        *        * @param    string     $src    图片源        */        function _flipH($src)        {            $src_x = $this->getImgWidth($src);            $src_y = $this->getImgHeight($src);                 $new_im = imagecreatetruecolor($src_x, $src_y);            for ($x = 0; $x < $src_x; $x++)            {                imagecopy($new_im, $src, $src_x - $x - 1, 0, $x, 0, 1, $src_y);            }            $this->h_src = http://www.mamicode.com/$new_im;        }    }    ?>函数描述及例子 使用实例:         < ?php    require_once(‘lib/thumb.class.php‘);         $t = new ThumbHandler();         $t->setSrcImg("img/test.jpg");    $t->setDstImg("tmp/new_test.jpg");    $t->setMaskImg("img/test.gif");    $t->setMaskPosition(1);    $t->setMaskImgPct(80);    $t->setDstImgBorder(4,"#dddddd");         // 指定缩放比例    $t->createImg(300,200);    ?>    <!--?php    require_once(‘lib/thumb.class.php‘);         $t = new ThumbHandler();         // 基本使用    $t--->setSrcImg("img/test.jpg");    $t->setMaskWord("test");    $t->setDstImgBorder(10,"#dddddd");         // 指定缩放比例    $t->createImg(50);    ?>    <!--?php    equire_once(‘lib/thumb.class.php‘);         $t = new ThumbHandler();         // 基本使用    $t--->setSrcImg("img/test.jpg");    $t->setMaskWord("test");         // 指定固定宽高    $t->createImg(200,200);    ?>    <!--?php    require_once(‘lib/thumb.class.php‘);         $t = new ThumbHandler();         $t--->setSrcImg("img/test.jpg");    $t->setDstImg("tmp/new_test.jpg");    $t->setMaskWord("test");         // 指定固定宽高    $t->createImg(200,200);    ?>    <!--?php    require_once(‘lib/thumb.class.php‘);         $t = new ThumbHandler();         $t--->setSrcImg("img/test.jpg");         // 指定字体文件地址    $t->setMaskFont("c:/winnt/fonts/arial.ttf");    $t->setMaskFontSize(20);    $t->setMaskFontColor("#ffff00");    $t->setMaskWord("test3333333");    $t->setDstImgBorder(99,"#dddddd");    $t->createImg(50);         ?>    <!--?php    require_once(‘lib/thumb.class.php‘);         $t = new ThumbHandler();         $t--->setSrcImg("img/test.jpg");    $t->setMaskOffsetX(55);    $t->setMaskOffsetY(55);    $t->setMaskPosition(1);    //$t->setMaskPosition(2);    //$t->setMaskPosition(3);    //$t->setMaskPosition(4);    $t->setMaskFontColor("#ffff00");    $t->setMaskWord("test");         // 指定固定宽高    $t->createImg(50);    ?>    <!--?php    require_once(‘lib/thumb.class.php‘);         $t = new ThumbHandler();         $t--->setSrcImg("img/test.jpg");    $t->setMaskFont("c:/winnt/fonts/simyou.ttf");    $t->setMaskFontSize(20);    $t->setMaskFontColor("#ffffff");    $t->setMaskTxtPct(20);    $t->setDstImgBorder(10,"#dddddd");    $text = "中文";    $str = mb_convert_encoding($text, "UTF-8", "gb2312");    $t->setMaskWord($str);    $t->setMaskWord("test");         // 指定固定宽高    $t->createImg(50);    ?> </strlen>

