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[django1.6]跑批任务错误(2006, 'MySQL server has gone away')
If you hit this problem and don‘t want to understand what‘s going on, don‘t reopen this ticket, just do this:
- RECOMMENDED SOLUTION: close the connection with from django.db import connection; connection.close() when you know that your program is going to be idle for a long time.
- CRAPPY SOLUTION: increase wait_timeout so it‘s longer than the maximum idle time of your program.
In this context, idle time is the time between two successive database queries.
from django.db import connection ... def is_connection_usable(): try: connection.connection.ping() except: return False else: return True ... def do_work(): while(True): # Endless loop that keeps the worker going (simplified) if not is_connection_usable(): connection.close() try: do_a_bit_of_work() except: logger.exception("Something bad happened, trying again") sleep(1)
简单的理解,就是django1.6 会自动保持连接, 因为我这个任务时24小时执行一次, 第一执行的时候django和mysql建立的一个链接A, 结果这个任务10分钟就完成了,连接A开始睡眠,django继续保持这连接。
23小时50分钟以后,这个任务又开始执行了,但是由于msyql的waittime默认是8个小时,连接A这个时候已经死了(msyql单方面解除合同,django还蒙在鼓里),django还用连接A去连接mysql,肯定得到一个gone away的结果。
本文出自 “orangleliu笔记本” 博客,转载请务必保留此出处http://blog.csdn.net/orangleliu/article/details/41480417
作者orangleliu 采用署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享协议
[django1.6]跑批任务错误(2006, 'MySQL server has gone away')