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USACO6.4-The Primes

The Primes

In the square below, each row, each column and the two diagonals canbe read as a five digit prime number. The rows are read from left toright. The columns are read from top to bottom. Both diagonals areread from left to right.

+---+---+---+---+---+| 1 | 1 | 3 | 5 | 1 |+---+---+---+---+---+| 3 | 3 | 2 | 0 | 3 |+---+---+---+---+---+| 3 | 0 | 3 | 2 | 3 |+---+---+---+---+---+| 1 | 4 | 0 | 3 | 3 |+---+---+---+---+---+| 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 1 |+---+---+---+---+---+ 
  • The prime numbers‘ digits must sum to the same number.
  • The digit in the top left-hand corner of the square is pre-determined (1 in the example).
  • A prime number may be used more than once in the same square.
  • If there are several solutions, all must be presented (sorted in numerical order as if the 25 digits were all one long number).
  • A five digit prime number cannot begin with a zero (e.g., 00003 is NOT a five digit prime number).



A single line with two space-separated integers: the sum of the digits and the digit in the upper left hand corner of the square.

SAMPLE INPUT (file prime3.in)

11 1


Five lines of five characters each for each solution found, where each line in turn consists of a five digit prime number. Print a blank line between solutions. If there are no prime squares for the input data, output a single line containing "NONE".

SAMPLE OUTPUT (file prime3.out)

The above example has 3 solutions.




  1 #include <iostream>  2 #include <memory.h>  3 #include <stdio.h>  4 #include <vector>  5 #include <string>  6 #include <algorithm>  7 using namespace std;  8 #define MAXN 100000  9 #define R 0 10 #define C 1 11  12  13 void output(string str) 14 { 15     for(int i=0; i<str.length(); i++) 16     { 17         printf("%c",str[i]); 18         if(i%5==4) 19             printf("\n"); 20     } 21 } 22  23 int getDigSum(int x) 24 { 25     int sum=0; 26     while(x!=0) 27     { 28         sum+=x%10; 29         x/=10; 30     } 31     return sum; 32 } 33  34 bool allDigOdd(int x) 35 { 36     while(x!=0) 37     { 38         int dig=x%10; 39         if(dig%2==0) 40             return false; 41         x/=10; 42     } 43     return true; 44 } 45  46 bool allNoZero(int x) 47 { 48     while(x!=0) 49     { 50         int dig=x%10; 51         if(dig==0) 52             return false; 53         x/=10; 54     } 55     return true; 56 } 57  58 int isPrime[MAXN+10],primeDig[MAXN+10][5]; 59  60 int a[5][5]= {0},goalSum=0,st; 61 vector<int> primelist[100]; // 以d[ij]表示以i开头,j结尾的字符串 62 vector<int> primelistMid[1000]; // 以d[ijk]表示以i开头,j为百位,k结尾的字符串 63 vector<int> primelistOdd[100]; // 各位上的数都为奇数 64 vector<int> primelistnozero[100]; // 各位上都没有0 65 vector<string> res; 66  67 int isprime(int type,int num) 68 { 69  70     int sum=0; 71     if(type==R) 72     { 73         for(int i=0; i<5; i++) 74             sum=sum*10+a[num][i]; 75     } 76     else 77     { 78         for(int i=0; i<5; i++) 79             sum=sum*10+a[i][num]; 80     } 81     return isPrime[sum]; 82 } 83  84 void add() 85 { 86     string str; 87     for(int i=0; i<5; i++) 88         for(int j=0; j<5; j++) 89         { 90             str+=0+a[i][j]; 91         } 92     res.push_back(str); 93 } 94  95 void initA() 96 { 97     for(int i=0; i<5; i++) 98         for(int j=0; j<5; j++) 99             a[i][j]=100;100 }101 102 int main()103 {104     freopen("prime3.in","r",stdin);105     freopen("prime3.out","w",stdout);106 107     initA();108 109     // 求素数表110     memset(isPrime,-1,sizeof isPrime);111     for(int i=2; i<=MAXN; i++)112         if(isPrime[i])113             for(long long j=(long long)i*i; j<=MAXN; j+=i)114                 isPrime[j]=false;115 116 117     cin>>goalSum>>st;118 119     for(int i=10000; i<MAXN; i++)120         if(isPrime[i] && getDigSum(i)!=goalSum)121             isPrime[i]=0;122 123     for(int i=10000; i<MAXN; i++)124         if(isPrime[i])125         {126             int x=i;127             for(int j=0; j<5; j++)128             {129                 primeDig[i][4-j]=x%10;130                 x/=10;131             }132             primelist[i/10000*10+i%10].push_back(i);133             primelistMid[i/10000*100+(i%1000)/100*10+i%10].push_back(i);134         }135 136     // 各位上都为奇数137     for(int i=10000; i<MAXN; i++)138         if(isPrime[i] && allDigOdd(i))139             primelistOdd[i/10000*10+i%10].push_back(i);140 141     // 各位上都为非0142     for(int i=10000; i<MAXN; i++)143         if(isPrime[i] && allNoZero(i))144             primelistnozero[i/10000*10+i%10].push_back(i);145 146     bool found=false;147 148     a[0][0]=st;149     // 枚举 先是右下方数字150     for(a[4][4]=1; a[4][4]<=9; a[4][4]+=2)151     {152         // 枚举左下方数字153         for(a[4][0]=1; a[4][0]<=9; a[4][0]+=2)154         {155             // 枚举右上方数字156             for(a[0][4]=1; a[0][4]<=9; a[0][4]+=2)157             {158                 //填充左边质数159                 for(int i=0; i<primelistnozero[st*10+a[4][0]].size(); i++)160                 {161                     for(int j=0; j<5; j++)162                         a[j][0]=primeDig[primelistnozero[st*10+a[4][0]][i]][j];163 164                     // 填充上边质数165                     for(int ii=0; ii<primelistnozero[st*10+a[0][4]].size(); ii++)166                     {167                         for(int j=0; j<5; j++)168                             a[0][j]=primeDig[primelistnozero[st*10+a[0][4]][ii]][j];169 170 171                         // 填充下边质数172                         for(int iii=0; iii<primelistOdd[a[4][0]*10+a[4][4]].size(); iii++)173                         {174                             for(int j=0; j<5; j++)175                                 a[4][j]=primeDig[primelistOdd[a[4][0]*10+a[4][4]][iii]][j];176 177 178                             //填充右边质数179                             for(int iiii=0; iiii<primelistOdd[a[0][4]*10+a[4][4]].size(); iiii++)180                             {181                                 for(int j=0; j<5; j++)182                                     a[j][4]=primeDig[primelistOdd[a[0][4]*10+a[4][4]][iiii]][j];183 184 185                                 // 填充中间一点186                                 for(a[2][2]=0; a[2][2]<=9; a[2][2]++)187                                 {188 189                                     // 填充主对角线190                                     for(int k=0; k<primelistMid[st*100+a[2][2]*10+a[4][4]].size(); k++)191                                     {192                                         a[1][1]=primeDig[primelistMid[st*100+a[2][2]*10+a[4][4]][k]][1];193                                         a[3][3]=primeDig[primelistMid[st*100+a[2][2]*10+a[4][4]][k]][3];194 195                                         // 填充辅对角线196                                         for(int l=0; l<primelistMid[a[4][0]*100+a[2][2]*10+a[0][4]].size(); l++)197                                         {198                                             a[3][1]=primeDig[primelistMid[a[4][0]*100+a[2][2]*10+a[0][4]][l]][1];199                                             a[1][3]=primeDig[primelistMid[a[4][0]*100+a[2][2]*10+a[0][4]][l]][3];200 201                                             int a12=goalSum-(a[1][0]+a[1][1]+a[1][3]+a[1][4]);202                                             int a21=goalSum-(a[0][1]+a[1][1]+a[3][1]+a[4][1]);203                                             int a23=goalSum-(a[0][3]+a[1][3]+a[3][3]+a[4][3]);204                                             int a32=goalSum-(a[3][0]+a[3][1]+a[3][3]+a[3][4]);205                                             a[1][2]=a12;206                                             a[2][1]=a21;207                                             a[2][3]=a23;208                                             a[3][2]=a32;209                                             if(a12>=0 && a12<10 && a21>=0 && a21<10 && a23>=0 && a23<10 && a32>=0 && a32<10210                                                     && isprime(R,1) && isprime(R,2) && isprime(R,3)211                                                     && isprime(C,1) && isprime(C,2) && isprime(C,3))212                                             {213                                                 found=true;214                                                 add();215                                             }216                                         }217 218                                     }219                                 }220 221                             }222                         }223                     }224                 }225             }226         }227     }228 229     sort(res.begin(),res.end());230     bool first=true;231     for(int i=0; i<res.size(); i++)232     {233         if(!first)234         {235             cout<<endl;236         }237         first=false;238         output(res[i]);239     }240 241     if(!found)242         printf("NONE\n");243     return 0;244 }


USACO6.4-The Primes