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func helloWithName(name: String, age: Int, location: String) {
    println("Hello \(name). I live in \(location) too. When is your \(age + 1)th birthday?")

helloWithName("Mr. Roboto", 5, "San Francisco")

但是在类 (或者结构、枚举) 中的时候,会自动分配外部变量名 (第一个除外) ,这时候如果还想直接调用就会报错了:

class MyFunClass {  
    func helloWithName(name: String, age: Int, location: String) {
        println("Hello \(name). I live in \(location) too. When is your \(age + 1)th birthday?")

let myFunClass = MyFunClass()
myFunClass.helloWithName("Mr. Roboto", 5,  "San Francisco")

如果你怀念在 OC 中定义函数名的方式,可以继续这样定义,比如 helloWithName 这种,隐藏第一个函数的外部名:

class MyFunClass {
    func helloWithName(name: String, age: Int, location: String) {
        println("Hello \(name). I live in \(location) too. When is your \(age + 1)th birthday?")
let myFunClass = MyFunClass()
myFunClass.helloWithName("Mr. Roboto", age: 5, location: "San Francisco")

如果你实在不想要外部变量名,那么可以用 _ 来代替:

struct Celsius {
    var temperatureInCelsius: Double
    init(fromFahrenheit fahrenheit: Double) {
        temperatureInCelsius = (fahrenheit - 32.0) / 1.8
    init(fromKelvin kelvin: Double) {
        temperatureInCelsius = kelvin - 273.15
    init(_ celsius: Double) {
        temperatureInCelsius = celsius

let boilingPointOfWater = Celsius(fromFahrenheit: 212.0)
// boilingPointOfWater.temperatureInCelsius 是 100.0

let freezingPointOfWater = Celsius(fromKelvin: 273.15)
// freezingPointOfWater.temperatureInCelsius 是 0.0

let bodyTemperature = Celsius(37.0)
// bodyTemperature.temperatureInCelsius 是 37.0 

对外部参数名的娴熟应用可以极好的抽象初始化过程。可以看看 json-swift library 中的应用。



func add(value1 v1:Int, value2 p1:Int = 2) -> Int{
    return v1 + p1

add(value1: 2, value2: 4)   // 2 + 4
add(value1: 1)  // 1 + 2



可变参数 (Variadic Parameters) 可以接受一个以上的参数值。比如计算平均数:

func arithmeticMean(numbers: Double...) -> Double {
    var total: Double = 0
    for number in numbers { // numbers is [Double]
        total += number
    return total / Double(numbers.count)
arithmeticMean(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
arithmeticMean(3, 8, 19)


func sumAddValue(addValue:Int=0, numbers: Int...) -> Int {
    var sum = 0
    for number in numbers { // numbers === [Int]
        sum += number + addValue
    return sum
sumAddValue(addValue: 2, 2,4,5) // (2+2) + (4+2) + (5+2) = 17


默认参数是常量,无法在函数体中改变参数值。我们可以 var 一个新的值就行操作,也可以直接在函数定义中加上 var避免在函数体中定义新的变量。


func alignRight(var string: String, count: Int, pad: Character) -> String {
    let amountToPad = count - countElements(string)
    if amountToPad < 1 {
        return string
    let padString = String(pad)
    for _ in 1...amountToPad {
        string = padString + string
    return string
let originalString = "hello"
let paddedString = alignRight(originalString, 10, "-")  // "-----hello"

输入输出参数 (inout)


func add(var v1:Int) -> Int {
    return ++v1

var a = 1
add(a)      // 2
a           // 1

如果想通过函数修改原始值需要 inout ,但是这样是错误的:

func add(inout v1:Int) -> Int {
    return ++v1

var a = 1
add(a)      // 2
a           // 1

在传入的时候,需要加上 & 标记:

func add(inout v1:Int) -> Int {
    return ++v1

var a = 1
add(&a)      // 2
a           // 1


在此借用一下 objc.io 中的例子来演示泛型参数类型的使用:

// 交换两个值的函数
func valueSwap<T>(inout value1: T, inout value2: T) {
    let oldValue1 = value1
    value1 = value2
    value2 = oldValue1

var name1 = "Mr. Potato"
var name2 = "Mr. Roboto"

valueSwap(&name1, &name2)   // 交换字符串

name1 // Mr. Roboto
name2 // Mr. Potato

var number1 = 2
var number2 = 5

valueSwap(&number1, &number2)   // 交换数字

number1 // 5
number2 // 2


在 Swift 中,函数翻身把歌唱,终于成了一等公民,和其他类型平起平坐。



func addTwoInts(a: Int, b: Int) -> Int {
    return a + b
let anotherMathFunction = addTwoInts
anotherMathFunction(1,2)    // 3



func addTwoInts(a: Int, b: Int) -> Int {
    return a + b

func printMathResult(mathFunction: (Int, Int) -> Int, a: Int, b: Int) {
    println("Result: \(mathFunction(a, b))")
printMathResult(addTwoInts, 3, 5)   // 将参数2和参数3作为参数传给参数1的函数


函数也是可以作为结果返回的。比如返回的值是一个参数为 Int 返回值为 Int 的函数,就是这样定义:func foo() -> (Int) -> Int。可以看下面这个具体的例子:

func stepForward(input: Int) -> Int {
    return input + 1

func stepBackward(input: Int) -> Int {
    return input - 1

func chooseStepFunction(backwards: Bool) -> (Int) -> Int {
    return backwards ? stepBackward : stepForward

var currentValue = http://www.mamicode.com/3

let moveNearerToZero = chooseStepFunction(currentValue > 0) // 根据参数返回 stepForward 或 stepBackward

println("Counting to zero:")

while currentValue != 0 {
    println("\(currentValue)... ")
    currentValue = http://www.mamicode.com/moveNearerToZero(currentValue)"hljs-string" style="box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(136, 0, 0);">"zero!")

// 3...
// 2...
// 1...
// zero!


用多了会发现在一大串 ()-> 中又穿插各种 ()-> 是一个非常蛋疼的事情。我们可以用 typealias 定义函数别名,其功能和 OC 中的 typedef 以及 shell 中的 alias 的作用基本是一样的。举个例子来看下:

import Foundation

typealias lotteryOutputHandler = (String, Int) -> String

// 如果没有 typealias 则需要这样:
// func luckyNumberForName(name: String, #lotteryHandler: (String, Int) -> String) -> String {
func luckyNumberForName(name: String, #lotteryHandler: lotteryOutputHandler) -> String {
    let luckyNumber = Int(arc4random() % 100)
    return lotteryHandler(name, luckyNumber)

luckyNumberForName("Mr. Roboto", lotteryHandler: {name, number in
    return "\(name)‘s‘ lucky number is \(number)"
// Mr. Roboto‘s lucky number is 33



func chooseStepFunction(backwards: Bool) -> (Int) -> Int {
    func stepForward(input: Int) -> Int { return input + 1 }
    func stepBackward(input: Int) -> Int { return input - 1 }
    return backwards ? stepBackward : stepForward
var currentValue = http://www.mamicode.com/-4
let moveNearerToZero = chooseStepFunction(currentValue < 0)
// moveNearerToZero now refers to the nested stepForward() function
while currentValue != 0 {
    println("\(currentValue)... ")
    currentValue = http://www.mamicode.com/moveNearerToZero(currentValue)"hljs-string" style="box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(136, 0, 0);">"zero!")
// -4...
// -3...
// -2...
// -1...
// zero!

柯里化 (currying)


这个具体内容可以参见 Swift 方法的多面性 中 柯里化部分的内容。我们可以这样调用:

class MyHelloWorldClass {

    func helloWithName(name: String) -> String {
        return "hello, \(name)"
let myHelloWorldClassInstance = MyHelloWorldClass()
let helloWithNameFunc = MyHelloWorldClass.helloWithName
helloWithNameFunc(myHelloWorldClassInstance)("Mr. Roboto")
// hello, Mr. Roboto


在 Swift 中我们可以利用 tuple 返回多个返回值。比如下面这个例子,返回所有数字的范围:

 func findRangeFromNumbers(numbers: Int...) -> (min: Int, max: Int) {
    var maxValue = http://www.mamicode.com/numbers.reduce(Int.min,  { max($0,$1) })
    var minValue = http://www.mamicode.com/numbers.reduce(Int.max,  { min($0,$1) }) 
    return (minValue, maxValue)
findRangeFromNumbers(1, 234, 555, 345, 423)
// (1, 555)


import Foundation

func componentsFromUrlString(urlString: String) -> (host: String?, path: String?) {
    let url = NSURL(string: urlString)
    return (url?.host, url?.path)

let urlComponents = componentsFromUrlString("http://why/233;param?foo=1&baa=2#fragment")

switch (urlComponents.host, urlComponents.path) {
case let (.Some(host), .Some(path)):
    println("host \(host) and path \(path)")
case let (.Some(host), .None):
    println("only host \(host)")
case let (.None, .Some(path)):
    println("only path \(path)")
case let (.None, .None):
    println("This is not a url!")

// "host why and path /233/param"


  • Functions
  • Swift Functions
  • Swift 方法的多面性
  • Instance Methods are Curried Functions in Swift
