首页 > 代码库 > [翻译] DKTagCloudView - 标签云View

[翻译] DKTagCloudView - 标签云View




DKTagCloudView is a tag clouds view on iOS. It can generate a random and not intersects coordinates.


How To Get Started - 如何开始

Installation with CocoaPods - 通过CocoaPods安装

$ pod search DKTagCloudView-> DKTagCloudView (1.0.0)   A tag clouds view on iOS.t can generate a random and not intersects   coordinates.   pod ‘DKTagCloudView‘, ‘~> 1.0.0‘   - Homepage: https://github.com/zhangao0086/DKTagCloudView   - Source:   https://github.com/zhangao0086/DKTagCloudView.git   - Versions: 1.0.0 [master repo]

Edit your Podfile and add DKTagCloudView:


pod ‘DKCarouselView‘, ‘~> x.x.x

Add #import "DKTagCloudView.h" to the top of classes that will use it.


Create instances (Also supports xib/storyboard) :创建实例对象(也支持xib/storyboard)

DKTagCloudView *tagCloudView = [[DKTagCloudView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 64,                                                                                self.view.bounds.size.width,                                                                                self.view.bounds.size.height - 64)];[self.view addSubview:tagCloudView];self.tagCloudView = tagCloudView;

self.tagCloudView.titls = @[ @"DKTagCloudView", @"minFontSize", @"maxFontSize", @"randomColors", @"generate", @"UIView", @"NSInteger", @"Min font size", @"Max font size", @"DKTagCloudViewDemo", @"This is a test" ];

Generates: 生成

[self.tagCloudView generate];

Callback 回调

[self.tagCloudView setTagClickBlock:^(NSString *title, NSInteger index) {    NSLog(@"title:%@,index:%zd",title,index);}];

Customized: 定制

/** *  Min font size. Defautls to 14. */@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger minFontSize;/** *  Max font size. Defaults to 60. */@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger maxFontSize;/** *  Random text colors. Defaults to:  [         [UIColor blackColor],         [UIColor cyanColor],         [UIColor purpleColor],         [UIColor orangeColor],         [UIColor redColor],         [UIColor yellowColor],         [UIColor lightGrayColor],         [UIColor grayColor],         [UIColor greenColor], ] */@property (nonatomic, copy) NSArray *randomColors;


[翻译] DKTagCloudView - 标签云View