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Leetcode-Merge k Sorted Lists

Merge k sorted linked lists and return it as one sorted list. Analyze and describe its complexity.

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record the current head of each list. Use binary insertation to arrange the head list, select the minimum one and add to the end of the return list.
 1 /** 2  * Definition for singly-linked list. 3  * public class ListNode { 4  *     int val; 5  *     ListNode next; 6  *     ListNode(int x) { 7  *         val = x; 8  *         next = null; 9  *     }10  * }11  */12 public class Solution {13     public ListNode mergeKLists(List<ListNode> lists) {14         //Consider the cases where the element in lists is NULL!15         for (int i=0;i<lists.size();i++)16             if (lists.get(i)==null){17                 lists.remove(i);18                 i--;19             }20         if (lists.size()==0) return null;21         if (lists.size()==1) return lists.get(0);22 23         ListNode preHead = new ListNode(0);24         ListNode end = preHead;25         List<ListNode> curList = new ArrayList<ListNode>();26         curList.add(lists.get(0));27         for (int i=1;i<lists.size();i++) binaryInsert(curList,lists.get(i));28         while (curList.size()!=0){29             if (curList.size()==1){30                 end.next = curList.get(0);31                 end = new ListNode(0);32                 break;33             }34             ListNode target = curList.get(0);            35             curList.remove(0);36             if (target.next!=null) binaryInsert(curList,target.next);37             end.next = target;38             end = target;39         }40         end.next = null;41         return preHead.next;42         43     }44 45     public void binaryInsert(List<ListNode> lists, ListNode node){46         int start = 0;47         int end = lists.size()-1;48         int index = -1;49         while (start<end){50             int mid = (start+end)/2;51             if (node.val == lists.get(mid).val){52                 index = mid;53                 break;54             }55 56             if (node.val>lists.get(mid).val){57                 start = mid+1;58                 continue;59             }60 61             if (node.val<lists.get(mid).val){62                 end = mid-1;63                 continue;64             }65         }66         67         //NOTE: There are two ending cases, we need consider them carefully!.68         if (index==-1){69             if (start==end)70                 if (node.val>lists.get(start).val) index=start+1;71                 else index = start;72             else index = start;   //i.e., start>end.73         }  74 75         lists.add(index,node);76 77         return;78     }        79 }


Leetcode-Merge k Sorted Lists