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RHEL 7 & CentOS 7禁用IPV6

RHEL 7 & CentOS 7下禁用IPV6的方法和之前的版本不太一样了,本文整理了一下处理方法:本文原文出处: http://blog.csdn.net/bluishglc/article/details/41390785 严禁任何形式的转载,否则将委托CSDN官方维护权益!



# lsmod | grep ipv6



  • 验证IPV6是否关闭

1. 通过命令:

Check to see if you’re installation is currently set up for IPv6:

# cat /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/disable_ipv6

If the output is 0, IPv6 is enabled.

If the output is 1, IPv6 is already disabled.

需要特别说明的是:在这种方法下,使用# lsmod | grep ipv6依然会有一些相关模块列出。

2. 通过ifconfig查看网卡信息,以下打开和关闭ipv6的差别:

  • 禁用IPV6的操作步骤

Step 1: add this rule in /etc/sysctl.conf : net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1

Step 2: add this rule in /etc/sysconfig/network: NETWORKING_IPV6=no

Step 3: add this setting for each nic X (X is the corresponding number for each nic) in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ethX: IPV6INIT=no

Step 4: disable the ip6tables service : chkconfig ip6tables off

Step 5: Reload the sysctl configuration:

# sysctl -p
# reboot

RHEL 7 & CentOS 7禁用IPV6