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UVa 10106 Product 【大数相乘】WA





The Problem

The problem is to multiply two integers X, Y. (0<=X,Y<10250)

The Input

The input will consist of a set of pairs of lines. Each line in pair contains one multiplyer.

The Output

For each input pair of lines the output line should consist one integer the product.

Sample Input




Sample Output



#include<stdio.h>#include<string.h>#define max 500int panduan(char a[]){  int tag,flag=1;  int i;  for(i=0;a[i]!=‘\0‘&&flag;i++)  {  	if(a[i]!=‘0‘)  	{  		flag=0;  	}  }  if(flag)  {      if(i==1)      return 1;      else      return 2;  }  else  return 0;}int main(){    int i,j;    int len1,len2,len;    int a[max],b[max],c[max];    char str1[max],str2[max];    while(~scanf("%s %s",&str1,&str2))    {        if(panduan(str1)==1||panduan(str2)==1)//判断两个相乘的数里面有没有‘0‘        {            printf("0\n");        }        else if(panduan(str1)==2||panduan(str2)==2)//判断两个相乘的数里面如果出现0---0(若干个),则不处理这组数据        {            printf("\n");           continue;        }        else        {            memset(a,0,sizeof(a));            memset(b,0,sizeof(b));            memset(c,0,sizeof(c));            len1=strlen(str1);            len2=strlen(str2);            for(i=0;i<len1;i++)             {            a[i]=str1[len1-i-1]-‘0‘;             }            for(i=0;i<len2;i++)              {            b[i]=str2[len2-i-1]-‘0‘;              }            for(i=0;i<len2;i++)              {            for(j=0;j<len1;j++)            c[i+j]+=b[i]*a[j];               }        len=i+j;        for(i=0;i<len;i++)        {            if(c[i]>=10)            {            c[i+1]+=c[i]/10;            c[i]=c[i]%10;            }        }        for(i=len;(c[i]==0)&&(i>=0);i--);        for(j=i;j>=0;j--)           printf("%d",c[j]);           printf("\n");        }    }}


UVa 10106 Product 【大数相乘】WA