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<script type="text/javascript" src = http://www.mamicode.com/"js/lib/jquery-1.8.0.min.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src = http://www.mamicode.com/"js/lib/jquery.easyui.min.js"></script>
<div data-options="region:‘center‘">                     <ul id="orgs_tree" class="easyui-tree" ></ul>                </div>
var orgs_tree_default = {            url : servlet/SearchServlet?dispatch=0,            animate : true,            onClick:function(node){                var url = "servlet/SearchServlet?dispatch=1";//默认加载地区的树                var isDeptTree = false;                var unit_id ;                //根据行政区划获取单位列表                $.getJSON(url,{regions_id:node.attributes.regions_id},function(data){                                        if(data.length > 1){                                            }else if(data.length == 0){                                            }else{                                            //点击部门树的text,加载树                    $("#dept_tree").tree({                                                  url:"servlet/SearchServlet?dispatch=2&unit_id=" + unit_id+"&id=0",  //默认加载部门的树                         onBeforeExpand:function(node,param){                                                          $("#dept_tree").tree("options").url="servlet/SearchServlet?dispatch=2&unit_id=" + unit_id+"&id="+node.id;                           },                            onSelect:function(node){    //当点击text的时候,展开子节点                             $(this).tree("expand",node.target);                            }                        });                          }                });            },            onDrop:function(target, source, point){ //行政区域树的拖拽功能                var node = $("#orgs_tree").tree("getNode",target); // 将DOM对象转换为node                                //组装参数                var param = {                                                //目标节点属性                        targetId : node.attributes.regions_id ,                        targetSort : node.attributes.regions_sort ,                                                //源节点属性                        sourceId : source.attributes.regions_id ,                         sourceSort : source.attributes.regions_sort,                                                //操作方式3种,append:变更父节点,top:平级-上 bottom:平级-下                        point : point};                                //更新数据库,这个后台需要用到存储过程                var url = "servlet/ManagerServlet?dispatch=0";                $.post(url,param,function(data){                    alert("success");                });                            }};



public String dragRegionsSort(int target_id, int target_sort,            int source_id, int source_sort,String operation) {        String result = "排序成功";        conn= this.getConnection();        CallableStatement statement = conn.prepareCall("{call PRO_UPDATE_REGION_SORT(?,?,?,?,?)}");        try {            statement.setInt(1, target_id);            statement.setInt(2, target_sort);            statement.setInt(3, source_id);            statement.setInt(4, source_sort);            statement.setString(5, operation);            statement.execute();            } catch (SQLException e) {            // TODO Auto-generated catch block            e.printStackTrace();        }        return result ;            }


create or replace procedure "PRO_UPDATE_REGION_SORT"(       target_id in number,--目标id       target_sort in number,--目标排序号       source_id in number,     --源id       source_sort in number , --源排序号       operation  in varchar2     --操作类型,之前还是之后)as p_tid   number;  p_sid  number ; begin  select regions_id into p_tid from tbl_regions t where t.regions_id = target_id;  select regions_id into p_sid from tbl_regions t where t.regions_id = source_id;  dbms_output.put_line(---目标id--||p_tid||---源id---||p_sid);  if target_sort - source_sort = 1 then       if operation = top then        null;      else        update tbl_regions t set t.regions_sort = target_sort WHERE t.regions_id = source_id ;        update tbl_regions t set t.regions_sort = source_sort WHERE t.regions_id = target_id ;      end if ;   elsif target_sort - source_sort = -1 then      if operation = top then        update tbl_regions t set t.regions_sort = target_sort WHERE t.regions_id = source_id ;        update tbl_regions t set t.regions_sort = source_sort WHERE t.regions_id = target_id ;         else        null;      end if;    elsif target_sort - source_sort < -1 then      if operation = top then               update tbl_regions t set t.regions_sort = t.regions_sort + 1 where t.regions_sort >= target_sort and t.regions_sort < source_sort;        update tbl_regions t set t.regions_sort = target_sort where t.regions_id = source_id ;        dbms_output.put_line(---排序前目标sort--||target_sort||---源sort---||source_sort);        dbms_output.put_line(---排序后目标sort--||target_sort||---源sort---||source_sort);      else        update tbl_regions t set t.regions_sort = t.regions_sort + 1 where t.regions_sort > target_sort and t.regions_sort < source_sort;        update tbl_regions t set t.regions_sort = target_sort+1 where t.regions_id = source_id ;      end if ;    elsif target_sort - source_sort > 1 then      if operation =  top then        update tbl_regions t set t.regions_sort = t.regions_sort - 1 where t.regions_sort > source_sort and t.regions_sort < target_sort;        update tbl_regions t set t.regions_sort = target_sort - 1 where t.regions_id = source_id ;       else         update tbl_regions t set t.regions_sort = t.regions_sort - 1 where t.regions_sort > source_sort and t.regions_sort <= target_sort;        update tbl_regions t set t.regions_sort = target_sort where t.regions_id = source_id ;      end if;    end if;end;

