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Redisson Redis 客户端

Redisson 2.3.0 发布了,勤快学qkxue.net发现Redisson 是基于 Redis 服务之上构建的分布式、可伸缩的 Java 数据结构,高级的 Redis 客户端。


Feature - new service added RExecutorService. More info about it here
Feature - new service added RScheduledExecutorService. More info about it here
Feature - new service added RLiveObjectService. More info about it here (big thanks to Rui Gu for this amazing feature)
Feature - new object added RBoundedBlockingQueue. More info about it here
Feature - Redis deployment tool. More info about it here
Feature - Cluster management tool. More info about it here
Feature - Avro and Smile codecs added
Breaking api change - all config classes moved to org.redisson.config package
Breaking api change - all classes moved from org.redisson.core to org.redisson.api package
Breaking api change - switched from io.netty.util.concurrent.Future to org.redisson.api.RFuture interface
Fixed - division by zero in WeightedRoundRobinBalancer (thanks to Shailender R Bathula)




  • Source code (zip)

  • Source code (tar.gz)

Redisson Redis 客户端