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Linux 进程间通信(posix消息队列 简单)实例

Linux 进程间通信(posix消息队列 简单)实例详情见: http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2011-10/44828.htm编译:gcc -o consumer consumer.c -lrtgcc -o producer producer.c -lrt/* * *       Filename:  producer.c * *    Description:  生产者进程 * *        Version:  1.0 *        Created:  09/30/2011 04:52:23 PM *       Revision:  none *       Compiler:  gcc(g++) * *         Author:  |Zhenghe Zhang|, |zhenghe.zhang@gmail.com| *        Company:  |Shenzhen XXX Technology Co., Ltd.| * */#include <stdio.h>#include <mqueue.h>#include <sys/stat.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <unistd.h>#include <time.h>#include <string.h>#define MAXSIZE     10   //定义buf大小#define BUFFER      8192 //定义Msg大小struct MsgType{    int len;    char buf[MAXSIZE];    char x;    short y;};可以用这种形式传递参数int main() {     /*消息队列*/    mqd_t msgq_id;    struct MsgType msg;    unsigned int prio = 1;    unsigned int send_size = BUFFER;    struct mq_attr msgq_attr;    const char *file = "/posix";    /*mq_open() for creating a new queue (using default attributes) */    /*mq_open() 创建一个新的 POSIX 消息队列或打开一个存在的队列*/    msgq_id = mq_open(file, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG, NULL);    if(msgq_id == (mqd_t)-1)    {        perror("mq_open");        exit(1);    }    /* getting the attributes from the queue        --  mq_getattr() */    if(mq_getattr(msgq_id, &msgq_attr) == -1)    {        perror("mq_getattr");        exit(1);    }    printf("Queue \"%s\":\n\t- stores at most %ld messages\n\t- \        large at most %ld bytes each\n\t- currently holds %ld messages\n",         file, msgq_attr.mq_maxmsg, msgq_attr.mq_msgsize, msgq_attr.mq_curmsgs);       /*setting the attributes of the queue        --  mq_setattr() */    /*mq_setattr() 设置消息队列的属性,设置时使用由 newattr 指针指向的 mq_attr 结构的信息。*/    /*属性中只有标志 mq_flasgs 里的 O_NONBLOCK 标志可以更改,其它在 newattr 内的域都被忽略 */    if(mq_setattr(msgq_id, &msgq_attr, NULL) == -1)    {        perror("mq_setattr");        exit(1);    }       int i = 0;     while(i < 10)     {        msg.len = i;        memset(msg.buf, 0, MAXSIZE);        sprintf(msg.buf, "0x%x", i);        msg.x = (char)(i + a);        msg.y = (short)(i + 100);        printf("msg.len = %d, msg.buf = %s, msg.x = %c, msg.y = %d\n", msg.len, msg.buf, msg.x, msg.y);        /*sending the message      --  mq_send() */        /*mq_send() 把 msg_ptr 指向的消息加入由 mqdes 引用的消息队列里。*/        /*参数 msg_len 指定消息 msg_ptr 的长度:这个长度必须小于或等于队列 mq_msgsize 属性的值。零长度的消息是允许。*/        if(mq_send(msgq_id, (char*)&msg, sizeof(struct MsgType), prio) == -1)        {            perror("mq_send");            exit(1);        }        i++;        sleep(1);       }    sleep(30); //等待消费者进程退出    这个意思就是先让生产者执行,但是消费者必须在30秒内执行,不然就会出问题    /*closing the queue        -- mq_close() */    /*mq_close() 关闭消息队列描述符 mqdes。如果调用进程在消息队列 mqdes 绑定了通知请求,*/    /*那么这个请求被删除,此后其它进程就可以绑定通知请求到此消息队列。*/    if(mq_close(msgq_id) == -1)    {        perror("mq_close");        exit(1);    }    /*mq_unlink() 删除名为 name 的消息队列。消息队列名将被直接删除。*/    /*消息队列本身在所有引用这个队列的描述符被关闭时销毁。*/    if(mq_unlink(file) == -1)    {        perror("mq_unlink");        exit(1);    }    return 0; } /* * *       Filename:  consumer.c * *    Description:  消费者进程 * *        Version:  1.0 *        Created:  09/30/2011 04:52:23 PM *       Revision:  none *       Compiler:  gcc(g++) * *         Author:  |Zhenghe Zhang|, |zhenghe.zhang@gmail.com| *        Company:  |Shenzhen XXX Technology Co., Ltd.| * */#include <stdio.h>#include <mqueue.h>#include <sys/stat.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <unistd.h>#include <time.h>#include <string.h>#define MAXSIZE     10   //定义buf大小#define BUFFER      8192 //定义Msg大小struct MsgType{    int len;    char buf[MAXSIZE];    char x;    short y;};int main() {     /*消息队列*/    mqd_t msgq_id;    struct MsgType msg;    unsigned int sender;    struct mq_attr msgq_attr;    unsigned int recv_size = BUFFER;    const char *file = "/posix";    /* mq_open() for opening an existing queue */    msgq_id = mq_open(file, O_RDWR);    if(msgq_id == (mqd_t)-1)    {        perror("mq_open");        exit(1);    }    /* getting the attributes from the queue        --  mq_getattr() */    if(mq_getattr(msgq_id, &msgq_attr) == -1)    {        perror("mq_getattr");        exit(1);    }    printf("Queue \"%s\":\n\t- stores at most %ld messages\n\t- \        large at most %ld bytes each\n\t- currently holds %ld messages\n",         file, msgq_attr.mq_maxmsg, msgq_attr.mq_msgsize, msgq_attr.mq_curmsgs);    if(recv_size < msgq_attr.mq_msgsize)        recv_size = msgq_attr.mq_msgsize;    int i = 0;    while(i < 10) //运行一个consumenr,为 10 ,同时运行两个consumer进程,为 5      {        msg.len = -1;        memset(msg.buf, 0, MAXSIZE);        msg.x =  ;        msg.y = -1;         /* getting a message */        /*mq_receive() 从由描述符 mqdes 引用的队列时删除优先级最高的最老的消息,并把放置到 msg_ptr 的缓存区内。*/        /*参数 msg_len 指定缓冲区 msg_ptr 的大小:它必须大于队列的 mq_msgsize 属性(参数 mq_getattr)。*/         /*如果 prio 不是 NULL,那么它指向的内存用于返回收到消息相关的优先级。*/        if (mq_receive(msgq_id, (char*)&msg, recv_size, &sender) == -1)         {            perror("mq_receive");            exit(1);        }        printf("msg.len = %d, msg.buf = %s, msg.x = %c, msg.y = %d\n", msg.len, msg.buf, msg.x, msg.y);        i++;        sleep(2);     }    if(mq_close(msgq_id) == -1)    {        perror("mq_close");        exit(1);    }    return 0; }http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2011-10/44829.htm


Linux 进程间通信(posix消息队列 简单)实例