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DFS template and summary

最近一直在学习Deep Frist Search,也在leetcode上解了不少的题目。从最开始的懵懂,到现在基本上遇到一个问题有了思路。我现在还清晰的接的今年2月份我刚开始刷提的时候做subsets时那个吃力的劲,脑子就是转不过来到底该如何的递归。


void DFS_no_return(vector<TYPE>& solution_set, TYPE& solution, int idx){    // DFS terminate condition    // Normally there are two major categories    // One is for some number, already reach this depth according to the question, stop    // get to the end of an array, stop    if(idx == n || idx == (vector/string).size()){        solution_set.push_back(solution);        return;    }    // very seldom only when our program met some efficiency problem    // do prune to reduce the workload    // no need do DFS if we already get the value of current element, just return    if(hash_table[input] != hash_table.end()){        return;    }        for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){        if(visited[i] == 0){            visited[i] = 1;            DFS_no_return(solution_set, solution, idx + 1);            visited[i] = 0;        }    }    return;}


TYPE DFS_with_return(int idx){    // DFS terminate condition    // Normally there are two major categories    // One is for some number, already reach this depth according to the question, stop    // get to the end of an array, stop    if(idx == n || idx == (vector/string).size()){        return 1/0/"";    }    // very seldom only when our program met some efficiency problem    // do prune to reduce the workload    // no need do DFS if we already get the value of current element, just return    if(hash_table[input] != hash_table.end()){        return hash_table[input];    }        TYPE ans;    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){        if(visited[i] == 0){            // normally, here should to add/concatenate the value in current level with the value returned from lower level            ans += DFS_no_return(idx + 1);        }    }    // if we need prune    // keep current value here    hash_table[input] = ans;    return ans;}


DFS template and summary