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golang 多维数组


A multi-dimensional array is an array of arrays. 2-dimensional arrays are the most commonly used. They are used to store data in a tabular manner.

Consider following 2D array, which is of the size 3×53×5. For an array of size N×MN×M, the rows and columns are numbered from 00 to N1N−1 and columns are numbered from 00 to M1M−1, respectively. Any element of the array can be accessed by arr[i][j]arr[i][j] where 0i<N0≤i<N and 0j<M0≤j<M. For example, in the following array, the value stored at arr[1][3]arr[1][3] is 1414.


golang 代码如下:

其中定义二维数组没有什么复杂的,在赋值的过程中我们需要先定义一个一维数组 carray := make([]int, column, column),然后在赋值给外面的数组 array[i] =carray

下来就是字符串拼接和其他的语言不太一样,先定义一个var buffer bytes.Buffer, 然后写数据buffer.WriteString("ddd"),最后就是输出 buffer.String()


package mainimport "fmt"import "strconv"import "bytes"func main() {  var row,column int  fmt.Scanln(&row,&column)  var array = make([][]int,row,row)  for i:=0;i<row;i++{      carray := make([]int, column, column)      for j:=0;j<column;j++{      var columnValue string      fmt.Scan(&columnValue)      //fmt.Println(columnValue)      intv,_:= strconv.Atoi(columnValue)      carray[j] = intv      }      array[i] =carray  }  //fmt.Println(array)  var buffer bytes.Buffer   for i:=0;i<column;i++{      buffer.Reset()      for j:=0;j<row;j++{      buffer.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(array[j][i])+" ")      }      fmt.Println(buffer.String())  }}

golang 多维数组