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Reverse Words in a String (4)

 Given an input string, reverse the string word by word.

For example,
Given s = "the sky is blue",
return "blue is sky the". 



    • What constitutes a word?
      A sequence of non-space characters constitutes a word.//单词中间没有空格
    • Could the input string contain leading or trailing spaces?//有前导空格或者结尾有空格
      Yes. However, your reversed string should not contain leading or trailing spaces.
    • How about multiple spaces between two words?//单词之间的空格可能有多个
      Reduce them to a single sp
      ace in the reversed string.//要将单词之间的空格减少为1个



 1 class Solution{ 2 public: 3     void reverseWords(string &s){ 4         int len=s.length(); 5         int i; 6         stack <string> end; 7         i=-1; 8         string  ss=""; 9         int sum=0;10         while(1){11             i++;12             if(i>(len-1))13                 break;14             if(s[i]== ){//15                 if(ss.length()){//说明ss中储存的单词还没有压入堆栈,将其压入堆栈16                     sum++;//sum用于记录string中总共有多少个单词17                     end.push(ss);18                     ss="";19                 }20                 continue;21             }22             else if(s[i]!= ){23                 ss.push_back(s[i]);//将单词中的字母放入存放单词的string中24             }25         }26         if(ss.length()){//说明最后最后遗留了一个单词还没有压入堆栈,将其压入堆栈27             end.push(ss);28             sum++;29         }30         if(!sum){//如果单词数量为0,说明原来输入的string中字符全为空格,或者为空。返回空值31             s="";32             return;33         }34         s="";35         for(i=0;i<sum;i++){36             s+=end.top();37             s+=" ";38             end.pop();39         }40         s.pop_back();//因为单词末尾不能有空格,将最后的空格弹出41     42     }43 44 };



 1 class Solution { 2 public: 3     void reverseWords(string &s) { 4         int i=s.length(); 5         i--; 6         string ss; 7         while(i>=0){ 8             while(i>=0&&s[i]== ) 9                 i--;//消除多余的空格10             if(i<0)11                 break;12             if(ss.length()!=0)//如果记录返回值的ss长度不为013                 ss.push_back( );//将‘ ‘压入其中14             string temp;15             for(i;i>=0&&s[i]!= ;i--)16                 temp.push_back(s[i]);//反序压入单词所有字母17            reverse(temp.begin(),temp.end());//回复单词字母的顺序18            ss.append(temp);//将单词加入ss19         }20         s=ss;//返回值为ss21         22         23         24     }//返回值直接储存在s中了25 };


Reverse Words in a String (4)