首页 > 代码库 > Python异常处理和进程线程-day09







  - 1.语法错误导致的异常

    - 这种错误,根本过不了python解释器的语法检测,必须在程序运行前就修正;

  - 2.逻辑上的异常

    - 即逻辑错误,例如除零错误;

    - 异常相关信息:异常的追踪信息 + 异常类型 + 异常值


    - 异常种类

 1 ArithmeticError 2 AssertionError 3 AttributeError 4 BaseException 5 BufferError 6 BytesWarning 7 DeprecationWarning 8 EnvironmentError 9 EOFError10 Exception11 FloatingPointError12 FutureWarning13 GeneratorExit14 ImportError15 ImportWarning16 IndentationError17 IndexError18 IOError19 KeyboardInterrupt20 KeyError21 LookupError22 MemoryError23 NameError24 NotImplementedError25 OSError26 OverflowError27 PendingDeprecationWarning28 ReferenceError29 RuntimeError30 RuntimeWarning31 StandardError32 StopIteration33 SyntaxError34 SyntaxWarning35 SystemError36 SystemExit37 TabError38 TypeError39 UnboundLocalError40 UnicodeDecodeError41 UnicodeEncodeError42 UnicodeError43 UnicodeTranslateError44 UnicodeWarning45 UserWarning46 ValueError47 Warning48 ZeroDivisionError

    - 异常示例:

# IndexError: list index out of rangelist1 = [1,2]list1[7]# KeyError: ‘k9‘dict1 = {    ‘k1‘:‘v1‘,    ‘k2‘:‘v2‘,}dict1[‘k9‘]# ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ‘standby‘str = ‘standby‘int(str)...

  - 3.异常处理

    - try...except... (可以写多个except)

    - 从上向下匹配,匹配到了就不再匹配下面的except,类似于 iptables

try:    # msg=input(‘>>:‘)    # int(msg) #ValueError    print(x) #NameError    d={‘a‘:1}    d[‘b‘] #KeyError    l=[1,2]    l[10] #IndexError    1+‘asdfsadfasdf‘ #TypeErrorexcept ValueError as e:    print(‘ValueError: %s‘ % e)except NameError as e:    print(‘NameError: %s‘ % e)except KeyError as e:    print(e)print(‘=============>‘)

    - 万能异常 Exception

try:    # d={‘a‘:1}    # d[‘b‘] #KeyError    l=[1,2]    l[10] #IndexError    1+‘asdfsadfasdf‘ #TypeErrorexcept Exception as e:    print(‘捕获到异常,异常类型:%s,异常值:%s‘ % (type(e),e))print(‘=============>‘)

    - try...except...else...finally... (finally 里面主要是做一些清理工作

try:    # 1+‘asdfsadfasdf‘ #TypeError    print(‘aaaaaa‘)except Exception as e:    print(‘捕获到异常,异常类型:%s,异常值:%s‘ % (type(e), e))else:    print(‘没有异常时发生会执行‘)finally:    print(‘有没有异常都会执行‘)

  - 4.异常扩展

    - 主动抛出异常

try:    raise TypeError(‘类型错误‘)except Exception as e:    print(e)

    - 自定义异常类型

class standbyException(BaseException):    def __init__(self,msg):        self.msg=msg    def __str__(self):        return self.msgtry:    raise standbyException(‘--->> 自定义异常类型‘)except standbyException as e:    print(e)

    - 断言 assert

# 待补充...



  - 0.参考:操作系统简介

  - 1.基础概念

    - 1.精简的说的话,操作系统就是一个协调、管理和控制计算机硬件资源和软件资源的控制程序

    - 2.操作系统管理硬件,提供系统调用(接口,比方说:文件);对资源请求进行有序调度处理;

    - 3.操作系统处在用户应用程序和计算机硬件之间,本质也是一个软件


    - 4.操作系统由操作系统的内核(运行于内核态,管理硬件资源)以及系统调用(运行于用户态,为应用程序员写的应用程序提供系统调用接口)两部分组成,所以,单纯的说操作系统是运行于内核态的,是不准确的。

# 1.隔离复杂度,提供简单易用的接口隐藏了丑陋的硬件调用接口,为应用程序员提供调用硬件资源的更好,更简单,更清晰的模型(系统调用接口)。应用程序员有了这些接口后,就不用再考虑操作硬件的细节,专心开发自己的应用程序即可。比如,磁盘资源的抽象是文件系统(C盘,D盘,E盘...下的目录及文件),有了文件的概念,我们直接打开文件,读或者写就可以了,无需关心记录是否应该使用修正的调频记录方式,以及当前电机的状态等细节
# 2.将应用程序对硬件资源的竞态请求变得有序化例如:很多应用软件其实是共享一套计算机硬件,比方说有可能有三个应用程序同时需要申请打印机来输出内容,那么a程序竞争到了打印机资源就打印,然后可能是b竞争到打印机资源,也可能是c,这就导致了无序;打印机可能打印一段a的内容然后又去打印c...,操作系统的一个功能就是将这种无序变得有序;

  - 2.相关概念

    - 1.批处理

      - 把一堆人的输入攒成一大波输入;把一堆人的输出攒成一大波输出;节省了机时;

    - 2.多道程序设计

      - 空间上的复用

        - 将内存分为几部分,每个部分放入一个程序,这样,同一时间内存中就有了多道程序;


      - 时间上的复用

        - 快速的上下文切换


    - 3.分时操作系统




  - 0.参考:Cpython解释器支持的进程与线程

  - 1.进程的概念

    - 进程:正在进行的一个过程或者说一个任务。而负责执行任务则是cpu;起源于操作系统,是操作系统最核心的概念;

    - 程序仅仅只是一堆代码而已,而进程指的是程序的运行过程;

    - 同一个程序执行两次,那也是两个进程,比如打开暴风影音,虽然都是同一个软件,但是一个可以播放西游记,一个可以播放天龙八部;

An executing instance of a program is called a process.Each process provides the resources needed to execute a program.A process has a virtual address space, executable code, open handles to system objects, a security context, a unique process identifier, environment variables, a priority class, minimum and maximum working set sizes, and at least one thread of execution. Each process is started with a single thread, often called the primary thread, but can create additional threads from any of its threads.程序并不能单独运行,只有将程序装载到内存中,系统为它分配资源才能运行,而这种执行的程序就称之为进程。程序和进程的区别就在于:程序是指令的集合,它是进程运行的静态描述文本;进程是程序的一次执行活动,属于动态概念。在多道编程中,我们允许多个程序同时加载到内存中,在操作系统的调度下,可以实现并发地执行。这是这样的设计,大大提高了CPU的利用率。进程的出现让每个用户感觉到自己独享CPU,因此,进程就是为了在CPU上实现多道编程而提出的。

  - 2.并发与并行

    - 1.并发:是伪并行,即看起来是同时运行。单个cpu+多道技术就可以实现并发,(并行也属于并发);

    - 2.并行:同时运行,只有具备多个cpu才能实现真正意义上的并行;

      -  单核下,可以利用多道技术;多个核,每个核也都可以利用多道技术(多道技术是针对单核而言的




  - 3.同步和异步


  - 4.进程的创建

1. 在UNIX中该系统调用是:fork;fork会创建一个与父进程一模一样的副本,二者有相同的存储映像、同样的环境字符串和同样的打开文件;(在shell解释器进程中,执行一个命令就会创建一个子进程)2. 在windows中该系统调用是:CreateProcess,CreateProcess既处理进程的创建,也负责把正确的程序装入新进程。

    - 创建进程示例1:

# Windows上调用Process,可执行代码一定要放到 __main__ 里from multiprocessing import Processimport time,randomdef func(name):    print(‘%s is running...‘ % name)    # time.sleep(random.randint(1,3))    time.sleep(1)    print(‘%s run end.‘ % name)if __name__ == ‘__main__‘:    # p1 = Process(target=func,args=(‘standby‘,))    p1 = Process(target=func,args=(‘standby‘,),name=‘sub-P1‘)    p1.start()    print(p1.name)    print(‘Parent running‘)    time.sleep(1)    print(‘Parent run end‘)---sub-P1Parent runningstandby is running...Parent run endstandby run end.

    - 创建进程示例2:

# 继承Process类from multiprocessing import Processimport time, randomclass Foo(Process):    def __init__(self, name):        super().__init__()        self.name = name    def run(self):        print(‘%s is running...‘ % self.name)        # time.sleep(random.randint(1,3))        time.sleep(1)        print(‘%s run end.‘ % self.name)if __name__ == ‘__main__‘:    p1 = Foo(‘standby‘)    p1.start()    print(‘Parent running...‘)    time.sleep(1)    print(‘Parent run end.‘)---Parent running...standby is running...Parent run end.standby run end.

    - Process类

      - 1.参数介绍

Process([group [, target [, name [, args [, kwargs]]]]])由该类实例化得到的对象,表示一个子进程中的任务(尚未启动)强调:1. 需要使用关键字的方式来指定参数2. args指定的为传给target函数的位置参数,是一个元组形式,必须有逗号group    参数未使用,值始终为Nonetarget    表示调用对象,即子进程要执行的任务args      表示调用对象的位置参数元组,args=(1,2,‘egon‘,)kwargs  表示调用对象的字典,kwargs={‘name‘:‘egon‘,‘age‘:18}name    为子进程的名称

      - 2.方法介绍

p.start()   启动进程,并调用该子进程中的p.run() p.run()     进程启动时运行的方法,正是它去调用target指定的函数,我们自定义类的类中一定要实现该方法  p.terminate()   强制终止进程p,不会进行任何清理操作,如果p创建了子进程,该子进程就成了僵尸进程,使用该方法需要特别小心这种情况。如果p还保存了一个锁那么也将不会被释放,进而导致死锁p.is_alive()    如果p仍然运行,返回Truep.join([timeout])       hold住的是主进程 主线程等待p终止(强调:是主线程处于等的状态,而p是处于运行的状态)。timeout是可选的超时时间,需要强调的是,p.join只能join住start开启的进程,而不能join住run开启的进程

      - 3.属性介绍


  - 5.进程的状态


其实在两种情况下会导致一个进程在逻辑上不能运行:  1. 进程挂起是自身原因,遇到I/O阻塞,便要让出CPU让其他进程去执行,这样保证CPU一直在工作  2. 与进程无关,是操作系统层面,可能会因为一个进程占用时间过多,或者优先级等原因,而调用其他的进程去使用CPU。



  - 为什么要有线程?


    - 线程示例:

进程与进程之间的资源是隔离的;一个进程里的多个线程共享进程的资源;例子:编译一个文档,有三个功能,接收用户输入+格式化+定期保存    1.用三个进程实现;但进程间数据是隔离的,这样就需要维护三份资源数据;    2.用1个进程挂三个线程实现,三个线程共享一份资源;

  - 线程是什么?

    - 进程只是用来把资源集中到一起(进程只是一个资源单位,或者说资源集合),而线程才是cpu上的执行单位;

    - 线程是操作系统能够进行运算调度的最小单位。它被包含在进程之中,是进程中的实际运作单位;

    - 一条线程指的是进程中一个单一顺序的控制流,一个进程中可以并发多个线程,每条线程并行执行不同的任务;

    - 进程之间是竞争关系,线程之间是协作关系

A thread is an execution context, which is all the information a CPU needs to execute a stream of instructions.Suppose you‘re reading a book, and you want to take a break right now, but you want to be able to come back and resume reading from the exact point where you stopped. One way to achieve that is by jotting down the page number, line number, and word number. So your execution context for reading a book is these 3 numbers.If you have a roommate, and she‘s using the same technique, she can take the book while you‘re not using it, and resume reading from where she stopped. Then you can take it back, and resume it from where you were.Threads work in the same way. A CPU is giving you the illusion that it‘s doing multiple computations at the same time. It does that by spending a bit of time on each computation. It can do that because it has an execution context for each computation. Just like you can share a book with your friend, many tasks can share a CPU.On a more technical level, an execution context (therefore a thread) consists of the values of the CPU‘s registers.Last: threads are different from processes. A thread is a context of execution, while a process is a bunch of resources associated with a computation. A process can have one or many threads.Clarification: the resources associated with a process include memory pages (all the threads in a process have the same view of the memory), file descriptors (e.g., open sockets), and security credentials (e.g., the ID of the user who started the process).

  - 线程和进程的区别

# 1Threads share the address space of the process that created it; Processes have their own address space.# 2Threads have direct access to the data segment of its process; Processes have their own copy of the data segment of the parent process.# 3Threads can directly communicate with other threads of its process; Processes must use interprocess communication to communicate with sibling processes.# 4New threads are easily created; New processes require duplication of the parent process.# 5Threads can exercise considerable control over threads of the same process; Processes can only exercise control over child processes.# 6Changes to the main thread (cancellation, priority change, etc.) may affect the behavior of the other threads of the process; Changes to the parent process does not affect child processes.

  - 创建进程的开销要远大于创建线程的开销




















Paramiko is a Python (2.6+, 3.3+) implementation of the SSHv2 protocol [1],providing both client and server functionality. While it leverages a Python C extension for low level cryptography (Cryptography), Paramiko itself is a pure Python interface around SSH networking concepts.

  - paramiko是用python语言写的一个模块,遵循SSH2协议,支持以加密和认证的方式,进行远程服务器的连接。

 1 __all__ = [ 2     Transport, 3     SSHClient, 4     MissingHostKeyPolicy, 5     AutoAddPolicy, 6     RejectPolicy, 7     WarningPolicy, 8     SecurityOptions, 9     SubsystemHandler,10     Channel,11     PKey,12     RSAKey,13     DSSKey,14     Message,15     SSHException,16     AuthenticationException,17     PasswordRequiredException,18     BadAuthenticationType,19     ChannelException,20     BadHostKeyException,21     ProxyCommand,22     ProxyCommandFailure,23     SFTP,24     SFTPFile,25     SFTPHandle,26     SFTPClient,27     SFTPServer,28     SFTPError,29     SFTPAttributes,30     SFTPServerInterface,31     ServerInterface,32     BufferedFile,33     Agent,34     AgentKey,35     HostKeys,36     SSHConfig,37     util,38     io_sleep,39 ]

  - 实例1:密码验证登录主机,远程执行命令

import paramikoIP = ‘‘PORT = 22USER = ‘root‘PASSWORD = ‘123456.‘ssh_conn = paramiko.SSHClient()ssh_conn.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy())try:    ssh_conn.connect(IP,PORT,USER,PASSWORD,timeout=3)except Exception as e:    print(‘连接失败:%s‘ % e)while True:    cmd = input(‘Input cmd, q/Q to exit.>>>\t‘).strip()    if ‘Q‘ == cmd.upper():        print(‘Bye...‘)        break    stdin,stdout,stderr = ssh_conn.exec_command(cmd)    # print(stdin.read())    res = stderr.read().decode(‘utf-8‘)    if not res:        res = stdout.read().decode(‘utf-8‘)    print(res)ssh_conn.close()

  - 实例2:密码验证登录主机,执行ftp上传下载操作

# 下载到本地import paramikot = paramiko.Transport((‘‘,22))t.connect(username=‘root‘,password=‘123456.‘)sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(t)sftp.get(r‘/data/pass.txt‘,‘1.txt‘)t.close()# 上传到远端服务器import paramikot = paramiko.Transport((‘‘,22))t.connect(username=‘root‘,password=‘123456.‘)sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(t)sftp.put(r‘D:\soft\work\Python_17\day09\paramiko_demo.py‘,‘/data/paramiko_demo.py‘)# sftp.get(r‘/data/pass.txt‘,‘1.txt‘)t.close()

  - 实例3:秘钥验证登录远程主机,执行命令



十、Python GIL


In CPython, the global interpreter lock, or GIL, is a mutex that prevents multiple native threads from executing Python bytecodes at once. This lock is necessary mainly because CPython’s memory management is not thread-safe. (However, since the GIL exists, other features have grown to depend on the guarantees that it enforces.)

  - GIL并不是Python的特性,Python完全可以不依赖于GIL



  - 1.列表生成式


  - 2.os.cpu_count()


  - 3.







  1. 主机分组
  2. 主机信息配置文件用configparser解析
  3. 可批量执行命令、发送文件,结果实时返回,执行格式如下 
    1. batch_run  -h h1,h2,h3   -g web_clusters,db_servers    -cmd  "df -h" 
    2. batch_scp   -h h1,h2,h3   -g web_clusters,db_servers  -action put  -local test.py  -remote /tmp/ 
  4. 主机用户名密码、端口可以不同
  5. 执行远程命令使用paramiko模块
  6. 批量命令需使用multiprocessing并发


