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【LeetCode】Median of Two Sorted Arrays (2 solutions)

Median of Two Sorted Arrays

There are two sorted arrays A and B of size m and n respectively. Find the median of the two sorted arrays. The overall run time complexity should be O(log (m+n)).






class Solution {public:    double findMedianSortedArrays(int A[], int m, int B[], int n) {        if(m==0 && n==0)            return 0;        else if(m==0 && n!=0)            return ((double)(B[(n-1)/2]+B[n/2]))/2;        else if(m!=0 && n==0)            return ((double)(A[(m-1)/2]+A[m/2]))/2;                //m!=0 && n!=0        int total = m+n;        bool isEven = (total%2==0)?true:false;        int ind = (total-1)/2;        int i = 0;        int j = 0;        int tag = false;    //false--no candidate; true--one candidate        int ret1;        int ret2;        while(i<m && j<n)        {            if(ind==0 && tag==false)            {                ret1 = min(A[i],B[j]);                tag = true;                if(!isEven)                    return ret1;            }            else if(ind==-1 && tag==true)            {                ret2 = min(A[i],B[j]);                return ((double)(ret1+ret2))/2;            }                        if(A[i] <= B[j])                i ++;            else                j ++;            ind --;        }        while(i<m)        {            if(ind==0 && tag==false)            {                if(!isEven)                    return A[i];                else                    return ((double)(A[i]+A[i+1]))/2;            }            else if(ind==-1 && tag==true)            {                ret2 = A[i];                return ((double)(ret1+ret2))/2;            }            i ++;            ind --;        }        while(j<n)        {            if(ind==0 && tag==false)            {                if(!isEven)                    return B[j];                else                    return ((double)(B[j]+B[j+1]))/2;            }            else if(ind==-1 && tag==true)            {                ret2 = B[j];                return ((double)(ret1+ret2))/2;            }            j ++;            ind --;        }    }};


【LeetCode】Median of Two Sorted Arrays (2 solutions)