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通过HttpURLConnection来模拟模拟用户登录Web服务器,服务器使用cookie进行用户认证。在模拟登录时,Post表单数据后可以正确登录(登陆成功时会response一个cookie,然后redirect到main page,不成功则redirect到login page),但是在使用HttpURLConnection再次连接服务器其他页面(或者即使是当前的response里是redirect的page)时,服务器都会认为是全新的一个Session。


1. 调用HttpURLConnection (send post request to login page)的setInstanceFollowRedirects()方法,参数为false (这样不会去获取redirect page)

2. 获取HttpURLConnection send post request to login page的session id,然后在之后每一次的connection里都加上该session id


    public static String sessionId = "";      public static void sendLoginRequest() throws IOException {        URL loginUrl = new URL("http://xxx");        HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) loginUrl.openConnection();            // Output to the connection. Default is        // false, set to true because post        // method must write something to the        // connection        // 设置是否向connection输出,因为这个是post请求,参数要放在        // http正文内,因此需要设为true        connection.setDoOutput(true);        // Read from the connection. Default is true.        connection.setDoInput(true);        // Set the post method. Default is GET        connection.setRequestMethod("POST");        // Post cannot use caches        // Post 请求不能使用缓存        connection.setUseCaches(false);          // This method takes effects to        // every instances of this class.        // URLConnection.setFollowRedirects是static函数,作用于所有的URLConnection对象。        // connection.setFollowRedirects(true);               // This methods only        // takes effacts to this        // instance.        // URLConnection.setInstanceFollowRedirects是成员函数,仅作用于当前函数        connection.setInstanceFollowRedirects(false);               // Set the content type to urlencoded,        // because we will write        // some URL-encoded content to the        // connection. Settings above must be set before connect!        // 配置本次连接的Content-type,配置为application/x-www-form-urlencoded的        // 意思是正文是urlencoded编码过的form参数,下面我们可以看到我们对正文内容使用URLEncoder.encode        // 进行编码        connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type",               "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");        // 连接,从postUrl.openConnection()至此的配置必须要在connect之前完成,        // 要注意的是connection.getOutputStream会隐含的进行connect。        connection.connect();          DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(connection               .getOutputStream());            // 要传的参数        String content = URLEncoder.encode("username", "UTF-8") + "="               + URLEncoder.encode("XXX", "UTF-8");        content += "&" + URLEncoder.encode("password", "UTF-8") + "="               + URLEncoder.encode("XXXX", "UTF-8");          // DataOutputStream.writeBytes将字符串中的16位的unicode字符以8位的字符形式写道流里面        out.writeBytes(content);          out.flush();        out.close(); // flush and close             //Get Session ID        String key = "";        if (connection != null) {            for (int i = 1; (key = connection.getHeaderFieldKey(i)) != null; i++) {               if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("set-cookie")) {                   sessionId = connection.getHeaderField(key);                   sessionId = sessionId.substring(0, sessionId.indexOf(";"));               }            }        }             connection.disconnect();     }



然后之后每一次connection都要加上这个session id:

URL url = new URL("http:......");
HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();

