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  1 import re  2 import json  3 import time  4 import urllib  5 import urllib2  6 import urlparse  7 import cookielib  8 from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont, ImageFilter  9 from pytesser import * 10 from datetime import date 11 import os 12  13 os.chdir(C://Python27/Lib/site-packages/pytesser) 14  15 def getVerify(name): 16     #data = http://www.mamicode.com/urllib2.urlopen( 17     im = Image.open(name) 18     imgry = im.convert(L) 19     text = image_to_string(imgry) 20     text = re.sub(\W,‘‘,text) 21     return text 22  23 def urlToString(url): 24     data =http://www.mamicode.com/ urllib2.urlopen(url).read() 25     f = open(buffer/temp.jpg, wb) 26     f.write(data) 27     f.close() 28     return getVerify(buffer/temp.jpg) 29  30 def openerUrlToString(opener, url): 31     data =http://www.mamicode.com/ opener.open(url).read() 32     f = open(buffer/temp.jpg, wb) 33     f.write(data) 34     f.close() 35     return getVerify(buffer/temp.jpg) 36    37 def getOpener(head): 38     # deal with the Cookies 39     cj = cookielib.CookieJar() 40     pro = urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj) 41     opener = urllib2.build_opener(pro) 42     header = [] 43     for key, value in head.items(): 44         elem = (key, value) 45         header.append(elem) 46     opener.addheaders = header 47     return opener 48  49 def decodeAnyType(data): 50     ret = data 51     try: 52         temp = data.decode(utf-8) 53         ret = temp 54     except: 55         pass 56     try: 57         temp = data.decode(gbk) 58         ret = temp 59     except: 60         pass 61     try: 62         temp = data.decode(gb2312) 63         ret = temp 64     except: 65         pass 66     return ret 67  68 header = { 69     Connection: Keep-Alive, 70     Accept: text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*, 71     Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8,zh-Hans-CN;q=0.5,zh-Hans;q=0.3, 72     User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko, 73     Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, 74     Host: wsyc.dfss.com.cn, 75     DNT: 1 76 } 77  78 ## the data below are settled by customer to select the class needed 79 start = 13 80 end = 17 81 numid = 3 82 year = 2014 83 month = 12 84 day = 22 85 username = 11089212 86 password = 235813 87  88 opener = getOpener(header) 89 url1 = http://wsyc.dfss.com.cn/ 90 url2 = http://wsyc.dfss.com.cn/DfssAjax.aspx 91 url3 = http://wsyc.dfss.com.cn/validpng.aspx?aa=3&page=lg 92 url4 = http://wsyc.dfss.com.cn/pc-client/jbxx.aspx 93 url5 = http://wsyc.dfss.com.cn/validpng.aspx 94  95 ## try to login until the validcode is right 96 count = 0 97 while True: 98     print ------------------------ 99     print have tryed to login %d times, now try again! % (count)100     count = count + 1101     validcode = openerUrlToString(opener, url3)102     print the validcode is  + validcode103     postDict = {104         AjaxMethod: LOGIN,105         Account: username,106         ValidCode: validcode,107         Pwd: password108     }109 110     postData =http://www.mamicode.com/ urllib.urlencode(postDict).encode()111     op = opener.open(url2, postData)112     result = op.read().decode(utf-8)113     print the result of login is  + result114     #if result.find(‘true‘) >= 0:115     if result == true:116         print login success!117         break118     else:119         continue120     121 122 yuechedate = date(year, month, day)123 today = date.today()124 intervaldays = (yuechedate - today).days125 print intervaldays126 if intervaldays < 2:127     exit()128 validcode = ‘‘129 count = 0130 ## try to select a class until success131 while True:132     print --------------------------133     print have tryed to select %d times, now try again! % (count)134     count = count + 1135     try:136         validcode = openerUrlToString(opener, url5)137     except:138         continue139     url7 = http://wsyc.dfss.com.cn/Ajax/StuHdl.ashx?loginType=2&method=stu140            + &stuid=%s&sfznum=&carid=&ValidCode=%s % (username, validcode)141     data = http://www.mamicode.com/opener.open(url7).read().decode(utf-8)142     strs = re.search(\[\{\"fchrdate.*?\}\], data)143     #print data144     print strs145     if strs is None:146         continue147     jsontext = json.loads(strs.group())148     num = jsontext[intervaldays][numid].split(/)[1]149     print remain num is  + num150     if num == 0:151         print no class avaliable!152         time.sleep(600)153         continue154     try:155         validcode = openerUrlToString(opener, url5)156     except:157         continue158     url6 = http://wsyc.dfss.com.cn/Ajax/StuHdl.ashx?loginType=2&method=yueche159            + &stuid=%s&bmnum=BD14101500687&start=%d&end=%d % (username, start, end)160            + &lessionid=001&trainpriceid=BD13040300001&lesstypeid=02161            + &date=%d-%d-%d % (year, month, day)162            + &id=1&carid=&ycmethod=03&cartypeid=01&trainsessionid=0 + numid163            + &ReleaseCarID=&ValidCode= + validcode164     result = opener.open(url6).read().decode(utf-8)165     print result of select is  + result166     if result == success:167         print select success!168         break169     else:170         continue
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