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Python 读写文件



import osls = os.linesep     #Win is \r\n and Linux is \nfileName = raw_input(Please enter your file name here:)while True:    if os.path.exists(fileName):        print The file "%s" has already existed %fileName        exit(0)    else:        breakprint "Enter what you can type here:"lines = list()  #Create an empty list#lines = []while True:    inputLine = raw_input(>)    if inputLine ==  :        break    else:        lines.append(inputLine)fileHandler = open(fileName, w)fileHandler.writelines(%s%s %(n, ls) for n in lines)fileHandler.close()print Write succeed!!
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 1 import os 2 fileName = raw_input(Please your file name:) 3 print ***Begin to read file. 4 try: 5     fileHandler = open(fileName, r) 6 except IOError, e: 7     print "*** Open file failed:", e 8 else: 9     for line in fileHandler:10         print line,                 #Notice the comma11 finally:12     print ***Begin to close file.13 fileHandler.close()
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Python 读写文件