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使用yum install httpd命令来安装Apache

安装包信息 httpd和httpd-tools 2.2.15-31.e16.centos

apr-util-ldap 1.3.9-3.e16_0.1

运行命令chkconfig --levels 235 httpd on使Apache可以自动启动,并运行命令/etc/init.d/httpd start立刻启动Apache


通过yum install mysql命令进行安装MySQL客户端

使用yum install mysql-server命令安装MySQL 服务。 3_2(L"S2

安装包版本  5.1.73-3.e16_5

运行命令chkconfig --levels 235 mysqld on使MySQL服务可以自动启动,并使用命令/etc/init.d/mysqld start立刻启动MySQL服务

设置MySQLroot密码,运行命令/usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password ‘new-password‘,其中’new-password’是新设的密码,如123456 s,N%sO;


通过命令yum install php来进行安装php

安装包版本  5.3.3-27.e16_5.1

运行命令yum search php来查找可用的PHP模块包,目前有如下PHP模块包

php-PHP-CSS-Parser.noarch : A Parser for CSS Filesphp-Slim.noarch : PHP micro frameworkphp-ezc-File.noarch : Provides support for file operations which are not covered by                    : PHPphp-pear-Event-Dispatcher.noarch : Dispatch notifications using PHP callbacksphp-pear-Log.noarch : Abstracted logging facility for PHPphp-phpunit-DbUnit.noarch : DbUnit port for PHP/PHPUnitphp-phpunit-PHP-CodeCoverage.noarch : PHP code coverage informationphp-phpunit-PHP-TokenStream.noarch : Wrapper around PHP tokenizer extensionphp-phpunit-PHPUnit-MockObject.noarch : Mock Object library for PHPUnitphp-phpunit-exporter.noarch : Export PHP variables for visualizationphp-Analog.noarch : PHP micro logging packagephp-Assetic.noarch : Asset Management for PHPphp-EasyRdf.noarch : A PHP library designed to make it easy to consume and produce                   : RDFphp-Faker.noarch : A PHP library that generates fake dataphp-JsonSchema.noarch : PHP implementation of JSON schemaphp-Kohana.noarch : The Swift PHP Frameworkphp-Metadata.noarch : A library for class/method/property metadata management in                    : PHPphp-PHPMailer.noarch : PHP email transport class with a lot of featuresphp-PHPParser.noarch : A PHP parser written in PHPphp-PhpCollection.noarch : General purpose collection library for PHPphp-PhpOption.noarch : Option type for PHPphp-Pimple.noarch : A simple dependency injection container for PHPphp-Raven.noarch : A PHP client for Sentryphp-Smarty.noarch : Template/Presentation Framework for PHPphp-ZendFramework.noarch : Leading open-source PHP frameworkphp-aws-sdk.noarch : Amazon Web Services framework for PHPphp-bartlett-PHP-Reflect.noarch : Adds the ability to reverse-engineer PHPphp-channel-dropbox-php.noarch : Adds the Dropbox-PHP channel to PEARphp-channel-htmlpurifier.noarch : Adds htmlpurifier channel to PEARphp-channel-pdepend.noarch : PHP Depend PEAR channelphp-channel-phpdoc.noarch : Adds phpdoc channel to PEARphp-channel-phpmd.noarch : PHP Mess Detector PEAR channelphp-channel-phpqatools.noarch : Adds phpqatools channel to PEARphp-deepend-Mockery.noarch : Mockery is a simple but flexible PHP mock object                           : frameworkphp-digitalsandwich-Phake.noarch : Phake is a PHP mocking framework that is based                                 : on Mockitophp-doctrine-annotations.noarch : PHP docblock annotations parser libraryphp-domxml-php4-php5.noarch : XML transition from PHP4 domxml to PHP5 dom modulephp-dropbox-php-Dropbox.noarch : Library for integrating dropbox with PHPphp-drush-drush.noarch : Command line shell and Unix scripting interface for Drupalphp-email-address-validation.noarch : A PHP class for validating email addressesphp-ezc-Database.noarch : A lightweight database layer on top of PHPs PDOphp-ezc-Graph.noarch : A component for creating pie charts, line graphs and other                     : kinds of diagramsphp-facedetect.i686 : PHP extension to access the OpenCV libraryphp-fpdf.noarch : PHP class to generate PDF Filesphp-getid3.noarch : The PHP media file parserphp-gliph.noarch : A graph library for PHPphp-goutte.noarch : A simple PHP web scraperphp-guzzle-Guzzle.noarch : PHP HTTP client library and framework for building                         : RESTful web service clientsphp-horde-Horde-HashTable.noarch : Horde Hash Table Interfacephp-horde-Horde-LoginTasks.noarch : Horde Login Tasks Systemphp-horde-Horde-Text-Filter.noarch : Horde Text Filter APIphp-htmLawed.noarch : PHP code to purify and filter HTMLphp-idn.i686 : PHP API for GNU LibIDNphp-jsonlint.noarch : JSON Lint for PHPphp-layers-menu.noarch : Hierarchical PHP based DHTML menu systemphp-lessphp.noarch : A compiler for LESS written in PHPphp-lightopenid.noarch : PHP OpenID libraryphp-magickwand.i686 : PHP API for ImageMagickphp-markdown.noarch : Markdown implementation in PHPphp-mikey179-vfsstream.noarch : PHP stream wrapper for a virtual file systemphp-nrk-Predis.noarch : PHP client library for Redisphp-ocramius-instantiator.noarch : Instantiate objects in PHP without invoking                                 : their constructorsphp-pdepend-PHP-Depend.noarch : PHP_Depend design quality metrics for PHP packagephp-pear.noarch : PHP Extension and Application Repository frameworkphp-pear-Auth.noarch : Authentication provider for PHPphp-pear-Auth-OpenID.noarch : PHP OpenIDphp-pear-Benchmark.noarch : Framework to benchmark PHP scripts or function callsphp-pear-CAS.noarch : Central Authentication Service client library in phpphp-pear-Cache-Lite.noarch : Fast and Safe little cache system for PHPphp-pear-Console-Color.noarch : Easily use ANSI console colors from PHP                              : applicationsphp-pear-Date.noarch : Date and Time Zone Classesphp-pear-File-Passwd.noarch : Manipulate many kinds of password filesphp-pear-HTML_Template_PHPLIB.noarch : PHP template system based on preg_*php-pear-Net-Curl.noarch : OO interface to PHPs cURL extensionphp-pear-Net-DNS2.noarch : PHP Resolver library used to communicate with a DNS                         : serverphp-pear-Net-FTP.noarch : Provides an OO interface to the PHP FTP functions plus                        : some additionsphp-pear-Net-IDNA2.noarch : PHP library for punycode encoding and decodingphp-pear-Net-URL.noarch : Easy parsing of URLsphp-pear-PHP-CodeSniffer.noarch : PHP coding standards enforcement toolphp-pear-PHP-Compat.noarch : Provides missing functionality for older versions of                           : PHPphp-pear-PhpDocumentor.noarch : The complete documentation solution for PHPphp-pear-SOAP.noarch : Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) Client/Server for PHPphp-pear-Services-Twitter.noarch : PHP interface to Twitters APIphp-pear-Structures-DataGrid-DataSource-Array.noarch : DataSource driver using                                                     : arraysphp-pear-Text-Diff.noarch : Engine for performing and rendering text diffsphp-pear-XML-Parser.noarch : XML parsing class based on PHPs bundled expatphp-pecl-cairo.i686 : PECL package for drawing using cairo via PHP scriptsphp-pecl-igbinary.i686 : Replacement for the standard PHP serializerphp-pecl-judy.i686 : PHP Judy implements sparse dynamic arraysphp-pecl-mailparse.i686 : PHP PECL package for parsing and working with email                        : messagesphp-pecl-mongo.i686 : PHP MongoDB database driverphp-pecl-oauth.i686 : PHP OAuth consumer extensionphp-pecl-parsekit.i686 : PHP Opcode Analyserphp-pecl-rrd.i686 : PHP Bindings for rrdtoolphp-pecl-uuid.i686 : Universally Unique Identifier extension for PHPphp-pecl-xdebug.i686 : PECL package for debugging PHP scriptsphp-pecl-xhprof.i686 : PHP extension for XHProf, a Hierarchical Profilerphp-php-gettext.noarch : Gettext emulation in PHPphp-phpass.noarch : Portable password hashing framework for use in PHP applicationsphp-phpmd-PHP-PMD.noarch : PHPMD - PHP Mess Detectorphp-phpunit-FinderFacade.noarch : Wrapper for Symfony Finder componentphp-phpunit-PHP-Invoker.noarch : Utility class for invoking callables with a                               : timeoutphp-phpunit-PHP-Timer.noarch : PHP Utility class for timingphp-phpunit-PHPUnit.noarch : The PHP Unit Testing frameworkphp-phpunit-PHPUnit-Selenium.noarch : Selenium RC integration for PHPUnitphp-phpunit-PHPUnit-Story.noarch : Story extension for PHPUnit to facilitate                                 : Behaviour-Driven Developmentphp-phpunit-Text-Template.noarch : Simple template enginephp-phpunit-Version.noarch : Managing the version number of Git-hosted PHP projectsphp-phpunit-comparator.noarch : Compare PHP values for equalityphp-phpunit-phpcpd.noarch : Copy/Paste Detector (CPD) for PHP codephp-phpunit-phpdcd.noarch : Dead Code Detector (DCD) for PHP codephp-phpunit-phploc.noarch : A tool for quickly measuring the size of a PHP projectphp-sabre-dav.noarch : WebDAV Framework for PHPphp-sabre-vobject.noarch : Library to parse and manipulate iCalendar and vCard                         : objectsphp-sabredav-Sabre_DAV.noarch : Sabre_DAV is a WebDAV framework for PHPphp-sabredav-Sabre_HTTP.noarch : HTTP component for the SabreDAV WebDAV framework                               : for PHPphp-scssphp.noarch : A compiler for SCSS written in PHPphp-shout.i686 : PHP module for communicating with Icecast serversphp-simplepie.noarch : Simple RSS Library in PHPphp-solarium.noarch : Solarium PHP Solr client libraryphp-swift-Swift.noarch : Free Feature-rich PHP Mailerphp-symfony.noarch : PHP framework for web projectsphp-tcpdf.noarch : PHP class for generating PDF documents and barcodesphp-theseer-fDOMDocument.noarch : An Extension to PHP standard DOMphp-voms-admin.noarch : Web based interface to control VOMS parameters written in                      : PHPphp-when.noarch : Date/Calendar recursion library for PHPphp-xcache.i686 : Fast, stable PHP opcode cacherphp-zipstream.noarch : Streaming dynamic zip from PHP without writing to the diskphp-zmq.i686 : ZeroMQ messagingphpldapadmin.noarch : Web-based tool for managing LDAP serverstiquit.noarch : A PHP5-compatible help desk incident tracking/knowledgebase systemcups-php.i686 : Common Unix Printing System - php moduleeclipse-phpeclipse.noarch : PHP Eclipse plugingraphviz-php.i686 : PHP extension for graphvizlimph.noarch : A PHP5-compatible network host/service poller with web interfacenntpgrab-php.i686 : PHP module which allows PHP scripts to communicate with                  : NNTPGrabphp.i686 : PHP scripting language for creating dynamic web sitesphp-EasyRdf-doc.noarch : Documentation for php-EasyRdfphp-IDNA_Convert.noarch : Provides conversion of internationalized strings to UTF8php-JMSParser.noarch : Library for writing recursive-descent parsersphp-Monolog.noarch : Sends your logs to files, sockets, inboxes, databases and                   : various web servicesphp-PsrLog.noarch : Common interface for logging librariesphp-Slim-tests.noarch : Test for the PHP Slim Micro Frameworkphp-SymfonyCmfRouting.noarch : Extends the Symfony2 routing component for dynamic                             : routes and chainingphp-ZendFramework-Search-Lucene.noarch : Apache Lucene engine PHP portphp-ZendFramework-Serializer-Adapter-Igbinary.noarch : Drop-in replacement for the                                                     : standard PHP serializerphp-ZendFramework2.noarch : Zend Framework 2php-ZendFramework2-ZendXml.noarch : Zend Framework 2: XML usage, best practices,                                  : and security in PHPphp-adodb.noarch : Active Data Objects Data Basephp-bartlett-PHP-CompatInfo.noarch : Find out version and the extensions required                                   : for a piece of code to runphp-bcmath.i686 : A module for PHP applications for using the bcmath libraryphp-channel-deepend.noarch : Survive The Deep End PEAR Channelphp-channel-digitalsandwich.noarch : Adds digitalsandwich channel to PEARphp-channel-doctrine.noarch : Adds doctrine project channel to PEARphp-channel-drush.noarch : Adds pear.drush.org channel to PEARphp-channel-ezc.noarch : Adds eZ Components channel to PEARphp-channel-guzzle.noarch : Adds guzzlephp.org/pear channel to PEARphp-channel-horde.noarch : Adds pear.horde.org channel to PEARphp-channel-nrk.noarch : Adds pear.nrk.io channel to PEARphp-channel-pearplex.noarch : Adds the PearPlex channel to PEARphp-channel-phing.noarch : Adds phing channel to PEARphp-channel-phpunit.noarch : Adds phpunit channel to PEARphp-channel-pirum.noarch : Adds pear.pirum-project.org channel to PEARphp-channel-sabredav.noarch : Adds the SabreDAV channel to PEARphp-channel-swift.noarch : Adds swift mailer project channel to PEARphp-channel-symfony.noarch : Adds symfony project channel to PEARphp-channel-symfony2.noarch : Adds pear.symfony.com channel to PEARphp-channel-theseer.noarch : Adds theseer channel to PEARphp-cli.i686 : Command-line interface for PHPphp-cloudfiles.noarch : PHP API for the Cloud Files storage systemphp-cloudfiles-devel-doc.noarch : Development documentation for php-cloudfilesphp-common.i686 : Common files for PHPphp-dba.i686 : A database abstraction layer module for PHP applicationsphp-devel.i686 : Files needed for building PHP extensionsphp-doctrine-Doctrine.noarch : PHP Object Relational Mapperphp-doctrine-DoctrineCommon.noarch : Doctrine Common PHP Extensionsphp-doctrine-cache.noarch : Doctrine Cachephp-doctrine-collections.noarch : Collections abstraction libraryphp-doctrine-common.noarch : Common library for Doctrine projectsphp-doctrine-datafixtures.noarch : Data Fixtures for all Doctrine Object Managersphp-doctrine-dbal.noarch : Doctrine Database Abstraction Layer (DBAL)php-doctrine-lexer.noarch : Base library for a lexer that can be used in top-down,                          : recursive descent parsersphp-doctrine-orm.noarch : Doctrine Object-Relational-Mapper (ORM)php-eaccelerator.i686 : PHP accelerator, optimizer, encoder and dynamic content                      : cacherphp-embedded.i686 : PHP library for embedding in applicationsphp-ezc-Archive.noarch : A component for create, modify, and extract archive files                       : of various formatsphp-ezc-Authentication.noarch : Support for different means of identification and                              : authenticationphp-ezc-AuthenticationDatabaseTiein.noarch : Provides a Database filter for the                                           : Authentication componentphp-ezc-Base.noarch : Provides the basic infrastructure that all packages rely onphp-ezc-Cache.noarch : Provides a collection of lightweight classes to cache                     : different kinds of dataphp-ezc-Configuration.noarch : A component that allows you to use configuration                             : files in different formatsphp-ezc-ConsoleTools.noarch : A set of classes to do different actions with the                            : consolephp-ezc-DatabaseSchema.noarch : A set of classes that allow you to use information                              : from a database schemaphp-ezc-EventLog.noarch : Allows you to log events or audit trailsphp-ezc-EventLogDatabaseTiein.noarch : Contains the database writer backend for the                                     : EventLog componentphp-ezc-Feed.noarch : This component handles parsing and creating RSS1, RSS2 and                    : ATOM feedsphp-ezc-Mail.noarch : A component construct and/or parse Mail messages conforming                    : to the mail standardphp-ezc-PersistentObject.noarch : A component for store an arbitrary data                                : structures to a fixed database tablephp-ezc-PersistentObjectDatabaseSchemaTiein.noarch : Automatic generation of     ...: PersistentObject from DatabaseSchema definitionsphp-ezc-Template.noarch : A fully functional Templating systemphp-ezc-Webdav.noarch : Set up and run your own WebDAV serverphp-feedcreator.noarch : Create RSS feedsphp-fpdf-doc.noarch : Documentation for php-fpdfphp-fpm.i686 : PHP FastCGI Process Managerphp-gd.i686 : A module for PHP applications for using the gd graphics libraryphp-geshi.noarch : Generic syntax highlighterphp-gitter.noarch : Object oriented interaction with Git repositoriesphp-horde-Horde-Alarm.noarch : Horde Alarm Librariesphp-horde-Horde-Argv.noarch : Horde command-line argument parsing packagephp-horde-Horde-Auth.noarch : Horde Authentication APIphp-horde-Horde-Autoloader.noarch : Horde Autoloaderphp-horde-Horde-Browser.noarch : Horde Browser APIphp-horde-Horde-Cache.noarch : Horde Caching APIphp-horde-Horde-Cli.noarch : Horde Command Line Interface APIphp-horde-Horde-Compress.noarch : Horde Compression APIphp-horde-Horde-Compress-Fast.noarch : Fast Compression Libraryphp-horde-Horde-Constraint.noarch : Horde Constraint libraryphp-horde-Horde-Controller.noarch : Horde Controller librariesphp-horde-Horde-Core.noarch : Horde Core Framework librariesphp-horde-Horde-Crypt.noarch : Horde Cryptography APIphp-horde-Horde-Crypt-Blowfish.noarch : Blowfish Encryption Libraryphp-horde-Horde-Css-Parser.noarch : Horde CSS Parserphp-horde-Horde-CssMinify.noarch : CSS Minificationphp-horde-Horde-Data.noarch : Horde Data APIphp-horde-Horde-Date.noarch : Horde Date packagephp-horde-Horde-Date-Parser.noarch : Horde Date Parserphp-horde-Horde-Dav.noarch : Horde library for WebDAV, CalDAV, CardDAVphp-horde-Horde-Db.noarch : Horde Database Librariesphp-horde-Horde-Editor.noarch : Horde Editor APIphp-horde-Horde-ElasticSearch.noarch : Horde ElasticSearch clientphp-horde-Horde-Exception.noarch : Horde Exception Handlerphp-horde-Horde-Feed.noarch : Horde Feed librariesphp-horde-Horde-Form.noarch : Horde Form APIphp-horde-Horde-Group.noarch : Horde User Groups Systemphp-horde-Horde-History.noarch : API for tracking the history of an objectphp-horde-Horde-Http.noarch : Horde HTTP librariesphp-horde-Horde-Icalendar.noarch : iCalendar APIphp-horde-Horde-Image.noarch : Horde Image APIphp-horde-Horde-Imap-Client.noarch : Horde IMAP abstraction interfacephp-horde-Horde-Injector.noarch : Horde dependency injection containerphp-horde-Horde-Itip.noarch : iTip invitation response handlingphp-horde-Horde-Kolab-Format.noarch : A package for reading/writing Kolab data                                    : formatsphp-horde-Horde-Kolab-Server.noarch : A package for manipulating the Kolab user                                    : databasephp-horde-Horde-Kolab-Session.noarch : A package managing an active Kolab sessionphp-horde-Horde-Lock.noarch : Horde Resource Locking Systemphp-horde-Horde-Log.noarch : Horde Logging libraryphp-horde-Horde-Mail.noarch : Horde Mail Libraryphp-horde-Horde-Mail-Autoconfig.noarch : Horde Mail Autoconfigurationphp-horde-Horde-Mapi.noarch : MAPI utility libraryphp-horde-Horde-Memcache.noarch : Horde Memcache APIphp-horde-Horde-Mime.noarch : Horde MIME Libraryphp-horde-Horde-Mime-Viewer.noarch : Horde MIME Viewer Libraryphp-horde-Horde-Mongo.noarch : Horde Mongo Configurationphp-horde-Horde-Nls.noarch : Native Language Support (NLS)php-horde-Horde-Notification.noarch : Horde Notification Systemphp-horde-Horde-Oauth.noarch : Horde OAuth client/serverphp-horde-Horde-Perms.noarch : Horde Permissions Systemphp-horde-Horde-Prefs.noarch : Horde Preferences APIphp-horde-Horde-Queue.noarch : Horde Queuephp-horde-Horde-Rdo.noarch : Rampage Data Objectsphp-horde-Horde-Rpc.noarch : Horde RPC APIphp-horde-Horde-Scribe.noarch : Scribephp-horde-Horde-Secret.noarch : Secret Encryption APIphp-horde-Horde-Serialize.noarch : Data Encapulation APIphp-horde-Horde-Service-Gravatar.noarch : API accessor for gravatar.comphp-horde-Horde-Service-Weather.noarch : Horde Weather Providerphp-horde-Horde-SessionHandler.noarch : Horde Session Handler APIphp-horde-Horde-Smtp.noarch : Horde SMTP Clientphp-horde-Horde-Socket-Client.noarch : Horde Socket Clientphp-horde-Horde-SpellChecker.noarch : Spellcheck APIphp-horde-Horde-Stream.noarch : Horde stream handlerphp-horde-Horde-Stream-Filter.noarch : Horde Stream filtersphp-horde-Horde-Stream-Wrapper.noarch : Horde Stream wrappersphp-horde-Horde-Support.noarch : Horde support packagephp-horde-Horde-SyncMl.noarch : Horde_SyncMl provides an API for processing SyncML                              : requestsphp-horde-Horde-Template.noarch : Horde Template Systemphp-horde-Horde-Test.noarch : Horde testing base classesphp-horde-Horde-Text-Diff.noarch : Engine for performing and rendering text diffsphp-horde-Horde-Text-Filter-Csstidy.noarch : Horde Text Filter APIphp-horde-Horde-Text-Flowed.noarch : Horde API for flowed text as per RFC 3676php-horde-Horde-Thrift.noarch : Thriftphp-horde-Horde-Timezone.noarch : Timezone libraryphp-horde-Horde-Token.noarch : Horde Token APIphp-horde-Horde-Translation.noarch : Horde translation libraryphp-horde-Horde-Tree.noarch : Horde Tree APIphp-horde-Horde-Url.noarch : Horde Url classphp-horde-Horde-Util.noarch : Horde Utility Librariesphp-horde-Horde-Vfs.noarch : Virtual File System APIphp-horde-Horde-View.noarch : Horde View APIphp-horde-Horde-Xml-Element.noarch : Horde Xml Element objectphp-horde-Horde-Xml-Wbxml.noarch : Provides an API for encoding and decoding WBXML                                 : documentsphp-horde-content.noarch : Tagging applicationphp-horde-kronolith.noarch : A web based calendarphp-horde-nag.noarch : A web based task list managerphp-horde-wicked.noarch : Wiki applicationphp-imap.i686 : A module for PHP applications that use IMAPphp-interbase.i686 : Standard PHP module provides interbase/firebird supportphp-intl.i686 : Internationalization extension for PHP applicationsphp-kolabformat.i686 : PHP bindings for libkolabxmlphp-ldap.i686 : A module for PHP applications that use LDAPphp-libdmtx.i686 : PHP bindings for libdmtxphp-libpuzzle.i686 : PHP extension for libpuzzlephp-magpierss.noarch : MagpieRSS is an RSS parser written in PHPphp-mapi.i686 : The PHP MAPI extension by Zarafaphp-mapserver.i686 : PHP/Mapscript map making extensions to PHPphp-mbstring.i686 : A module for PHP applications which need multi-byte string                  : handlingphp-mcrypt.i686 : Standard PHP module provides mcrypt library supportphp-mssql.i686 : Standard PHP module provides mssql supportphp-mysql.i686 : A module for PHP applications that use MySQL databasesphp-ocramius-lazy-map.noarch : Lazy instantiation logic for a map of objectsphp-odbc.i686 : A module for PHP applications that use ODBC databasesphp-password-compat.noarch : PHP password_* function for PHP 5.3 and 5.4php-pdo.i686 : A database access abstraction module for PHP applicationsphp-pear-Auth-RADIUS.noarch : Wrapper Classes for the RADIUS PECLphp-pear-Auth-SASL.noarch : Abstraction of various SASL mechanism responsesphp-pear-Auth-radius.noarch : RADIUS support for php-pear-Authphp-pear-Auth-samba.noarch : Samba support for php-pear-Authphp-pear-Cache.noarch : Framework for caching of arbitrary dataphp-pear-CodeGen.noarch : Framework to create code generators that operate on XML                        : descriptionsphp-pear-CodeGen-PECL.noarch : Tool to generate PECL extensions from an XML                             : descriptionphp-pear-Console-CommandLine.noarch : A full featured command line options and                                    : arguments parserphp-pear-Console-Getargs.noarch : Command-line arguments and parameters parserphp-pear-Console-ProgressBar.noarch : This class provides you with an easy-to-use                                    : interface to progress barsphp-pear-Console-Table.noarch : Class that makes it easy to build console style                              : tablesphp-pear-Crypt-Blowfish.noarch : Quick two-way blowfish encryptionphp-pear-Crypt-CHAP.noarch : Class to generate CHAP packetsphp-pear-DB.noarch : PEAR: Database Abstraction Layerphp-pear-DB-DataObject.noarch : An SQL Builder, Object Interface to Database Tablesphp-pear-DB-DataObject-FormBuilder.noarch : Automatically build HTML_QuickForm                                          : objectsphp-pear-DB-QueryTool.noarch : An OO-interface for easily retrieving and modifying                             : data in a DBphp-pear-Date-Holidays.noarch : Driver based class to calculate holidaysphp-pear-Date-Holidays-USA.noarch : Driver based class to calculate holidays in USAphp-pear-File.noarch : Common file and directory routinesphp-pear-File-CSV.noarch : Read and write of CSV filesphp-pear-File-Find.noarch : Class which facilitates the search of filesystemsphp-pear-File-Fstab.noarch : Read and write fstab filesphp-pear-File-SMBPasswd.noarch : Class for managing SAMBA style password filesphp-pear-File-Util.noarch : Common file and directory utility functionsphp-pear-HTML-Common.noarch : Base class for other HTML classesphp-pear-HTML-QuickForm.noarch : Class for creating, validating, processing HTML                               : formsphp-pear-HTML-QuickForm-ElementGrid.noarch : Meta-element which holds any other                                           : element in a gridphp-pear-HTML-QuickForm-advmultiselect.noarch : Element for HTML_QuickForm that                                              : emulate a multi-selectphp-pear-HTML-Table.noarch : Class to easily design HTML tablesphp-pear-HTML_Javascript.noarch : Class for creating simple JS scriptsphp-pear-HTTP.noarch : Miscellaneous HTTP utilitiesphp-pear-HTTP-Client.noarch : Easy way to perform multiple HTTP requests and                            : process their resultsphp-pear-HTTP-OAuth.noarch : Implementation of the OAuth specphp-pear-HTTP-Request.noarch : Provides an easy way to perform HTTP requestsphp-pear-HTTP-Request2.noarch : Provides an easy way to perform HTTP requestsphp-pear-HTTP-Upload.noarch : Secure managment of files submitted via HTML Formsphp-pear-Image-Canvas.noarch : Common interface to image drawingphp-pear-Image-Color.noarch : Manage and handles color data and conversionsphp-pear-Image-GraphViz.noarch : Interface to AT&Ts GraphViz toolsphp-pear-Image-Text.noarch : Advanced text manipulations in imagesphp-pear-MDB2.noarch : Database Abstraction Layerphp-pear-MDB2-Driver-mysql.noarch : MySQL MDB2 driverphp-pear-MDB2-Driver-mysqli.noarch : MySQL Improved MDB2 driverphp-pear-MDB2-Driver-pgsql.noarch : PostgreSQL MDB2 driverphp-pear-MDB2-Schema.noarch : Database Abstraction Layerphp-pear-Mail.noarch : Class that provides multiple interfaces for sending emailsphp-pear-Mail-Mime.noarch : Classes to create MIME messagesphp-pear-Mail-mimeDecode.noarch : Class to decode mime messagesphp-pear-Math-Stats.noarch : Classes to calculate statistical parametersphp-pear-Net-DIME.noarch : Implements Direct Internet Message Encapsulation (DIME)php-pear-Net-DNS.noarch : Resolver library used to communicate with a DNS serverphp-pear-Net-IMAP.noarch : Provides an implementation of the IMAP protocolphp-pear-Net-IPv4.noarch : IPv4 network calculations and validationphp-pear-Net-POP3.noarch : Provides a POP3 class to access POP3 serverphp-pear-Net-Ping.noarch : Execute pingphp-pear-Net-SMTP.noarch : Provides an implementation of the SMTP protocolphp-pear-Net-Sieve.noarch : Handles talking to a sieve serverphp-pear-Net-Socket.noarch : Network Socket Interfacephp-pear-Net-Traceroute.noarch : Execute traceroutephp-pear-Net-URL-Mapper.noarch : Simple and flexible way to build nice URLs for web                               : applicationsphp-pear-Net-URL2.noarch : Class for parsing and handling URLphp-pear-Net-UserAgent-Detect.noarch : Extract information from an HTTP user agentphp-pear-Numbers-Roman.noarch : Provides methods for converting to and from Roman                              : Numeralsphp-pear-Numbers-Words.noarch : Methods for spelling numerals in wordsphp-pear-OLE.noarch : Package for reading and writing OLE containersphp-pear-PHP-CompatInfo.noarch : Find out version and extensions required for a                               : piece of code to runphp-pear-Pager.noarch : Data paging classphp-pear-Payment-Process.noarch : Unified payment processorphp-pear-Services-Weather.noarch : This class acts as an interface to various                                 : online weather-servicesphp-pear-Structures-DataGrid.noarch : Tabular structure for converting dataphp-pear-Structures-DataGrid-DataSource-DataObject.noarch : DataSource driver using                                                          : PEAR::DB_DataObjectphp-pear-Structures-DataGrid-DataSource-MDB2.noarch : DataSource driver using                                                    : PEAR::MDB2 and an SQL queryphp-pear-Structures-DataGrid-DataSource-RSS.noarch : DataSource driver using RSS                                                   : filesphp-pear-Structures-DataGrid-Renderer-Pager.noarch : Renderer driver using                                                   : PEAR::Pagerphp-pear-Structures-DataGrid-Renderer-Smarty.noarch : Renderer driver using Smartyphp-pear-Text-CAPTCHA.noarch : Generation of CAPTCHAsphp-pear-Text-Figlet.noarch : Render text using FIGlet fontsphp-pear-Text-Password.noarch : Creating passwords with PHPphp-pear-Validate.noarch : Validation Class for Various Data Typesphp-pear-Validate-Finance-CreditCard.noarch : Validation class for Credit Cardsphp-pear-Var-Dump.noarch : Provides methods for dumping structured information                         : about a variablephp-pear-XML-Beautifier.noarch : Class to format XML documentsphp-pear-XML-RPC2.noarch : XML-RPC client/server libraryphp-pear-XML-RSS.noarch : RSS parserphp-pear-XML-SVG.noarch : API for building SVG documentsphp-pear-XML-Serializer.noarch : Swiss-army knife for reading and writing XML filesphp-pear-phing.noarch : A project build system based on Apache Antphp-pear-text-wiki.noarch : Transforms Wiki and BBCode markup into XHTML, LaTeX or                          : plain textphp-pecl-amqp.i686 : Communicate with any AMQP compliant serverphp-pecl-apc.i686 : APC caches and optimizes PHP intermediate codephp-pecl-apcu.i686 : APC User Cachephp-pecl-cairo-devel.i686 : Header files for php cairo packagephp-pecl-fann.i686 : Wrapper for FANN Libraryphp-pecl-geoip.i686 : Extension to map IP addresses to geographic placesphp-pecl-gmagick.i686 : Provides a wrapper to the GraphicsMagick libraryphp-pecl-http.i686 : Extended HTTP supportphp-pecl-imagick.i686 : Provides a wrapper to the ImageMagick libraryphp-pecl-judy-devel.i686 : php-pecl-judy developer files (header)php-pecl-krb5.i686 : Kerberos authentification extensionphp-pecl-lzf.i686 : Extension to handle LZF de/compressionphp-pecl-memcache.i686 : Extension to work with the Memcached caching daemonphp-pecl-memcached.i686 : Extension to work with the Memcached caching daemonphp-pecl-memprof.i686 : Memory usage profilerphp-pecl-msgpack.i686 : API for communicating with MessagePack serializationphp-pecl-ncurses.i686 : Terminal screen handling and optimization packagephp-pecl-propro.i686 : Property proxyphp-pecl-propro-devel.i686 : php-pecl-propro developer files (header)php-pecl-radius.i686 : Radius client libraryphp-pecl-raphf.i686 : Resource and persistent handles factoryphp-pecl-raphf-devel.i686 : php-pecl-raphf developer files (header)php-pecl-solr.i686 : Object oriented API to Apache Solrphp-pecl-solr2.i686 : Object oriented API to Apache Solrphp-pecl-sphinx.i686 : PECL extension for Sphinx SQL full-text search enginephp-pecl-ssdeep.i686 : Wrapper for libfuzzy libraryphp-pecl-ssh2.i686 : Bindings for the libssh2 libraryphp-pgsql.i686 : A PostgreSQL database module for PHPphp-phpunit-File-Iterator.noarch : FilterIterator implementation that filters files                                 : based on a list of suffixesphp-phpunit-PHP-CodeBrowser.noarch : PHP_CodeBrowser for integration in Hudson and                                   : CruiseControlphp-phpunit-PHPUnit-SkeletonGenerator.noarch : Tool that can generate skeleton test                                             : classesphp-phpunit-diff.noarch : Diff implementationphp-phpunit-environment.noarch : Handle HHVM/PHP environmentsphp-phpunit-git.noarch : Simple wrapper for Gitphp-phpunit-phpcov.noarch : TextUI front-end for PHP_CodeCoveragephp-pirum-Pirum.noarch : A simple PEAR channel server managerphp-pluf.noarch : PHP WebApp Frameworkphp-process.i686 : Modules for PHP script using system process interfacesphp-pspell.i686 : A module for PHP applications for using pspell interfacesphp-recode.i686 : A module for PHP applications for using the recode libraryphp-redland.i686 : PHP modules for the Redland RDF libraryphp-sabredav-Sabre.noarch : Base for Sabre_DAV packagesphp-sabredav-Sabre_CalDAV.noarch : Provides RFC4791 (CalDAV) support to Sabre_DAVphp-sabredav-Sabre_CardDAV.noarch : Provides CardDAV support to Sabre_DAVphp-sabredav-Sabre_DAVACL.noarch : RFC3744 implementation for SabreDAVphp-sabredav-Sabre_VObject.noarch : An intuitive reader for iCalendar and vCard                                  : objectsphp-snmp.i686 : A module for PHP applications that query SNMP-managed devicesphp-soap.i686 : A module for PHP applications that use the SOAP protocolphp-suhosin.i686 : Suhosin is an advanced protection system for PHP installationsphp-symfony-YAML.noarch : The Symfony YAML Componentphp-symfony-icu.noarch : Symfony Icu Componentphp-symfony-symfony.noarch : Open-Source PHP Web Frameworkphp-theseer-autoload.noarch : A tool and library to generate autoload codephp-theseer-directoryscanner.noarch : A recursive directory scanner and filterphp-tidy.i686 : Standard PHP module provides tidy library supportphp-twig-Twig.noarch : The flexible, fast, and secure template engine for PHPphp-when-tests.noarch : Test files for php-whenphp-xapian.i686 : Files needed for developing PHP scripts which use Xapianphp-xml.i686 : A module for PHP applications which use XMLphp-xmlrpc.i686 : A module for PHP applications which use the XML-RPC protocolphp-zts.i686 : Thread-safe PHP interpreter for use with the Apache HTTP ServerphpMemcachedAdmin.noarch : Graphic stand-alone administration for memcached to                         : monitor and debug purposephpMyAdmin.noarch : Handle the administration of MySQL over the World Wide WebphpPgAdmin.noarch : Web-based PostgreSQL administrationphpwapmail.noarch : WAP-based e-mail clientremctl-php.i686 : PHP interface to remctlrrdtool-php.i686 : PHP RRDtool bindingssphinx-php.i686 : PHP API for Sphinxsquirrelmail.noarch : webmail client written in phpuuid-php.i686 : PHP support for Universally Unique Identifier librarycacti.noarch : An rrd based graphing tooldrupal6.noarch : An open-source content-management platformdrupal6-advanced-help.noarch : Allows module developers to store their help outside                             : the module system in htmldrupal6-date.noarch : This package contains both the Date module and a Date API                    : moduledrupal6-devel.noarch : Various blocks, pages, and functions for developersdrupal6-emfield.noarch : An engine for modules to integrate various 3rd party media                       : content providersdrupal6-feeds.noarch : An import and aggregation framework for Drupaldrupal6-fivestar.noarch : Enables fivestar ratings on content, users, etcdrupal6-image.noarch : Allows uploading, resizing and viewing of imagesdrupal6-imagecache_profiles.noarch : Utilizes image styles for user profile                                   : picturesdrupal6-login_destination.noarch : Customize login landing page in Drupal 6drupal6-rules.noarch : It allows site administrators to define conditionally                     : executed actionsdrupal6-token.noarch : Tokens are small bits of text that can be placed into larger                     : documentsdrupal6-userpoints_votingapi.noarch : Integrates User Points with Voting API-based                                    : modules like Fivestardrupal6-views.noarch : Provides a method for site designers to control content                     : presentationdrupal6-views_bulk_operations.noarch : This module augments Views by allowing bulk                                     : operations to be executeddrupal6-views_customfield.noarch : Provides a number of custom views fields                                 : (rownumber, phpcode, ...)drupal6-votingapi.noarch : Voting API module for Drupal6drupal7.noarch : An open-source content-management platformdrupal7-context.noarch : Allows contextual conditions and reactions managementdrupal7-ctools.noarch : This suite is primarily a set of APIs and tools for other                      : Drupal modulesdrupal7-domain.noarch : A domain-based access control systemdrupal7-eva.noarch : Eva allows the output of a View to be attached to content of                   : entitiesdrupal7-i18n.noarch : Collection of modules to extend Drupal core multilingual                    : capabilitiesdrupal7-i18n_boxes.noarch : Provides the ability to localize Boxes blocksdrupal7-libraries.noarch : Allows version-dependent and shared usage of external                         : librariesdrupal7-login_destination.noarch : Customize the destination that the user is                                 : redirected to after logindrupal7-pathauto.noarch : Automatically generates path aliasesdrupal7-token.noarch : Provides a method for site designers to control content                     : presentationdrupal7-variable.noarch : Provides a registry for meta-data about Drupal variablesdrupal7-views.noarch : Provides a method for site designers to control content                     : presentationdrupal7-workbench_moderation.noarch : Adds arbitrary moderation states to Drupallighttpd-fastcgi.i686 : FastCGI module and spawning helper for lighttpd and PHP                      : configurationperl-Class-Data-Inheritable.noarch : Inheritable, overridable class dataphp-ZendFramework-Auth-Adapter-Ldap.noarch : Zend Framework LDAP Authentication                                           : Adapterphp-ZendFramework-Cache-Backend-Apc.noarch : Zend Framework APC cache backendphp-ZendFramework-Cache-Backend-Libmemcached.noarch : Zend Framework libmemcache                                                    : cache backendphp-ZendFramework-Cache-Backend-Memcached.noarch : Zend Framework memcache cache                                                 : backendphp-ZendFramework-Captcha.noarch : Zend Framework CAPTCHA componentphp-ZendFramework-Db-Adapter-Firebird.noarch : Zend Framework database adapter for                                             : InterBasephp-ZendFramework-Db-Adapter-Mysqli.noarch : Zend Framework database adapter for                                           : mysqliphp-ZendFramework-Db-Adapter-Pdo.noarch : Zend Framework database adapter for PDOphp-ZendFramework-Db-Adapter-Pdo-Mssql.noarch : Zend Framework database adapter for                                              : MS SQL PDOphp-ZendFramework-Db-Adapter-Pdo-Mysql.noarch : Zend Framework database adapter for                                              : MySQL PDOphp-ZendFramework-Db-Adapter-Pdo-Pgsql.noarch : Zend Framework database adapter for                                              : PgSQL PDOphp-ZendFramework-Dojo.noarch : Zend Framework Dojo Toolkit integration componentphp-ZendFramework-Feed.noarch : Live syndication feeds helperphp-ZendFramework-Ldap.noarch : Basic LDAP operations APIphp-ZendFramework-Pdf.noarch : PDF file handling helperphp-ZendFramework-Services.noarch : Web service APIs for a number of providersphp-ZendFramework-Soap.noarch : SOAP web services server part helperphp-ZendFramework-demos.noarch : Demos for the Zend Frameworkphp-ZendFramework-extras.noarch : Zend Framework Extras (ZendX)php-ZendFramework-full.noarch : Meta package to install full Zend Frameworkphp-ZendFramework2-Authentication.noarch : Zend Framework 2: Authentication                                         : Componentphp-ZendFramework2-Barcode.noarch : Zend Framework 2: Barcode Componentphp-ZendFramework2-Cache.noarch : Zend Framework 2: Cache Componentphp-ZendFramework2-Cache-apc.noarch : Zend Framework 2: Cache Component: APCphp-ZendFramework2-Cache-memcached.noarch : Zend Framework 2: Cache Component:                                          : Memcachedphp-ZendFramework2-Captcha.noarch : Zend Framework 2: CAPTCHA Componentphp-ZendFramework2-Code.noarch : Zend Framework 2: Code Componentphp-ZendFramework2-Config.noarch : Zend Framework 2: Config Componentphp-ZendFramework2-Console.noarch : Zend Framework 2: Console Componentphp-ZendFramework2-Crypt.noarch : Zend Framework 2: Crypt Componentphp-ZendFramework2-Db.noarch : Zend Framework 2: DB Componentphp-ZendFramework2-Debug.noarch : Zend Framework 2: Debug Componentphp-ZendFramework2-Di.noarch : Zend Framework 2: DI Componentphp-ZendFramework2-Dom.noarch : Zend Framework 2: DOM Componentphp-ZendFramework2-Escaper.noarch : Zend Framework 2: Escaper Componentphp-ZendFramework2-EventManager.noarch : Zend Framework 2: EventManager Componentphp-ZendFramework2-Feed.noarch : Zend Framework 2: Feed Componentphp-ZendFramework2-File.noarch : Zend Framework 2: File Componentphp-ZendFramework2-Filter.noarch : Zend Framework 2: Filter Componentphp-ZendFramework2-Form.noarch : Zend Framework 2: Form Componentphp-ZendFramework2-Http.noarch : Zend Framework 2: HTTP Componentphp-ZendFramework2-I18n.noarch : Zend Framework 2: i18n Componentphp-ZendFramework2-InputFilter.noarch : Zend Framework 2: InputFilter Componentphp-ZendFramework2-Json.noarch : Zend Framework 2: JSON Componentphp-ZendFramework2-Ldap.noarch : Zend Framework 2: LDAP Componentphp-ZendFramework2-Loader.noarch : Zend Framework 2: Loader Componentphp-ZendFramework2-Log.noarch : Zend Framework 2: Log Componentphp-ZendFramework2-Mail.noarch : Zend Framework 2: Mail Componentphp-ZendFramework2-Math.noarch : Zend Framework 2: Math Componentphp-ZendFramework2-Memory.noarch : Zend Framework 2: Memory Componentphp-ZendFramework2-Mime.noarch : Zend Framework 2: MIME Componentphp-ZendFramework2-ModuleManager.noarch : Zend Framework 2: ModuleManager Componentphp-ZendFramework2-Mvc.noarch : Zend Framework 2: MVC Componentphp-ZendFramework2-Navigation.noarch : Zend Framework 2: Navigation Componentphp-ZendFramework2-Paginator.noarch : Zend Framework 2: Paginator Componentphp-ZendFramework2-Permissions-Acl.noarch : Zend Framework 2: Permissions ACL                                          : Componentphp-ZendFramework2-Permissions-Rbac.noarch : Zend Framework 2: Permissions RBAC                                           : Componentphp-ZendFramework2-ProgressBar.noarch : Zend Framework 2: ProgressBar Componentphp-ZendFramework2-Serializer.noarch : Zend Framework 2: Serializer Componentphp-ZendFramework2-Server.noarch : Zend Framework 2: Server Componentphp-ZendFramework2-ServiceManager.noarch : Zend Framework 2: ServiceManager                                         : Componentphp-ZendFramework2-Session.noarch : Zend Framework 2: Session Componentphp-ZendFramework2-Soap.noarch : Zend Framework 2: SOAP Componentphp-ZendFramework2-Stdlib.noarch : Zend Framework 2: Stdlib Componentphp-ZendFramework2-Tag.noarch : Zend Framework 2: Tag Componentphp-ZendFramework2-Test.noarch : Zend Framework 2: Test Componentphp-ZendFramework2-Text.noarch : Zend Framework 2: Text Componentphp-ZendFramework2-Uri.noarch : Zend Framework 2: URI Componentphp-ZendFramework2-Validator.noarch : Zend Framework 2: Validator Componentphp-ZendFramework2-Version.noarch : Zend Framework 2: Version Componentphp-ZendFramework2-View.noarch : Zend Framework 2: View Componentphp-ZendFramework2-XmlRpc.noarch : Zend Framework 2: XML-RPC Componentphp-ZendFramework2-common.noarch : Zend Framework 2: Common filesphp-channel-aws.noarch : Adds the Amazon Web Services channel to PEARphp-channel-bartlett.noarch : Adds bartlett channel to PEARphp-channel-twig.noarch : Adds pear.twig-project.org channel to PEARphp-doctrine-DoctrineDBAL.noarch : Doctrine Database Abstraction Layerphp-doctrine-DoctrineORM.noarch : Doctrine Object Relational Mapperphp-doctrine-inflector.noarch : Common string manipulations with regard to casing                              : and singular/plural rulesphp-enchant.i686 : Human Language and Character Encoding Supportphp-ezc-SystemInformation.noarch : Provides access to common system variablesphp-google-apiclient.noarch : Client library for Google APIsphp-google-apiclient-examples.noarch : Client library for Google APIs: Examplesphp-horde-Horde-Imsp.noarch : IMSP APIphp-horde-Horde-JavascriptMinify.noarch : Javascript Minificationphp-horde-Horde-Kolab-Storage.noarch : A package for handling Kolab data stored on                                     : an IMAP serverphp-horde-Horde-Ldap.noarch : Horde LDAP librariesphp-horde-Horde-ListHeaders.noarch : Horde List Headers Parsing Libraryphp-horde-Horde-OpenXchange.noarch : Open-Xchange Connectorphp-horde-Horde-Pack.noarch : Horde Pack Utilityphp-horde-Horde-Role.noarch : PEAR installer role used to install Horde componentsphp-horde-Horde-Routes.noarch : Horde Routes URL mapping systemphp-horde-Horde-Share.noarch : Horde Shared Permissions Systemphp-horde-horde.noarch : Horde Application Frameworkphp-horde-imp.noarch : A web based webmail systemphp-horde-ingo.noarch : An email filter rules managerphp-horde-turba.noarch : A web based address bookphp-pclzip.noarch : Compression and extraction functions for Zip formatted archivesphp-pear-Image-Graph.noarch : Displays numerical data as a graph/chart/plotphp-pear-console-color2.noarch : Easily use ANSI console colors in your applicationphp-pecl-apc-devel.i686 : APC developer files (header)php-pecl-apcu-devel.i686 : APCu developer files (header)php-pecl-http-devel.i686 : Extended HTTP support developer files (header)php-pecl-http1.i686 : Extended HTTP supportphp-pecl-http1-devel.i686 : Extended HTTP support developer files (header)php-pecl-igbinary-devel.i686 : Igbinary developer files (header)php-pecl-krb5-devel.i686 : Kerberos extension developer files (header)php-pecl-msgpack-devel.i686 : MessagePack developer files (header)php-pecl-redis.i686 : Extension for communicating with the Redis key-value storephp-pecl-runkit.i686 : Mangle with user defined functions and classesphp-pecl-zendopcache.i686 : The Zend OPcachephp-redis.i686 : Extension for communicating with the Redis key-value storephp-symfony-browserkit.noarch : Symfony BrowserKit Componentphp-symfony-classloader.noarch : Symfony ClassLoader Componentphp-symfony-common.noarch : Symfony common filesphp-symfony-config.noarch : Symfony Config Componentphp-symfony-console.noarch : Symfony Console Componentphp-symfony-cssselector.noarch : Symfony CssSelector Componentphp-symfony-debug.noarch : Symfony Debug Componentphp-symfony-dependencyinjection.noarch : Symfony DependencyInjection Componentphp-symfony-doctrinebridge.noarch : Symfony Doctrine Bridgephp-symfony-domcrawler.noarch : Symfony DomCrawler Componentphp-symfony-eventdispatcher.noarch : Symfony EventDispatcher Componentphp-symfony-filesystem.noarch : Symfony Filesystem Componentphp-symfony-finder.noarch : Symfony Finder Componentphp-symfony-form.noarch : Symfony Form Componentphp-symfony-frameworkbundle.noarch : Symfony Framework Bundlephp-symfony-httpfoundation.noarch : Symfony HttpFoundation Componentphp-symfony-httpkernel.noarch : Symfony HttpKernel Componentphp-symfony-intl.noarch : Symfony Intl Componentphp-symfony-locale.noarch : Symfony Locale Componentphp-symfony-monologbridge.noarch : Symfony Monolog Bridgephp-symfony-optionsresolver.noarch : Symfony OptionsResolver Componentphp-symfony-process.noarch : Symfony Process Componentphp-symfony-propertyaccess.noarch : Symfony PropertyAccess Componentphp-symfony-routing.noarch : Symfony Routing Componentphp-symfony-security.noarch : Symfony Security Componentphp-symfony-securitybundle.noarch : Symfony Security Bundlephp-symfony-serializer.noarch : Symfony Serializer Componentphp-symfony-stopwatch.noarch : Symfony Stopwatch Componentphp-symfony-swiftmailerbridge.noarch : Symfony Swiftmailer Bridgephp-symfony-templating.noarch : Symfony Templating Componentphp-symfony-translation.noarch : Symfony Translation Componentphp-symfony-twigbridge.noarch : Symfony Twig Bridgephp-symfony-twigbundle.noarch : Symfony Twig Bundlephp-symfony-validator.noarch : Symfony Validator Componentphp-symfony-webprofilerbundle.noarch : Symfony WebProfiler Bundlephp-symfony-yaml.noarch : Symfony Yaml Componentphp-tcpdf-dejavu-lgc-sans-fonts.noarch : DejaVu LGC sans-serif fonts for tcpdfphp-tcpdf-dejavu-lgc-sans-mono-fonts.noarch : DejaVu LGC mono-spaced fonts for                                            : tcpdfphp-tcpdf-dejavu-lgc-serif-fonts.noarch : DejaVu LGC serif fonts for tcpdfphp-tcpdf-dejavu-sans-fonts.noarch : DejaVu sans-serif fonts for tcpdfphp-tcpdf-dejavu-sans-mono-fonts.noarch : DejaVu mono-spaced fonts for tcpdfphp-tcpdf-dejavu-serif-fonts.noarch : DejaVu serif fonts for tcpdfphp-tcpdf-gnu-free-mono-fonts.noarch : GNU FreeFonts mono-spaced for tcpdfphp-tcpdf-gnu-free-sans-fonts.noarch : GNU FreeFonts sans-serif for tcpdfphp-tcpdf-gnu-free-serif-fonts.noarch : GNU FreeFonts serif for tcpdfphp-twig-ctwig.i686 : Extension to improve performance of Twigwordpress.noarch : Blog tool and publishing platformxhprof.noarch : A Hierarchical Profiler for PHP - Web interface
View Code


用yum install 模块包名来安装。

装好模块后运行命令/etc/init.d/httpd restart重新启动Apache。 d l@











通过命令yum install vsftpd安装ftp服务器

service vsftpd start:启动vsftpd服务。


配置好后通过命令service vsftpd restart重新启动vsftpd服务。




cd etc/httpd/conf

编辑前先备份cp httpd.conf httpd.conf.bak

运行vi httpd.conf编辑配置,vi使用见http://www.cnblogs.com/lovemo1314/archive/2013/01/14/2859289.html


ServerAdmin admin_info@126.com

ServerName www.wcodei.com:80

DocumentRoot "/var/www/html"  #主站点的网页存储位置

ErrorDocument 404 "The file not exist"  #定义错误相应信息


NameVirtualHost *:80

<VirtualHost *:80>

    ServerAdmin admin_info@126.com

    DocumentRoot /www/wcodei

    ServerName www.wcodei.com

    ErrorLog logs/wcodei-error.log

    CustomLog logs/wcodei.log common



将AddDefaultCharset UTF-8注释掉。

