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DES(Data Encryption Standard)是分组对称密码算法DES采用了64位的分组长度和56位的密钥长度,它将64位的输入经过一系列变换得到64位的输出。解密则使用了相同的步骤和相同的密钥。DES的密钥长度为64位,由于第n*8(n=1,2,…8)是校验位,因此实际参与加密的长度为56位,密钥空间含有2^56个密钥。








图1 DES流程图





1、   初始置换函数IP:64位明文分组x经过一个初始置换函数IP,产生64位的输出x0,再将分组x0分成左半部分L0和右半部分R0:即将输入的第58位换到第一位,第50位换到第2位,…,依次类推,最后一位是原来的第7位。L0、R0则是换位输出后的两部分,L0是输出的左32位,R0是右32位。例,设置换前的输入值为D1D2D3…D64,则经过初始置换后的结果为:L0=D58D50…D8;R0=D57D49…D7.其置换规则如表1所示。



表 1

2、   获取子密钥Ki:DES加密算法的密钥长度为56位,一般表示为64位(每个第8位用于奇偶校验),将用户提供的64位初始密钥经过一系列的处理得到K1,K2,…,K16,分别作为1~16轮运算的16个子密钥。

(1). 将64位密钥去掉8个校验位,用密钥置换PC-1(表2)置换剩下的56位密钥;



(2). 将56位分成前28位C0和后28位D0,即PC-1(K56)=C0D0;

(3). 根据轮数,这两部分分别循环左移1位或2位,表3:



(4). 移动后,将两部分合并成56位后通过压缩置换PC-2(表4)后得到48位子密钥,即Ki=PC-2(CiDi).





图2 子密钥产生流程图

3、   密码函数F(非线性的)

(1). 函数F的操作步骤:密码函数F 的输入是32比特数据和48比特的子密钥:



表 5






表 6  S1盒


表 7 S2盒




图 3 F(Ri, Ki)计算

4、   密文输出:经过16次迭代运算后,得到L16、R16,将此作为输入,进行逆置换,即得到密文输出。逆置换正好是初始置的逆运算。例如,第1位经过初始置换后,处于第40位,而通过逆置换,又将第40位换回到第1位,其逆置换规则如表8所示:


表 8 逆置换规则



图 4 DES算法加密原理图















openssl, include/des.h(des_old.h)文件中函数说明:

1、 DES_random_key:generates a random key. The PRNG must be seeded prior to using this function(see L<rand(3)|rand(3)>).  If thePRNG could not generate a secure key, 0 is returned.

2、 DES_set_key_checked: Before a DES key can beused, it must be converted into the architecture dependentI<DES_key_schedule> via the DES_set_key_checked() orDES_set_key_unchecked() function. DES_set_key_checked() will check that the keypassed is of odd parity and is not a week or semi-weak key.  If the parity is wrong, then -1 isreturned.  If the key is a weak key, then-2 is returned.  If an error is returned,the key schedule is not generated.

3、 DES_set_key:works like DES_set_key_checked() if the I<DES_check_key> flag isnon-zero, otherwise like DES_set_key_unchecked().

4、 DES_set_odd_parity:sets the parity of the passed I<key> to odd.

5、 DES_is_weak_key:returns 1 is the passed key is a weak key, 0 if it is ok.

6、 DES_ecb_encrypt:the basic DES encryption routine that encrypts or decrypts a single 8-byteI<DES_cblock> in I<electronic code book> (ECB) mode.

7、 DES_ecb3_encrypt:encrypts/decrypts the I<input> block by using three-key Triple-DESencryption in ECB mode. This involves encrypting the input with I<ks1>,decrypting with the key schedule I<ks2>, and then encrypting withI<ks3>.  This routine greatlyreduces the chances of brute force breaking of DES and has the advantage of ifI<ks1>, I<ks2> and I<ks3> are the same, it is equivalent tojust encryption using ECB mode and I<ks1> as the key.

8、 DES_ecb2_encrypt:The macro is provided to perform two-key Triple-DES encryption by usingI<ks1> for the final encryption.

9、 DES_ncbc_encrypt:encrypts/decrypts using the I<cipher-block-chaining> (CBC) mode of DES. If theI<encrypt> argument is non-zero, the routine cipher-block-chain encryptsthe cleartext data pointed to by the I<input> argument into theciphertext pointed to by the I<output> argument, using the key scheduleprovided by the I<schedule> argument, and initialization vector providedby the I<ivec> argument.  If the I<length>argument is not an integral multiple of eight bytes, the last block is copiedto a temporary area and zero filled.  Theoutput is always an integral multiple of eight bytes.

10、             DES_xcbc_encrypt:is RSA‘s DESX(DESX是DES的一个改进版本,原理是利用一个随机的二进制数与加密前的数据以及解密后的数据异或) mode of DES. It usesI<inw> and I<outw> to ‘whiten‘ the encryption.  I<inw> and I<outw> are secret (unlikethe iv) and are as such, part of the key. So the key is sort of 24 bytes. This is much better than CBC DES.

11、             DES_ede3_cbc_encrypt:implements outer triple CBC DES encryption with three keys. This mode is usedby SSL.

12、             DES_ede2_cbc_encrypt:The macro implements two-key Triple-DES by reusing I<ks1> for the finalencryption. This form of Triple-DES is used by the RSAREF library.

13、             DES_pcbc_encrypt:encrypt/decrypts using the propagating cipher block chaining mode used byKerberos v4. Its parameters are the same as DES_ncbc_encrypt.

14、             DES_cfb_encrypt:encrypt/decrypts using cipher feedback mode. This method takes an array of characters as input and outputs and arrayof characters.  It does not require anypadding to 8 character groups. Note: the I<ivec> variable is changed andthe new changed value needs to be passed to the next call to this function.  Since this function runs a complete DES ECBencryption per I<numbits>, this function is only suggested for use whensending small numbers of characters.

15、             DES_cfb64_encrypt:implements CFB mode of DES with 64bit feedback. this routine will allow you toencrypt an arbitrary number of bytes, no 8 byte padding.  Each call to this routine will encrypt theinput bytes to output and then update ivec and num.

16、             DES_ede3_cfb64_encrypt:is the same as DES_cfb64_encrypt except that Triple-DES is used.

17、             DES_ede2_cfb64_encrypt:is the same as DES_cfb64_encrypt except that Triple-DES is used.

18、             DES_ofb_encrypt: encrypts using output feedbackmode.  This method takes an array ofcharacters as input and outputs and array of characters.  It does not require any padding to 8character groups. Note: the I<ivec> variable is changed and the newchanged value needs to be passed to the next call to this function.  Since this function runs a complete DES ECBencryption per numbits, this function is only suggested for use when sendingsmall numbers of characters.

19、             DES_ofb64_encrypt:is the same as DES_cfb64_encrypt using Output Feed Back mode.

20、             DES_ede3_ofb64_encrypt:is the same as DES_ofb64_encrypt, using Triple-DES.

21、             DES_ede2_ofb64_encrypt:is the same as DES_ofb64_encrypt, using Triple-DES.

22、             DES_cbc_cksum:produces an 8 byte checksum based on the input stream (via CBCencryption).  The last 4 bytes of thechecksum are returned and the complete 8 bytes are placed in I<output>.This function is used by Kerberos(网络认证协议) v4.

23、             DES_quad_cksum:is a Kerberos v4 function.  It returns a4 byte checksum from the input bytes. The algorithm can be iterated over the input, depending onI<out_count>, 1, 2, 3 or 4 times. If I<output> is non-NULL, the 8 bytes generated by each pass arewritten into I<output>.

24、             DES_fcrypt:is a fast version of the Unix crypt(3) function.  This version takes only a small amount ofspace relative to other fast crypt() implementations.  This is different to the normal crypt in thatthe third parameter is the buffer that the return value is written into.  It needs to be at least 14 bytes long.  This function is thread safe, unlike thenormal crypt.

25、             DES_crypt:is a faster replacement for the normal system crypt(). This function callsDES_fcrypt() with a static array passed as the third parameter.  This emulates the normal non-thread safesemantics of crypt(3).

26、             DES_enc_write:writes I<len> bytes to file descriptor I<fd> from bufferI<buf>. The data is encrypted via I<pcbc_encrypt> (default) usingI<sched> for the key and I<iv> as a starting vector.  The actual data send down I<fd>consists of 4 bytes (in network byte order) containing the length of thefollowing encrypted data.  The encrypted datathen follows, padded with random data out to a multiple of 8 bytes.

27、             DES_enc_read:is used to read I<len> bytes from file descriptor I<fd> into bufferI<buf>. The data being read from I<fd> is assumed to have come fromDES_enc_write() and is decrypted using I<sched> for the key schedule andI<iv> for the initial vector.


Note: (1).ECB mode is not suitable for mostapplications; (2). DES_3cbc_encrypt is flawed and must not beused in applications. (3).DES_cbc_encrypt does not modify B<ivec>; useDES_ncbc_encrypt instead. (4). In OpenSSL 0.9.7, all des_ functions wererenamed to DES_ to avoid clashes with older versions of libdes.


Des modes: the variants of DES and othercrypto algorithms of OpenSSL.

Several crypto algorithms for OpenSSL can beused in a number of modes.  Those areused for using block ciphers in a way similar to stream ciphers, among otherthings.

1、 ElectronicCodebook Mode (ECB): (1). Normally, this is found as the functionI<algorithm>_ecb_encrypt();(2). 64 bits are enciphered at a time;(3). The order of the blocks can be rearranged without detection; (4). The sameplaintext block always produces the same ciphertext block(for the same key)making it vulnerable to a ‘dictionary attack‘; (5). An error will only affect oneciphertext block.

2、 CipherBlock Chaining Mode (CBC): (1). Normally, this is found as the functionI<algorithm>_cbc_encrypt(). Be aware that des_cbc_encrypt() is not reallyDES CBC (it does not update the IV); use des_ncbc_encrypt() instead; (2). amultiple of 64 bits are enciphered at a time; (3). The CBC mode produces the sameciphertext whenever the same plaintext is encrypted using the same key andstarting variable; (3). The chaining operation makes the ciphertextblocks dependent on the current and all preceding plaintext blocks andtherefore blocks can not be rearranged; (4). The use of different startingvariables prevents the same plaintext enciphering to the same ciphertext; (5). An errorwill affect the current and the following ciphertext blocks.

3、 CipherFeedback Mode (CFB): (1). Normally, this is found as the functionI<algorithm>_cfb_encrypt(); (2). a number of bits (j) <= 64 areenciphered at a time; (3). The CFB mode produces the same ciphertextwhenever the same plaintext is encrypted using the same key and startingvariable; (4). The chaining operation makes the ciphertextvariables dependent on the current and all preceding variables and thereforej-bit variables are chained together and can not be rearranged; (5). The useof different starting variables prevents the same plaintext enciphering to thesame ciphertext; (6). The strength of the CFB mode depends on thesize of k (maximal if j == k).  In myimplementation this is always the case; (7). Selection of a small value for jwill require more cycles through the encipherment algorithm per unit ofplaintext and thus cause greater processing overheads; (8). Onlymultiples of j bits can be enciphered; (9). An error will affect the currentand the following ciphertext variables.

4、 OutputFeedback Mode (OFB): (1). Normally, this is found as the functionI<algorithm>_ofb_encrypt(); (2). a number of bits (j) <= 64 areenciphered at a time; (3). The OFB mode produces the same ciphertextwhenever the same plaintext enciphered using the same key and startingvariable.  Moreover, in the OFB mode thesame key stream is produced when the same key and start variable are used.  Consequently, for security reasons a specificstart variable should be used only once for a given key; (4). Theabsence of chaining makes the OFB more vulnerable to specific attacks; (5). The useof different start variables values prevents the same plaintext enciphering tothe same ciphertext, by producing different key streams; (6). Selectionof a small value for j will require more cycles through the enciphermentalgorithm per unit of plaintext and thus cause greater processing overheads;(7). Only multiples of j bits can be enciphered; (8). OFB modeof operation does not extend ciphertext errors in the resultant plaintextoutput.  Every bit error in theciphertext causes only one bit to be in error in the deciphered plaintext; (9). OFB modeis not self-synchronizing.  If the twooperation of encipherment and decipherment get out of synchronism, the systemneeds to be re-initialized; (10). Each re-initialization should usea value of the start variable different from the start variable values usedbefore with the same key.  The reason forthis is that an identical bit stream would be produced each time from the sameparameters.  This would be susceptible toa ‘known plaintext‘ attack.

5、 TripleECB Mode: (1). Normally, this is found as the functionI<algorithm>_ecb3_encrypt(); (2). Encrypt with key1, decrypt withkey2 and encrypt with key3 again; (2). As for ECB encryption butincreases the key length to 168 bits. There are theoretic attacks that can beused that make the effective key length 112 bits, but this attack also requires2^56 blocks of memory, not very likely, even for the NSA; (3). If bothkeys are the same it is equivalent to encrypting once with just one key; (4). If thefirst and last key are the same, the key length is 112 bits. There are attacksthat could reduce the effective key strength to only slightly more than 56bits, but these require a lot of memory; (5). If all 3 keys are the same, thisis effectively the same as normal ecb mode.

6、 TripleCBC Mode: (1). Normally, this is found as the functionI<algorithm>_ede3_cbc_encrypt(); (2). Encrypt with key1, decrypt withkey2 and then encrypt with key3; (3). As for CBC encryption butincreases the key length to 168 bits with the same restrictions as for tripleecb mode.



1、 《基于DES和ECC混合加密算法的数字签名研究与应用》

2、 openssl/doc
