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DELPHI XE2 遍历子目录及文件《转》

function MakeFileList(Path,FileExt:string):TStringList ;var  sch:TSearchrec;begin  Result:=TStringlist.Create;  if rightStr(trim(Path), 1) <> \ then    Path := trim(Path) + \  else    Path := trim(Path);  if not DirectoryExists(Path) then  begin    Result.Clear;    exit;  end;  if FindFirst(Path + *, faAnyfile, sch) = 0 then  begin    repeat       Application.ProcessMessages;       if ((sch.Name = .) or (sch.Name = ..)) then Continue;       if DirectoryExists(Path+sch.Name) then       begin         Result.AddStrings(MakeFileList(Path+sch.Name,FileExt));       end       else       begin         if (UpperCase(extractfileext(Path+sch.Name)) = UpperCase(FileExt)) or (FileExt=.*) then         Result.Add(Path+sch.Name);       end;    until FindNext(sch) <> 0;    FindClose(sch);  end;end;
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);var  I : integer;begin  lst1.Items := MakeFileList(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName)+Report,.fr3);  for I := 0 to lst1.Count -1 do    begin      lst1.Items[I] := StringReplace(StringReplace(lst1.Items[I],ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName)+Report,‘‘,[rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]),\,‘‘,[rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]);    end;  if lst1.Items[0] = ‘‘ then    lst1.Items.Delete(0);    cbb1.Clear;  for I := 0 to lst1.Count -1 do    begin      cbb1.Items.Add(lst1.Items[I]);      cbb1.ItemIndex := 0;    end;  lst1.Clear;end;


DELPHI XE2 遍历子目录及文件《转》